Course Introduction:Practical projects in this issue: 01. IM instant messaging: imitating Baidu Shangqiao, online chat; 02. Online mall system development: mall + product management + payment; 03. Short video development: imitating Douyin; 04. Product high concurrency flash sale system ; 05. News/article management system; 06. General backend management system; 07. Linux system operation and maintenance and project officially launched (gift); 08. PHP crawler collection course (gift); 09. Live broadcast system and multi-person live chat room System (gift);
Course Introduction:The comprehensive practical course aims to consolidate the learning results of the first two stages, achieve flexible application of front-end and PHP core knowledge points, complete your own projects through practical training, and provide guidance on online implementation. Comprehensive practical key practical courses include: social e-commerce system backend development, client management, Infinitus category design, user rights management, distribution, promotion system design, the entire WeChat/Alipay payment process, project online operation...
Course Introduction:Consolidate the learning results of the first and second phases, achieve flexible application of front-end and PHP core knowledge points, complete your own projects with practical training, and guide the launch
Course Introduction:VuePress consists of two parts: the first part is a minimalist static website generator (opens new window), which contains a theme system and plug-in API driven by Vue, and the other part is a default theme optimized for writing technical documents. The original intention was to support the documentation needs of Vue and its sub-projects.
Course Introduction:"Practical Project of Developing a News Website Natively in PHP" is a front-end and back-end program that uses pure native code to create a news station, and then displays the database information on the front-end page. How to manage the database in the background!
How to list data in a section by ID using while loop in PHP?
2023-11-17 20:03:03 0 1 290
Best way to preload route data before accessing the route.
2023-11-17 14:54:42 0 2 379
Module is not defined in Vue project
2023-11-17 12:38:53 0 2 394
New title: New script does not correctly display strange character encoding of stored data
2023-11-17 10:51:01 0 2 273
How to pass key as select option value in v-for when changed (VueJS)
2023-11-17 08:55:24 0 1 276
Course Introduction:一提到回合制卡牌游戏,大家会想到哪些经典台词?那必不可少的就是游戏王中的“我的回合,抽卡!”。相信不少牌佬们都早已熟悉了你一来我一往的竞技对决,目前市面上的CCG卡牌也很难跳出这样的桎梏。等待了许久,等到提醒结束的烧绳信号出现时,对方才缓缓拍下一张随从结束回合。这样令人抓狂的回合似乎早已司空见惯,无论是刚刚提到的《游戏王》还是卡牌游戏真神《炉石传说》,都离不开烧绳与思考的折磨。尤其是控制卡组的后期对决,每一次决策都至关重要,到最后渐渐演变成……我的回合-思考……-----时间不多了!拍下随从!结束回合!对
2024-07-23 comment575
Course Introduction:Java uses the addAll() function of the ArrayList class to add one collection to another collection. In Java programming, it is often necessary to add elements from one collection to another collection. In order to achieve this function, we can use the addAll() function of the ArrayList class. This function adds a collection to the end of another collection and returns the added collection. ArrayList is a commonly used implementation class in the Java collection framework. It implements the List interface
2023-07-24 comment 01397
Course Introduction:In PHP 7, a new feature was introduced, the null coalescing operator (??), which is used as an alternative to the ternary operation combined with the isset() function, which returns the null if it exists, instead of the null coalescing operator the first operand, otherwise the second operand is returned.
2020-05-28 comment 02378
Course Introduction:In PHP development, arrays are a very important data type, and they often need to be merged or deduplicated. This article will introduce how to use PHP to merge two arrays into one. Array Merge PHP provides an array_merge() function to merge two or more arrays and return a new array. The syntax is as follows: `array array_merge ( array $array1 [, array $... ] ) ` Among them, array1 is a required parameter, indicating that it is to be merged
2023-05-06 comment 0368
Course Introduction:A method in php has only one return value. In the PHP method, the return value is defined using the return statement, with the syntax "return return value;". The return statement can only return one parameter, that is, the method (function) can only have one return value; if you want to return multiple values, you need to define an array in the method (function) and store the return value in the array for return.
2022-06-13 comment 01210