The example in this article describes the use of Gaussian algorithm in PHP to implement image blur processing. I share it with you for your reference. The details are as follows:
image_create_from_ext($srcImg); $srcImgObj=$this->blur($gdImageResource,$blurFactor); $temp = pathinfo($srcImg); $name = $temp['basename']; $path = $temp['dirname']; $exte = $temp['extension']; $savename = $savename ? $savename : $name; $savepath = $savepath ? $savepath : $path; $savefile = $savepath .'/'. $savename; $srcinfo = @getimagesize($srcImg); switch ($srcinfo[2]) { case1: imagegif($srcImgObj, $savefile); break; case2: imagejpeg($srcImgObj, $savefile); break; case3: imagepng($srcImgObj, $savefile); break; default: return'保存失败'; //保存失败 } return $savefile; imagedestroy($srcImgObj); } } $image_blur = new image_blur(); //blurFactor的值代表模糊程度,savepath为空时候直接覆盖,savename为空直接用原名 $image_blur->gaussian_blur($srcImg="./5.jpg",$savepath=null,$savename=null,$blurFactor=5); ?>
This method came from Baidu. Someone interviewed me and asked me to do it. I got a lot of information from Baidu. accomplish.
The value of blurFactor represents the degree of blur
Effect display:
Original image:
Blurry degree 2
Blurry level 3
Blurry level 4
Blurry Level 5
Blurry Level 6
Blurry Level 7
The above is the content of PHP using Gaussian algorithm to implement image blur processing function example. For more related content, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website (!