#During the website development process, we often use the check-in function to reward users with points or do some other activities. During the development of this project, I did a calendar check-in. Because I had no experience, I took many detours and recorded the process and steps again.
Recommended related mysql video tutorials: "mysql tutorial"
1. Calendar sign-in style:
2. This check-in only records the number of check-ins this month. If you want to query, you can write other pages to query all check-in records. (The function is available, but it is very troublesome. It has not been implemented in Gu.)
3. Front-end code
4. Back-end code: Check whether you have checked in today :
$points = M('points_log'); $userid=session('user.id'); $begintime=date("Y-m-d H:i:s",mktime(0,0,0,date('m'),date('d'),date('Y'))); $endtime=date("Y-m-d H:i:s",mktime(0,0,0,date('m'),date('d')+1,date('Y'))-1); $where=array( 'points'=>'5', 'user_id'=>$userid, 'createtime' => array(array('gt',$begintime),array('lt',$endtime)), ); $res=$points->where($where)->order("createtime desc")->select(); //var_dump($res['0']['points']); $this->assign('res',$res);
5. Query points:
/*查询积分*/ $jfen=M(cuser); $list=$jfen->where(array('id'=>$userid))->field('points')->find(); $preg = '/[0]*/'; $poin = preg_replace($preg, '', $list, 1); $this->assign('poin',$poin);
6. Sign in and write to the database:
/*签到*/ if(IS_AJAX){ $userid=session('user.id'); $type='签到'; $typename='checkin'; $id_status='up'; $date=Date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $dataList=array( 'user_id'=>$userid, 'type'=>$type, 'typename'=>$typename, 'id_status'=>$id_status, 'points'=>'5', 'createtime'=>$date, 'remark'=>'奖励5积分' ); $points = M('points_log'); if($points->add($dataList)){ $log=session('user.id'); $user=M('cuser'); $user->where(array('id'=>$log))->setInc('points',5); } $this->ajaxReturn($status); }
7. /*Query the number of check-in days this month and return it in json format*/
public function MonthSign(){ $userid=session('user.id'); $points = M('points_log'); $res=$points->where(array('user_id'=>$userid))->select(); $sign='['; foreach($res as $key=>$value){ $first=explode(' ', $value['createtime']); $second=explode('-', $first['0'])['2']; if($key==0){ $sign .= '{"signDay":"'.$second.'"}'; }else{ $sign .= ',{"signDay":"'.$second.'"}'; } } $sign .=']'; $this->ajaxReturn($sign,'json'); }