The latest MySQL version of phpstudy is only 5.5. Is there an integrated version of 5.6 or 5.7?
一张国旗~~ 2017-12-20 21:34:38 0 2 1472
Teacher, please create a complete example of the message board.
{Nick} 2023-01-29 17:23:24 0 2 909
phpstudy integrates iis, can you customize the php version of different sites?
HUISOFT 2018-07-23 10:35:48 0 1 1439
About using "php programmer toolbox full version"
SanHuo 2018-11-14 23:15:08 0 2 875
How to use ucenter to integrate two different versions of thinkphp projects
时间 2018-12-07 12:59:27 0 0 926
哆啦尊比 2017-11-03 21:24:14 0 1 3741
懒人 2018-07-04 14:49:59 0 1 1211
There are two Git repositories, the old and the new, can they be merged?
伊谢尔伦 2017-05-02 09:28:29 0 3 611
phpStudy 2017 version, but still prompts PHP >= 5.6.0 required
ぃ義戰師o○ 2017-10-12 11:55:05 0 2 2961
蜗 牛 2017-10-04 15:08:50 0 1 814
docker-compose health check passes, but still unhealthy
P粉596161915 2024-02-26 10:58:41 0 2 393
Framework integration CORS in Laravel version 9
P粉556159786 2023-11-01 16:02:32 0 1 908
善男子 2020-06-18 15:54:04 0 1 1138