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Found a total of 8051 related content
  • jQuery cloud input method
    jQuery cloud input method
    jQuery cloud input method
    2020-01-04 134 1446
  • Simple email password login box UI special effects
    Simple email password login box UI special effects
    CSS3 creates simple and universal social web page login box and email password input box login special effects
    2021-01-12 235 2166
  • jquery background login page background image automatic rotation login interface code
    jquery background login page background image automatic rotation login interface code
    The jquery backend login page background image automatically rotates the login interface code. Use jquery to verify the form. The background image automatically rotates such a cool effect. The login page is generally used in the website backend. If the login is successful and you enter the management system, it will also be used on the front end of the mall. Used for example, member login. PHP Chinese website recommends downloading!
    2017-01-14 832 9629
  • js website background user login interface
    js website background user login interface
    js website backend user login interface, through the native javascript code verification form, when the user name entered by the user is incorrect or not filled in, a prompt message is given below. The login page is generally used in the backend or frontend of the website. Login section!
    2017-01-14 577 7183
  • jQuery card style image rotation code
    jQuery card style image rotation code
    jQuery card-style image rotation code. You can switch images left and right after clicking. The rainbow navigation effect at the top is also good. It is compatible with mainstream browsers. PHP Chinese website recommends downloading! Instructions: 1. Introduce reset.css and style.css in the head area 2. Introduce jquery-1.4.2.min.js, roundabout.js, roundabout_shapes.js, gallery_init.js in the head area 3. Add code comments in the body area
    2017-03-11 195 1977
  • Flat and simple login page
    Flat and simple login page
    This is a flat and simple login page, using light color design, compatible with mobile devices, and adding basic form verification, suitable for most websites.
    2020-11-06 259 1998
  • jqzoom picture amplifier code
    jqzoom picture amplifier code
    jqzoom image amplifier code, suitable for displaying product images, compatible with mainstream browsers, recommended download on PHP Chinese website! Instructions: 1. Introduction of head area <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/jqzoom.css" type="text/css"> 2. Introduce js library <script src="js/j
    2017-03-11 153 1879
  • jQuery switches the mouse over a square image to a round edge effect
    jQuery switches the mouse over a square image to a round edge effect
    jQuery switches the mouse to a round edge effect when passing through a square image. Clicking on the image will pop up a floating layer, which is suitable for the display of team pages. It is compatible with mainstream browsers. PHP Chinese website recommends downloading! Instructions: 1. Introduce the style sheet file lrtk.css into the head area 2. Introduce jquery-1.7.1.js in the head area 3. Add <!-- code start --><!-- code end --> comment area code to your web page.
    2017-03-11 139 3011
  • jQuery image list animation display effect
    jQuery image list animation display effect
    jQuery image list animation display effect, move the mouse over the image and a text description will pop up. It is very suitable for making image lists of materials and website template themes. It is compatible with mainstream browsers. PHP Chinese website recommends downloading! Instructions: 1. Introduce the style sheet file lrtk.css into the head area 2. Introduce jquery.1.4.2.min.js and lrtk.js into the head area 3. Add <!-- code start --><!-- code end --> comment area to your web page
    2017-03-11 199 1887
  • MaterialDesign style drop-down menu jquery plugin
    MaterialDesign style drop-down menu jquery plugin
    menu.js is a Material Design style jquery drop-down menu plug-in. Through the menu.js plug-in, you can easily create a Material Design style drop-down menu or drop-down list. Instructions Introduce the style file menu.css and jquery.min.js, menu.js files into the page.
    2017-08-24 167 1538
  • Simple and practical Bootstrap tab effect
    Simple and practical Bootstrap tab effect
    This is a simple and practical tab effect based on Bootstrap. This tab has been beautified based on the native boostrap tab, and the effect is stylish and generous, which is very good. Instructions Introduce jquery and bootstrap related files into the page.
    2017-08-16 185 1495
  • Simple and dynamic login page
    Simple and dynamic login page
    This is a simple and dynamic login page. When the cursor is focused on each input box or a button is clicked, the colored lines will "flow" to the corresponding place, which has a strong indicating effect. Dynamic lines are implemented using svg.
    2020-11-18 275 2303
  • jQuery product image zoom effect code
    jQuery product image zoom effect code
    jQuery product image zoom effect code, click on the thumbnail to enlarge the original image, you can drag the mouse to enlarge the image, compatible with mainstream browsers. Instructions: 1. Head area reference files jquery.js, lrtk.css 2. Add <!-- code start --><!-- code end -->area code to the file 3. Copy the pictures in the images folder to the corresponding path 4. Introduce imagezoom.js, product_img.js
    2017-03-11 173 1950
  • Two html5 image display effects
    Two html5 image display effects
    Two kinds of HTML5 image display effects, smooth animation effects, compatible with mainstream browsers, recommended download on the PHP Chinese website! Instructions: 1. Introduce the style sheet files app.css, index.css and fonts.css in the head area 2. Add <!-- code start --><!-- code end --> comment area code to your web page. 3. The icons all use Web open fonts. Please see the css directory for specific files.
    2017-03-11 194 1903
  • jquery focus image special effects code with thumbnails
    jquery focus image special effects code with thumbnails
    This is a jquery focus image special effects code with thumbnails. This focus map enables forward and backward navigation by sliding the mouse over the thumbnails. The effect is simple, compatible with IE8, and very practical. Instructions Introduce jquery and jquery.slides.js files, as well as the style file style.css into the page.
    2017-08-14 208 1872
  • jquery stacked image left and right switching carousel image plug-in
    jquery stacked image left and right switching carousel image plug-in
    This is a jquery stacked image left and right switching carousel plugin. This carousel image plug-in can align and stack images left and right, and you can switch images left and right through the front and rear navigation buttons. Usage Introduce jquery, jQuery-easing.js and jQuery-jcImgScroll.js files into the page.
    2017-08-14 251 2317
  • 15 CSS3 image Hover effect codes
    15 CSS3 image Hover effect codes
    15 kinds of CSS3 image hover effect codes, super practical, compatible with IE9+, chrome, and firefox browsers. Instructions: 1. Introduce the style sheet files normalize.css, demo.css, and component.css in the head area 2. Select the effect you want: <figure class="effect-lily">... </figure> is a unit effect 3, 3
    2017-03-11 257 2259
  • Pure js picture album slide effects with thumbnails
    Pure js picture album slide effects with thumbnails
    This is a photo album slideshow effect with thumbnails made using pure js. This picture slideshow has powerful special effects. You can directly use the mouse to navigate forward and backward, and you can also switch pictures through thumbnails. You can also enter thumbnail preview mode to view all pictures. Instructions Introduce base.css and gallery.css style files, as well as BX.1.0.1.U.js, gallery.js and piclist.js files into the page.
    2017-08-16 202 2274
  • CSS3 circular image mouse rotation effect
    CSS3 circular image mouse rotation effect
    The CSS3 circular image has a rotation effect after the mouse. There is a short title and description on the image. It is compatible with mainstream browsers. PHP Chinese website recommends downloading! Instructions: 1. Introduce the style sheet file lrtk.css into the head area 2. Add <!-- code start --><!-- code end --> comment area code to your web page. 3. The picture should be square, with a width and height of more than 220 pixels, and a certain blank margin for better results.
    2017-03-11 166 1699
  • jquery focus image special effects with thumbnails and various transition animations
    jquery focus image special effects with thumbnails and various transition animations
    This is a cool jquery focus image effect based on jssor.slider.js. The focus map effect has a thumbnail at the bottom, and it has a variety of animation effects during switching transitions. This focus map special effect is compatible with IE8 browser. Instructions Introduce the style files jquery.min.js and files into the page.
    2017-08-16 335 2243