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Add two watermarks to a picture, or combine three pictures into one picture. It’s okay to add one watermark, but it won’t work if you add two.
It’s okay to add one, but not two?
If that doesn’t work, add a watermark, generate a picture, and then add a watermark to the picture. Is that the solution? .
Doesn’t two mean one done twice???
It should be possible to use the gd libraryFirst create a blank picture, then copy the first picture, and then copy the other two using parameter control
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It’s okay to add one, but not two?
If that doesn’t work, add a watermark, generate a picture, and then add a watermark to the picture. Is that the solution? .
Doesn’t two mean one done twice???
It should be possible to use the gd library
First create a blank picture, then copy the first picture, and then copy the other two using parameter control