At first, I thought the two functions of registration and login on a website were magical. Later, after doing some research on my own, I found that the principle is actually very simple. Let’s take a look at how to implement it. . . .
I created a few files on my computer:
login.html (login page)
register.html (registration page)
success.html (jump page after successful login)
return.html (registration success page)
The login interface, registration interface and success.html are not there
Everything is html markup as follows:
return.html is the page that is displayed after successful registration. There is a js code in it that is used to return to the login interface regularly
无标题文档 注册成功!
register.php This is the backend page corresponding to the registration page
<?php $link=mysql_connect("localhost","root","207207");//链接数据库 header("Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); if($link) { //echo"链接数据库成功"; $select=mysql_select_db("login",$link);//选择数据库 if($select) { //echo"选择数据库成功!"; if(isset($_POST["sub"])) { $name=$_POST["username"]; $password1=$_POST["password"];//获取表单数据 $password2=$_POST["password2"]; if($name==""||$password1=="")//判断是否填写 { echo""; echo""; exit; } if($password1==$password2)//确认密码是否正确 { $str="select count(*) from register where username="."'"."$name"."'"; $result=mysql_query($str,$link); $pass=mysql_fetch_row($result); $pa=$pass[0]; if($pa==1)//判断数据库表中是否已存在该用户名 { echo""; echo""; exit; } $sql="insert into register values("."\""."$name"."\"".","."\""."$password1"."\"".")";//将注册信息插入数据库表中 //echo"$sql"; mysql_query($sql,$link); mysql_query('SET NAMES UTF8'); $close=mysql_close($link); if($close) { //echo"数据库关闭"; //echo"注册成功!"; echo""; } } else { echo""; echo""; } } } } ?>
login.php login interface corresponds to the background file
<?php header("Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); $link=mysql_connect("localhost","root","207207"); if($link) { $select=mysql_select_db("login",$link); if($select) { if(isset($_POST["subl"])) { $name=$_POST["usernamel"]; $password=$_POST["passwordl"]; if($name==""||$password=="")//判断是否为空 { echo""; echo""; exit; } $str="select password from register where username="."'"."$name"."'"; mysql_query('SET NAMES UTF8');20 $result=mysql_query($str,$link); $pass=mysql_fetch_row($result); $pa=$pass[0]; if($pa==$password)//判断密码与注册时密码是否一致 { echo"登录成功!"; echo""; } { echo""; echo""; } } } } ?>
I still have a lot to improve when I have nothing to do. Everyone is welcome to ask questions and discuss and provide easier methods!
The above is the entire content of the PHP registration and login interface implementation case (recommended) brought by the editor. I hope you will support Script Home~