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My apache80 port is occupied
I would like to ask if this is occupied and how to turn it off in mac system
1. Terminal execution (Ni’s output may be different from mine, that’s okay. You can’t see port 1024 without sudo)
sudo lsof -i:80
2. Find the process, then
sudo kill -9 202 sudo kill -9 53
kill -9 pid
Two ways to check:
1. netstat -anl | grep "80" 2.lsof -i:80
1. netstat -anl | grep "80"
2.lsof -i:80
Then kill it
Find him and kill him
Violently kill that process
1. Terminal execution (Ni’s output may be different from mine, that’s okay. You can’t see port 1024 without sudo)
2. Find the process, then
kill -9 pid
Two ways to check:
Then kill it
Find him and kill him
Violently kill that process