Vue 3/Nuxt 3 scoped slots with generic data types inferred from props
I want to implement a carousel component in Nuxtv3. This component receives a list of items. This component only implements logic, not style or structure. Now this is my component: components/tdx/carousel.vue P粉863295057 2023-11-02 21:59:05 0 1 357 CSS scope custom properties are not recognized when used to evaluate variables in the parent scope P粉006847750 2023-11-01 21:53:10 0 1 180 @vitejs/plugin-vue cannot be installed in Laravel project P粉070918777 2023-11-01 12:57:32 0 2 254 Align decimal points of numbers in table with pseudo "center" alignment appearing in cells P粉373990857 2023-10-24 13:01:47 0 1 266 Rejections are not propagated in chained promises P粉193307465 2023-10-23 17:50:47 0 2 257 Why can't flex items shrink below content size? P粉038161873 2023-10-15 22:06:39 0 2 286 Vue 2 - Warning about changing props P粉818306280 2023-10-13 10:49:44 0 2 217 Console.log returns 'undefined' when trying to update status with fetched data P粉925239921 2023-09-21 09:52:52 0 1 240 Unlimited API calls triggered by UseEffect P粉501683874 2023-09-20 20:50:56 0 1 203 P粉301523298 2023-09-16 14:17:29 0 1 521 Creating Vertically Connected Dendrograms: Echart Implementation Guide P粉071559609 2023-09-15 15:25:10 0 1 412 Returns a sequence of DT::datatables in a list of knitted HTML documents P粉510127741 2023-09-15 13:55:12 0 1 686 P粉677684876 2023-09-14 21:54:36 0 1 303 How to change the font family in the Tailwind component I have a select component and I want to set a custom font like another input box P粉037215587 2023-09-14 20:18:29 0 1 194 Automatically add logged in user's ID to KeystoneJS foreign key field P粉239164234 2023-09-14 12:23:19 0 1 289 Select a routing model and store routing data P粉949267121 2023-09-14 11:22:24 0 1 287 Project implementation method to limit div height P粉814160988 2023-09-13 20:46:45 0 1 204 Click area of slide arrow is wider than icon P粉195200437 2023-09-13 19:29:50 0 1 282 Throws new ResourceNotFoundError(id) for non-existent id n P粉060528326 2023-09-13 16:13:55 0 1 220