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- Flash ActionScript3 Advanced Tutorial pdf version
- Flash ActionScript3 advanced tutorial pdf, book directory: Chapter 1 Advanced collision detection Detection of collisions of irregular graphics BitmapData.hitTest is used for collision detection of a large number of non-bitmap objects Implementing grid-based collision detection Writing grid code testing and adjusting the grid Grid uses this type of detection not just for collision Chapter 2 Steering Behavior 2D Vector (Vector2D) Class Locomotive (V
- 2024-01-17 37 3563
- WebSphere MQ transmission environment construction and testing WORD version
- This document mainly talks about the construction and testing of WebSphere MQ transmission environment; it mainly introduces: introduction to MQ core components, construction of MQ environment, and testing MQ by writing simple programs. I hope it can serve as a starting point. I hope this document will help friends in need; interested friends can come and take a look.
- 2024-01-31 0 765
- OpenMP parallel programming WORD version
- This document mainly talks about OpenMP parallel programming; OpenMP is a collection of compiler instructions and library functions, mainly used for parallel programming on shared storage computers. Currently, the languages that support OpenMP mainly include Fortran and C/C++. OpenMP uses the fork/join parallel mode when executing programs in parallel. Shared storage parallel programs use fork/join parallelism. I hope this document will help friends in need; interested friends can come and take a look.
- 2024-02-29 56 1365
- Using JNI to realize the interaction between android and SO files Chinese WORD version
- This document mainly demonstrates how to interact with so files in Android. That is to say, the current problem requires hardware manufacturers to re-develop the dynamic library and develop the dynamic library according to the .h file generated by the entire Internet of Things. Interested friends can come and take a look
- 2024-02-29 29 1052
- How to use maven Chinese WORD version
- This document mainly talks about how to use Maven; Maven is a software project management tool based on the project object model (pom), which can manage the construction, reporting and documentation of the project through a short piece of description information. Maven shifts your focus from last night's grassroots to project management. Maven projects already know how to build and bundle code, run tests, generate documentation and host project web pages. I hope this document will help friends in need; interested friends can come and take a look.
- 2024-01-27 0 1145
- Tutorial on using SQLite database in Android development chm version
- Tutorial on Android development using SQLite database, chm format. SQLite is a very popular embedded database that supports SQL queries and uses only a small amount of memory. Android integrates SQLite at runtime, so every Android application can use a SQLite database. For developers familiar with SQL, using SQLite is fairly simple. Yes, since JDBC is not suitable for memory-constrained devices such as mobile phones, Android
- 2024-02-28 63 1509
- Android driver development examples Chinese WORD version
- This document describes how to completely develop a driver on Android 2.1 to control the hardware port and write an application to test the driver. Through such an example, it analyzes the application calling process of the driver development process under Android, which can be said to be a good introductory guide. The effect achieved: Through the Android application, the driver is called to control the on and off of 4 LEDs on the development board. Interested friends can come and take a look
- 2024-02-28 39 1230
- Kotlin Android Chinese development help document PDF version
- This book is not a language reference book, but it is a tool for Android developers to learn Kotlin and use it in their own projects. I will use some language features and interesting tools and libraries to solve many typical problems we encounter in daily life. This book is very practical, so I suggest you follow my examples and code in front of a computer. Whenever you have some ideas you can dive into them. Is this book right for you? This book is written to help those interested in developing with the Kotlin language.
- 2024-01-27 47 2925
- Vuex Reference Manual Chinese CHM version
- Vuex is a state management model + library specially designed for Vue.js applications. It provides a centralized storage service for all components within the application, with rules ensuring that state can only change in expected ways. It can be integrated with the Vue official devtools extension to provide advanced features, such as zero-configuration time travel-like (timeline-based) debugging, and state snapshot export/import. This article brings you the Vuex reference manual. Friends who need it can come and take a look!
- 2024-02-29 0 1576
- Android development tutorials and notes pdf version
- Android file access and database programming knowledge. File operations mainly include reading files, writing files, reading static files, etc. It also introduces creating, adding file content and saving, opening files and displaying the content; database programming mainly introduces the SQLite database. The use includes knowledge of creating, deleting, opening databases, non-query SQL operation instructions, query SQL instructions-cursors, etc.
- 2024-02-29 64 3118
- Unity3d game development camera switching Chinese WORD version
- This document mainly talks about camera switching in unity3d game development; I hope it will be helpful to everyone; interested friends can come and take a look.
- 2024-02-29 51 2542
- Android Chinese API collection chm version
- Android Chinese Translation Group - A collection of Android Chinese APIs. API documentation (Reference) is the basis of Android development. In the past three years (2007-2010), the official Chinese version of the API has not yet been released. The Android Chinese Translation Group has gathered a group of people to engage in Android development. People, forum moderators, college students, graduate students, etc. use their spare time to translate Android APIs. The number of people has grown from 1 to 80, and the number of published translations has ranged from 1 to 50.
- 2024-02-29 79 1973
- Lucene learning and summary Chinese WORD version
- This document mainly talks about the learning and summary of Lucene; Lucene is an efficient, Java-based full-text search library. I hope this document will help friends in need; interested friends can come and take a look.
- 2024-02-29 74 3234
- Maven series
- Some companies do not provide external networks for programmers, so maven cannot be used to access remote warehouse addresses, so it is necessary to find a machine in the LAN that has external network permissions; build a nexus private server, and then programmers connect to this private server In this case, you can access the maven remote warehouse through this computer with a nexus private server. Interested friends can come and take a look
- 2024-02-29 79 2082
- Netty code analysis Chinese WORD version
- This document mainly talks about Netty code analysis; Netty provides asynchronous, event-driven network application framework and tools to quickly develop high-performance, high-reliability network server and client programs; friends in need can download and read look
- 2024-02-29 47 2215
- windows thinkpad android environment setup problem Chinese WORD version
- This document mainly talks about the problems of setting up the Windows ThinkPad Android environment; I hope this document will help friends in need; interested friends can come and take a look.
- 2024-02-29 35 1758
- Detailed explanation of UML class diagram Chinese WORD version
- This document mainly talks about the detailed explanation of UML class diagram; in the static mechanism of UML, class diagram is a key point. It is not only the core concern of designers, but also the core concern of implementers. Modeling tools also generate code primarily based on class diagrams. Class diagram occupies a very important position among the 9 diagrams of UML. I hope this document will help friends in need; interested friends can come and take a look.
- 2024-02-29 22 1491
- Maven project creation based on Eclipse Chinese WORD version
- This document mainly talks about the creation of Maven projects based on Eclipse; interested friends can come and take a look.
- 2024-02-29 36 2055
- j2me3D game development simple tutorial Chinese WORD version
- This document mainly talks about a simple tutorial on j2me3D game development; Nowadays, 3D graphics are a key part of almost any game, and even some applications have achieved success by using 3D forms to describe information. As mentioned earlier, developing in immediate mode and manually coding all 3D objects is slow and complex. All corner points of polygons in your application must be encoded independently in an array. In JSR 184, this is called immediate mode. I hope this document will help friends in need; interested friends can come and take a look.
- 2024-02-29 58 1873
- Perl learning handbook chm version
- Perl Learning Handbook is an article written by a Taiwanese Perl master, specially packaged as a chm version for everyone's convenience. About this book 1. About Perl 1.1 History of Perl 1.2 Concepts of Perl 1.3 Features 1.4 Environment for using Perl 1.5 Getting started with Perl 1.6 Your first Perl program 2. Scalar variables (Scalar) 2.1 About scalars 2.1.1 Numeric values 2.1. 2 Strings 2.1.3 Number and string conversion 2.2 Use your own
- 2024-02-29 39 2687