There will be a 4-pixel wide space between these span elements:
span { display: inline-block; width: 100px; background-color: palevioletred; }
Foo Bar
Fiddle Demo
I know I can remove this space by removing the space between the span elements in the HTML:
Foo Bar
I'm looking for a CSS solution that doesn't involve:
For browsers that comply with the CSS3 standard, you can use the
Alternatively, you can useflexboxto achieve many of the layouts you might have previously achieved using inline-block: -flexbox/
Since this answer has become quite popular, I'm rewriting it.
Let us not forget the actual question asked:
This problem can be solved using just CSS, but there is no completely stable CSS fix.
The solution I proposed in my original answer was to add
font-size: 0
to the parent element and then declare a reasonablefont-size
in the child element.
This works in the latest versions of all modern browsers. It works in IE8. It doesn't work in Safari 5, but works in Safari 6. Safari 5 is almost a dead browser (0.33%, August 2015).
Most issues related to relative font sizes are not complicated.
However, if you are free to change the HTML (most people are), this is a reasonable solution, but not one I would recommend.
As an experienced web developer, this is how I actually solved this problem:
Yes, that's it. I removed the spaces in the HTML between inline block elements.
It's easy. this is very simple. It works everywhere. This is a pragmatic solution.
You sometimes have to think carefully about the source of whitespace. Will spaces be added if I append another element using JavaScript? No, if you do it correctly.
Let's take a magical journey and learn about some different ways to remove spaces, using some new HTML:
You can do what I usually do:
Or, do this:
Or, use comments:
Or if you use PHP or something similar:
Alternatively,you can evenomitcertainclosing tags entirely (supported by all browsers):
Now that I've bored you with "thirtydot's thousand different ways to remove spaces", I hope you've forgotten
font-size: 0