I have a problem using Vue Apollo and Vuex in my Vue application, so when I log into the website for the first time, the web page is empty i.e. does not contain events and authentication, but when I use When the refresh button refreshes the site, all events load and the authentication is visible even in the network tab.Please can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
import { ApolloClient } from 'apollo-client'; import { HttpLink } from 'apollo-link-http'; import { InMemoryCache } from 'apollo-cache-inmemory'; import { createApolloProvider } from '@vue/apollo-option'; import { onError } from '@apollo/client/link/error'; onError(({ graphQLErrors, networkError }) => { if (graphQLErrors) graphQLErrors.map(({ message, locations, path }) => console.log( `[GraphQL error]: Message: ${message}, Location: ${locations}, Path: ${path}`, ), ); if (networkError) { networkError.message = networkError.result.errors[0].debugMessage console.log(`[Network error]: ${networkError}`) }; }); const XPORTAL = process.env.VUE_APP_XPORTAL function getHeaders() { const headers = {}; const token = window.localStorage.getItem("apollo-token"); if (token) { headers["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${token}`; } headers["x-portal"] = XPORTAL; headers["X-Requested-With"] = "XMLHttpRequest"; return headers } let GRAPHQL = process.env.VUE_APP_API_GRAPHQL let GRAPHQLPORTAL = process.env.VUE_APP_API_GRAPHQLPORTAL const graphqlClient = new ApolloClient({ link: new HttpLink({uri: GRAPHQL, headers: getHeaders()}), cache: new InMemoryCache() }); const graphqlClientPortal = new ApolloClient({ link: new HttpLink({ uri: GRAPHQLPORTAL, headers: getHeaders()}), cache: new InMemoryCache() }); export function provider() { const provider = createApolloProvider({ clients: { graphqlClient, graphqlClientPortal }, defaultClient: graphqlClient, defaultOptions: { $query: { fetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network' } }, }) return provider }
import { createApp } from "vue"; import App from "./App.vue"; import router from "./router"; import store from "./store"; import * as apolloProvider from "../../events.live/src/utils/graphql"; const app = createApp(App); app.use(apolloProvider.provider) app.use(store); app.use(router); app.mount("#app");
import { provider } from "../utils/graphql"; actions: { async fetchLogin({ commit, state }) { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { commit('loadingStatus', true) try { const response = await provider().clients.graphqlClient.mutate({ mutation: gql`mutation Login($email:String!, $password:String!) { login(email:$email, password:$password){ token } }`, variables: { email: state.login.email, password: state.login.password } }) const token = response.data.login.token commit('setToken', token) localStorage.setItem('apollo-token', token) } catch (error) { commit('loadingStatus', false) } resolve() }) }, { async fetchEvents({ commit }) { try { const response = await provider().clients.graphqlClientPortal.query({ query: gql` query LiveEvents($limit: Int!, $page: Int!){ liveEvents(pagination:{limit:$limit, page:$page}, order:{startsAt:{direction: DESC}}){ total, data{ id, name, stub, description, mainImage{ id, uri }, location, type, layout chat, liveStream{ endsAt, startsAt } } } } `, variables: { limit: 12, page: 0 }, }); commit('allEvents', response.data.liveEvents.data); } catch (error) { console.log('error-message', error.graphQLErrors) } },
This is my solution.