The host has been activated, please upload your website program in time! How is this going?
Burton M
Burton M 2018-01-22 11:36:07

The boss gave me the files in the wwwroot directory of the old website.

I downloaded phpstudy for local testing. According to the official website’s method, I created a new 123 folder in the D drive phpstudy/www to put the files of the old website. ,

When you open the website with a browser at three, it will show that the host has been activated. Please upload your website program in time!

May I ask how is this going?

Is it a database problem or an old website problem?

Burton M
Burton M

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Burton M



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  • reply I found the reason, I just uploaded the website but did not install it. . . I don’t know how to deal with this.
    Burton M author 2018-01-22 17:13:26

First check whether your local domain name configuration has taken effect. If it has taken effect, then look for it in the program

  • reply It has taken effect. I looked at the host and vhosts-cons. There are first-level and second-level URLs. I am wondering if it is caused by the lack of index.PHP in the root directory.
    Burton M author 2018-01-22 13:58:19
  • reply In cmd, ping the domain name to see if the IP is 127.0.01
    ringa_lee author 2018-01-22 14:43:49
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