类型 'readonly [{ readonly key: "1"; readonly label: "Tab 1"; readonly children: "Content of Tab Pane 1"; }, { readonly key: "2"; readonly label: "Tab 2"; readonly children: "Content of Tab Pane 2"; }, { ...; }]' 是 'readonly' 类型,不能赋值给可变类型 'Tab[]'。ts(4104)
import React, { useState } from "react"; import "./index.css"; import { Tabs } from "antd"; import type { TabsProps } from "antd"; const items: TabsProps["items"] = [ { key: "1", label: `Tab 1`, children: `Content of Tab Pane 1` }, { key: "2", label: `Tab 2`, children: `Content of Tab Pane 2` }, { key: "3", label: `Tab 3`, children: `Content of Tab Pane 3` } ] as const; type ArrKey = typeof items[number]["key"]; const App: React.FC = () => { const [index, setIndex] = useState("1"); const onChange = (key: string) => { setIndex(key); }; return ; }; export default App;
Hi, hope I understood your problem correctlyI fixed your problemherehttps://codesandbox.io/s/basic-antd-5-8-3- forked-7m8jhc?file=/demo.tsx