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Found a total of 282 related content
  • LNMP 0.7 Nginx
    LNMP 0.7 Nginx
    LNMP 0.7 Nginx
    2018-02-02 221 3244
  • nginx for Windows
    nginx for Windows
    nginx for Windows
    2018-01-20 366 4023
  • Nginx helper v1.0.5.1
    Nginx helper v1.0.5.1
    Nginx helper v1.0.5.1
    2018-03-03 195 5211
  • Nginx server V1.7.7
    Nginx server V1.7.7
    Nginx server V1.7.7
    2018-02-02 196 3277
  • Nginx helper
    Nginx helper
    Nginx ("engine x") is a high-performance HTTP and reverse proxy server
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  • WinNMP - Windows Nginx MySql Php 8 stack
    WinNMP - Windows Nginx MySql Php 8 stack
    WinNMP - Nginx MariaDB Redis Php 8 Development Stack for Windows A lightweight, fast and stable server stack for developing php mysql applications on Windows, based on the excellent web server Nginx. Is a lightweight alternative to XAMPP and WAMP. Also known as WTServer and wt-nmp the current package contains the latest stable versions of: - Nginx web server - MariaDB 10 database server, mysq
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  • UPUPW Nginx(64位)
    UPUPW Nginx(64位)
    Excellent performance under Windows platform
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  • UPUPW Nginx(32位)
    UPUPW Nginx(32位)
    Excellent performance under Windows platform
    2017-03-20 415 6886
  • Fat-Free Framework
    Fat-Free Framework
    Fat-Free Framework, or F3, is a straightforward PHP framework. Its codebase is only 65 KB, and the framework is modular, allowing you to only use the necessary code.
    2024-10-17 4 947
  • PHPixie
    PHPixie is easy to learn and does not rely on automagic. You will always be in charge of what's happening.
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  • Slim
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  • FuelPHP
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  • Yii
    Yii is a fast, secure, and efficient PHP framework.Flexible yet pragmatic.Works right out of the box.Has reasonable defaults.
    2024-10-17 0 763
  • CakePHP
    CakePHP has a broad set of libraries that include one of the most thorough arrays of helpful components. It’s a great option if you need to implement hard-to-find features.
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  • Phalcon
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  • Laminas Project
    Laminas Project
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  • Symfony
    Symfony is a set of PHP Components, a Web Application framework, a Philosophy, and a Community — all working together in harmony.
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  • Laravel
    Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation — freeing you to create without sweating the small things.
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    Reference management, document management, citations and more. Designed by scholars for scholars, continuously developed since 2003 and used by individuals and major research institutions worldwide, WIKINDX is a virtual research environment (enhanced online literature manager) that stores searchable references, notes, documents, Quotes, thoughts, etc. The integrated WYSIWYG word processor exports formatted articles to RTF and HTML. Plug-ins include a citation style editor and import/export of references (BibTeX, Endnote, RIS, etc.). WIKINDX supports every reference text
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  • CiviCRM
    CiviCRM is an open source and free to download member relationship management solution for advocacy, non-profit and other organizations. For more information, visit
    2023-10-07 211 5286