84669 person learning
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48569 person learning
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32909 person learning
What version of thinkphp is this? Is it suitable for novice developers now?
It must be TP5. The teacher here recommended it. Generally, only old projects use TP3.2. New projects developed now generally use TP5. Moreover, many companies now need TP5, so go and learn TP5.
tp3.2 is no longer recommended, and now the company has changed to tp5.
tp3.2 is relatively simple and easy to use
It must be TP5. The teacher here recommended it. Generally, only old projects use TP3.2. New projects developed now generally use TP5. Moreover, many companies now need TP5, so go and learn TP5.
tp3.2 is no longer recommended, and now the company has changed to tp5.
tp3.2 is relatively simple and easy to use