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- How to comment multiple lines in vscode
- vscode can use the [Ctrl + Shift + /] shortcut keys to implement multi-line comments. Of course, the shortcut keys can also be modified. Click Preferences - Keyboard Shortcuts and enter comment in the search box. At this time, you can see the "Switch Block Comment" message, which is the shortcut key for the default multi-line comment.
- VSCode 16458 2019-11-08 13:40:56
- How to view hexadecimal in vscode
- To view hexadecimal files in vscode, you can use the plug-in called Hexdump for VSCode. Select the file to be browsed in the file browsing window of VSCode, right-click the mouse, and select "Show Hexdump" in the pop-up menu, so that the file will be Open and display in hexadecimal format.
- VSCode 16163 2019-11-08 13:27:10
- How to install git in vscode
- The first step is to download the git installation package. After installing git, configure the environment variables. Open cmd with win+R and enter the command git to verify whether the installation is successful. If you can enter git under any path, it means that the environment variable settings have taken effect. The second step is to open vscode, File->Preferences->Settings, open user settings, and configure the git path.
- VSCode 17488 2019-11-08 13:13:13
- How to exit vscode full screen
- The shortcut keys for vscode to enter full screen/exit full screen are all F11. The editor also integrates all the features that a modern editor should have, including syntax highlighting, customizable hotkey bindings, bracket matching, and code snippet collection.
- VSCode 22409 2019-11-08 12:01:38
- What should I do if vscode is stuck?
- Solution to vscode stuck: After opening vscode, click File => Preferences => Settings, search for the setting search.followSymlinks; then change this value to false in the user-defined settings on the right, search.followSymlinks = false,
- VSCode 14018 2019-11-08 11:51:12
- What to do if vscode is not cleanly uninstalled
- The solution to the problem of unclean uninstallation of vscode: first find the control panel, add and delete programs and find vscode; then delete vscode and restart the computer; then use the software management of the toolbox to automatically uninstall the software to uninstall it cleanly.
- VSCode 5117 2019-11-08 11:45:10
- What's good about vscode
- vscode is cross-platform, free and open source; has a well-designed GUI; has powerful default settings, VSCode provides out-of-the-box "Java, Type, JSON, HTML, CSS, Less and Sass" intelligence Aware; highly discoverable extensions.
- VSCode 3628 2019-11-08 11:44:16
- How to exit full screen in vscode
- The method for vscode to exit full screen is to press the shortcut key [F11]. The [F11] shortcut key can make vscode enter full screen or exit full screen.
- VSCode 20773 2019-11-08 11:22:49
- Solution to vscode not opening
- Solution to why vscode cannot be opened: Execute the netsh winsock reset reset command, and finally you will be prompted to successfully reset the Winsock directory. Generally, there is no need to restart. Just double-click your Visual Code and it should be able to open it.
- VSCode 16206 2019-11-08 11:18:22
- How to Chineseize vscode
- How to localize vscode: First open the extension interface and enter [Chinese] in the input box; then click the [Install] button to install the [Chinese] plug-in; then press the shortcut key [CTRL+SHILF+P] and select [zh-cn] ;Finally restart the vscode editor.
- VSCode 21090 2019-11-08 11:17:51
- How to install plug-in in vscode
- In vscode, click the bottom button in the row of buttons on the left; there is a search box here where you can search for plug-ins; for example, we search for "Visual Studio Code Settings Sync", which is a plug-in that can synchronize your own vscode settings. After installation is complete, click Reload to take effect.
- VSCode 5824 2019-11-08 11:02:38
- How to change the theme in vscode
- How to change the theme of vscode: first open the vscode software; then click "file" - "preferences"; then find "color theme" under the "preferences" option; finally select a new theme in the color theme interface to change.
- VSCode 5702 2019-11-08 10:54:00
- Does vscode support Chinese now?
- vscode now supports Chinese. Open the vscode tool; use the shortcut key combination Ctrl+Shift+p, enter "configure display language" in the search box, and click OK; modify the attribute "locale" under the locale.json file to "zh-CN"
- VSCode 3337 2019-11-08 10:48:31
- Can vscode debug PHP?
- vscode can debug PHP. The debugging method is: first install the XDebug extension; then set PHP to use XDebug; then enable remote debugging; and finally add the vscode extension.
- VSCode 2887 2019-11-08 10:48:01
- The difference between vscode and vs2017
- The difference between vscode and vs2017 is: 1. vscode is a very simple text editor, while vs2017 is a comprehensive integrated development environment; 2. Functionally, vs2017 is much larger than vscode, but vscode is far more lightweight than vs2017.
- VSCode 8391 2019-11-08 10:43:21