After copying the official vuex example before, I planned to make a demo with complete HTML, CSS, and more complete functions. Then it was basically completed. When I started testing, I encountered a background error " this.$store.dispatch is not a function”
I didn’t get it right all afternoon. I compared the examples for a long time and still didn’t see the problem. I used vue’s official chrome The debugger knows that state and getters are introduced, so state and actions do not get the data I simulated
The relevant codes are as follows
//Product.vue import { mapGetters, mapActions } from 'vuex' export default { ... created () { this.$store.dispatch('getAllDetails') } }
//store/modules/product.js import shop from '../../api/shop' import * as types from '../mutation-types' const state = { all:[] } const actions = { getAllDetails({ commit }) { shop.getDetails( details => { commit(types.PRODUCT_DETAILS, { details }) }) } } const mutations = { [types.PRODUCT_DETAILS] (state, { details }) { state.all = details } } export default { state, getters, actions, mutations }
//store/mutations-types export const PRODUCT_DETAILS = 'PRODUCT_DETAILS'
//shop.js const _details = [{ iPhone6S: { name: 'Apple/苹果 iPhone 6S', desc: '3D Touch、1200万像素照片、4k视频,强大功能于一身。', price: '5288 - 6888', style: { '银色': '', '深空灰色': '', '金色': '', '玫瑰金色': '' }, activeStyleUrl: '', size: { '16GB': 5288, '64GB': 6088, '128GB': 6888 } } }] export default { getDetails (cb) { console.log(cb) return cb(_details) } }
If you have time, or feel that the clips I captured cannot explain the problem, you can download the full version from github for debugging. Thank you in advance.
Modify main.js
import * as store from './store'
import store from './store'
You must first introduce store into your code,
import store from './store'