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There is a problem. One page only has buttons, and one page has words. Then click this button, and the words on the other page will change color.
This can help you
HTML5 postMessage communicates with the browser across windowshttps://developer.mozilla.org...
B creates a message that listens to the message sent by window A, and changes color if the conditions are met
Thanks for the invitation!
There are many ways to achieve it:
1) ajax polling2) php websocket, message push, page button message is pushed to the display page instantly3) html postMessage cross-window messaging
In fact, it is all about letting the display get the displayed message
This can help you
HTML5 postMessage communicates with the browser across windows
B creates a message that listens to the message sent by window A, and changes color if the conditions are met
Thanks for the invitation!
There are many ways to achieve it:
1) ajax polling
2) php websocket, message push, page button message is pushed to the display page instantly
3) html postMessage cross-window messaging
In fact, it is all about letting the display get the displayed message