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  • Written for students who are new to Android pdf version
    Written for students who are new to Android pdf version
    This pdf is written for students who are new to Android. It is an article to encourage friends who are new to Android. It does not involve coding and allows you to adjust your mentality and learn Android programming well. If you are interested, you can take a look.
    2024-02-26 0 538
  • Django environment construction for Python website development WORD version
    Django environment construction for Python website development WORD version
    This document mainly talks about setting up the Django environment for Python website development; I hope this document will help friends in need; interested friends can come and take a look.
    2024-01-25 1 596
  • Github collaborative work tutorial Chinese WORD version
    Github collaborative work tutorial Chinese WORD version
    This document mainly talks about the Github collaborative work tutorial; the article will use the Gitchinaui project as an example to explain. Git has command line and graphical tools. It is strongly recommended that you use command line tools. I hope this article will be helpful to everyone; interested friends can come and take a look
    2024-02-26 0 605
  • Python website development guide WORD version
    Python website development guide WORD version
    This document mainly talks about the guidelines for developing websites in Python; HTML is the universal language of the Internet, a simple and universal all-in-one markup language. It allows web page producers to create complex pages that combine text and images. These pages can be browsed by anyone else on the Internet, no matter what type of computer or browser is used. Python, like other programming languages, has its own set of processes. Control statements, and the syntax of these statements is similar to other programming languages. They all have keywords such as for, if, and while to express the program flow. I hope this document will help friends in need
    2024-01-25 0 979
  • Android AsyncChannel source code analysis WORD version
    Android AsyncChannel source code analysis WORD version
    This document mainly talks about the analysis of Android AsyncChannel source code; the AsyncChannel class is used to handle asynchronous message passing between two Handlers. The Handler for message passing can be from the same process or in different processes. Handler message passing between different processes Implemented using Android's Binder communication mechanism. I hope this document will help friends in need; interested friends can come and take a look.
    2024-02-27 0 569
  • How Android uses WebService interface Chinese WORD version
    How Android uses WebService interface Chinese WORD version
    This document mainly describes how Android uses the WebService interface; WebService is a remote calling standard based on the SOAP protocol. Different operating system platforms, different languages, and different technologies can be integrated through WebService. The OPhone SDK does not provide a library for calling WebService. Therefore, you need to use a third-party class library (KSOAP2) to call WebService. This article will introduce the specific details of calling WebService in OPhone, and
    2024-01-28 1 2472
  • Array application & two-dimensional array word version
    Array application & two-dimensional array word version
    The so-called array is a collection of elements of the same data type arranged in a certain order. It is a collection of variables that names a limited number of variables of the same type and then uses numbers to distinguish them. This name is called the array name, and the number is called the following. mark. The individual variables that make up an array are called components of the array, also called elements of the array, and sometimes called subscript variables. In programming, an array is a form of organizing several variables of the same type in an orderly manner for the convenience of processing. These collections of similar data elements arranged in order are called arrays. Array application & two-dimensional array directory
    2024-01-31 0 792
  • Android cooperates with WebService to access remote database Chinese WORD version
    Android cooperates with WebService to access remote database Chinese WORD version
    Use HttpClient to request data from the server-side action. Of course, calling server-side methods to obtain data is not the only one. WebService can also provide us with the required data, so what is webService? , it is a remote calling standard based on the SAOP protocol. Different operating system platforms, different languages, and different technologies can be integrated through webservice. To realize Android and server-side data interaction, we need some libraries in the PC machine Java client, such as XFire, A
    2024-02-26 0 903
  • Perl Lwp documentation chm version
    Perl Lwp documentation chm version
    LWP is the abbreviation of Library for Web access in Perl. The purpose is very clear, it is a Perl package for accessing the Web server. Using the LWP package, we can easily access resources on external web servers in our perl scripts. Why use LWP? Today's website applications are becoming more and more complex. It is simply impossible to simply write a Sockettelnet to obtain resources using the GET command, especially for some websites that require passwords to log in. If you just want to simply get
    2024-02-29 5 1679
  • Android resources and internationalization settings Chinese WORD version
    Android resources and internationalization settings Chinese WORD version
    This document mainly talks about Android's resources and internationalization settings; resources are external files (files without code), which are used by the code and compiled into the application at compile time. Android supports different types of resource files, including XML, PNG and JPEG files. XML files have different formats depending on the description. This document describes what files, syntax, and various formats can be supported. I hope this document will help friends in need; interested friends can come and take a look.
    2024-01-29 0 982
  • Groovy Getting Started Tutorial Chinese WORD Version
    Groovy Getting Started Tutorial Chinese WORD Version
    This document is an introductory tutorial to Groovy; simply put, Groovy is the next generation of Java language. Like Java, it also runs in the JVM. As another language running in the JVM, groovy syntax is very similar to the Java language syntax. At the same time, Groovy abandons Java's cumbersome grammar. For the same statement, using groovy can reduce your keystrokes to the greatest extent - this is indeed the "lazy programmers"
    2024-02-26 1 605
  • Application of Fragment in Activity WORD version
    Application of Fragment in Activity WORD version
    This document mainly talks about the application of Fragment in Activity; Fragment can be included in multiple Activities and can adapt the application to different screen sizes. When the screen size is large enough, an Activity can contain multiple Fragments. If this is not the case, another Activity will be started containing different Fragments. I hope this document will help friends in need; interested friends can come and take a look.
    2024-01-29 0 1014
  • python matplotlib drawing Chinese WORD version
    python matplotlib drawing Chinese WORD version
    Matplotlib.pyplot is a method used to draw pictures, similar to the plot command in matlab, and its usage is basically the same. This document mainly talks about drawing with python matplotlib; interested friends can come and take a look.
    2024-01-25 0 1180
  • [Top] Detailed summary of JSON in Android Chinese WORD version
    [Top] Detailed summary of JSON in Android Chinese WORD version
    JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) Definition: A lightweight data exchange format that is highly readable and easy to write quickly. The mainstream technology in the industry provides a complete solution (somewhat similar to regular expressions, supported by most languages ​​today), so that data can be exchanged between different platforms. JSON adopts a highly compatible text format and also has behavior similar to the C language system. Friends in need can download and take a look
    2024-02-26 0 926
  • SCA introduction and application examples Chinese WORD version
    SCA introduction and application examples Chinese WORD version
    This document mainly talks about the introduction and application examples of SCA; SCA (Service Component Architecture) is a set of service system construction framework protocols proposed for SOA. It not only integrates the idea of ​​​​IOC, but also combines object-oriented reuse with code reuse. It has been upgraded to the reuse of business module components, and at the same time, the service interface, implementation, deployment, and invocation are completely separated, and the assembly and binding can be flexibly assembled through configuration. I hope this document will help friends in need; interested friends can come and take a look.
    2024-02-27 0 844
  • Android embedded SQLite database Chinese WORD version
    Android embedded SQLite database Chinese WORD version
    This document mainly talks about the Android embedded SQLite database; a relational database SQLite is embedded in the Android platform. Unlike other databases, SQLite does not distinguish types when storing data; interested friends can come and take a look.
    2024-02-28 0 1061
  • Introduction to ios system Chinese WORD version
    Introduction to ios system Chinese WORD version
    This document mainly talks about the introduction of ios system; iOS is an operating system developed by Apple for iPhone and other devices. It is mainly used for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad devices. It manages device hardware and provides the basis for the implementation of local applications on mobile phones. technology. Depending on the device, the operating system has different system applications, such as Phone, Mail, and Safari, which can provide standard system services to users. I hope this document will help friends in need; interested friends can come and take a look.
    2024-01-27 3 2126
  • Android development notes emulator, application tutorial pdf version
    Android development notes emulator, application tutorial pdf version
    Android development notes, covering emulator parameters, processes and threads, Android releasing mobile phone resources, process release priority, analyzing HelloAndroid, adding edit boxes and buttons, using Intent to start another Activity, starting Activity in different Tasks, Intent and Intent filters, adding new Activity and other related knowledge.
    2024-01-28 2 2307
  • DelphiBBS 2010 offline package and general index wonderful question and answer tutorial CHM version
    DelphiBBS 2010 offline package and general index wonderful question and answer tutorial CHM version
    A technical forum dedicated to discussing Delphi. There are many experts on it. It is the most popular and highest-quality Delphi discussion station in China. This file is generated based on the forum's offline data package, supports full-text retrieval, topic ID retrieval, and implements automatic line wrapping. Since the HTML tags in the text of some topics will interfere with the generation of CHM, all HTML tags in the text have been converted to plain text. Among them, the topic IDs in 2006 are: 3331380, 3538052, 3562469, 3349720, 3357640, 3384303.
    2024-01-19 0 701
  • mybatis syntax and introduction Chinese WORD version
    mybatis syntax and introduction Chinese WORD version
    This document mainly talks about the syntax and introduction of mybatis; MyBatis is a persistence layer framework that can customize SQL, stored procedures and advanced mapping. MyBatis eliminates most of the JDBC code, manual setting of parameters and result set retrieval. MyBatis only uses simple XML and annotations to configure and map basic data types, Map interfaces and POJOs to database records. Compared with "one-stop" ORM solutions such as Hibernate and Apache OJB
    2024-01-31 2 1125