First of all, thank you for your answers.
Sublime Text3 After installing the sublimelinter plug-in, I also installed csslinter and jshint, and used node to install jshint and csslint globally. Code verification works, but if I write a style tag normally, an error will be reported.
Originally I also installed a plug-in and npm package for detecting html tags, but now I have removed them, but this situation still occurs, and I hope it can be solved.
To add:
The following is the configuration of my sublimelinter.
{ "user": { "csslint_options": { "adjoining-classes": false, "box-model": false, "box-sizing": false, "compatible-vendor-prefixes": false, "floats": false, "font-sizes": false, "gradients": false, "important": false, "known-properties": false, "outline-none": false, "qualified-headings": false, "regex-selectors": false, "shorthand": false, "text-indent": false, "unique-headings": false, "universal-selector": false, "unqualified-attributes": false }, "debug": false, "delay": 0.25, "error_color": "D02000", "gutter_theme": "Packages/SublimeLinter/gutter-themes/Default/Default.gutter-theme", "gutter_theme_excludes": [], "jshint_options": { "bitwise": false, "browser": true, "curly": true, "devel": true, "eqeqeq": false, "evil": true, "forin": true, "globals": { "$": true, "console": true, "document": true, "global": true, "grunt": true, "jQuery": true, "module": true, "setInterval": true, "setTimeout": true, "window": true }, "jquery": true, "latedef": true, "node": true, "strict": false, "undef": true, "unused": "vars", "wsh": true }, "lint_mode": "background", "linters": { "csslint": { "@disable": false, "args": [], "errors": "", "excludes": [], "ignore": "", "warnings": "" }, "jshint": { "@disable": false, "args": [], "excludes": [] } }, "mark_style": "outline", "no_column_highlights_line": false, "passive_warnings": false, "paths": { "linux": [], "osx": [], "windows": [] }, "python_paths": { "linux": [], "osx": [], "windows": [] }, "rc_search_limit": 3, "shell_timeout": 10, "show_errors_on_save": false, "show_marks_in_minimap": true, "sublimelinter": "save-only", "sublimelinter_executable_map": { "css": "C:/Program Files/nodejs/node.exe", "javascript": "C:/Program Files/nodejs/node.exe" }, "sublimelinter_gutter_marks": true, "sublimelinter_popup_errors_on_save": true, "syntax_map": { "html (django)": "html", "html (rails)": "html", "html 5": "html", "javascript (babel)": "javascript", "magicpython": "python", "php": "html", "python django": "python" }, "warning_color": "DDB700", "wrap_find": true } }
I have never encountered this problem, but it is definitely a problem with lint. You can look at your plug-in configurations in turn. It is estimated that some plug-ins may not be allowed to use the configuration in
. Which one should have a configuration problem.