Course Introduction:This course is based on the real-time web chat and backend customer management system developed by php workerman to create websocket service. This course requires you to have a certain PHP oop foundation. The course content mainly includes: 1. Websoket communication principle and relationship with http 2. Workerman to build websoket service 3. QQ group chat principle and implementation 4. Workerman message push and timer 5. One-on-one private chats and customer service randomly assigned 6. Customer service background obtains online customer list, etc. 7. Chat message storage and other contents.
Can you provide courses related to swoole, hyperf, and workerman?
2021-12-20 10:50:16 0 0 991
Course Introduction:First download the official Workerman framework, then use Workerman as the server and create a new file in the root directory of the Workerman framework for configuration. Workerman can run independently without relying on containers such as php-fpm, nginx or apache.
2019-12-05 comment 02648
Course Introduction:Below, the workerman introductory tutorial column will introduce to you what Workerman is. I hope it will be helpful to friends who need it! Workerman is a high-performance PHP socket server framework. Workerman is based on PHP multi-process and libevent event polling libraries.
2019-11-22 comment 04839
Course Introduction:workerman needs to be installed. Installation steps: 1. Check the installation environment. 2. Download the Workerman-master installation package. 3. Create a startup file. 4. Use the php xxx.php start command to start workererman.
2019-12-06 comment 02213
Course Introduction:Configuration method of server workerman: first install the "workerman" environment; then add the workerman extension to "php.ini"; finally use the command "/etc/init.d/php-fpm restart" to restart.
2020-04-12 comment 05763
Course Introduction:Below, the workerman php tutorial column will introduce the features of WorkerMan to you. I hope it will be helpful to friends in need! Applications developed using WorkerMan can run independently without relying on containers such as php-fpm, apache, and nginx. This enables PHP developers to develop and deploy.
2019-11-22 comment 02118