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How to write the connection file
How to write the conn.php file
This is how to write the conn.php file in this project
The third parameter of the file_put_contents() method in the PHP Filesystem series of functions is set to FILE_APPEND. The FILE_APPEND mark allows you to append content to the end of the file to achieve connection. I wonder if that’s what you mean?
What does connection file mean? Please describe your needs in detail
If you are reading or writing files, use PHP's built-in functions file_get_contents and file_put_contents
How to write the conn.php file
This is how to write the conn.php file in this project
The third parameter of the file_put_contents() method in the PHP Filesystem series of functions is set to FILE_APPEND. The FILE_APPEND mark allows you to append content to the end of the file to achieve connection. I wonder if that’s what you mean?
What does connection file mean? Please describe your needs in detail
If you are reading or writing files, use PHP's built-in functions file_get_contents and file_put_contents