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java Why does the Mybatis system add table prefixes when designing tables? Are there any disadvantages in not adding them?
Obviously to distinguish projects. When there are many database tables, table prefixes can be used to achieve faster search, maintenance, etc.
This is really a poor design. Different databases should be used to distinguish projects!
This is a habit developed by old programmers for future generations haha
Generally related to business logic.
For example, system-related tables sys_user, sys_role, etc.Query related tables query_money, query_time, etc.
Obviously to distinguish projects. When there are many database tables, table prefixes can be used to achieve faster search, maintenance, etc.
This is really a poor design. Different databases should be used to distinguish projects!
This is a habit developed by old programmers for future generations haha
Generally related to business logic.
For example, system-related tables sys_user, sys_role, etc.
Query related tables query_money, query_time, etc.