Course Elementary 13856
Course Introduction:dedeCMS is an open source content management system that is both flexible, simple and powerful. It is also the leading brand of open source CMS in China. The dede video tutorial template allows more webmasters to easily create websites based on the dede cms system.
2018-07-28 15:36:29 0 1 1130
Course Introduction:dede tag call, dede call. dede tag call, dede call calls a certain column name {dede:type typeid='1'}[field:typename /]{/dede:type} calls a certain column link {dede:type typeid='1'}[field:typelink /]{/dede:type}
2016-07-13 comment 0 912
Course Introduction:The solution to the backend card of Dede: first open the backend directory dede of the dede website; then find the "index_body.php" file in the dede directory and download it; then delete all the codes in the article and replace them with the code " echo "";"Save it.
2019-12-07 comment 0 2313