84669 person learning
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48569 person learning
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按照默认配置,PHP 中的 session 在经过 24 分钟,且触发了 1/1000 的概率后,会进入过期 session 文件的销毁过程。请问这个过程会与请求处理过程同步进行吗?还是会开启一个异步进程处理呢?如果是前者,难道不会阻塞这一次请求的执行吗?
It is not asynchronous and will indeed block the user request, so it needs probability to start.
It’s not asynchronous. Every time PHP accepts a request, there is a certain probability to clean up the expired session. This probability is controlled by these parameters
session.gc_probability = 1 session.gc_pisor = 1000 session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440
It is not asynchronous and will indeed block the user request, so it needs probability to start.
It’s not asynchronous. Every time PHP accepts a request, there is a certain probability to clean up the expired session. This probability is controlled by these parameters