Hybrid development uses PHP as the backend, and addsto the front page. It can be displayed, but the file cannot be selected. This function is to upload pictures and return data.
Hybrid development uses PHP as the backend, and addsto the front page. It can be displayed, but the file cannot be selected. This function is to upload pictures and return data.
What browser are you using? This should be fine
Rewrite WebChromeClient and add a method to it:
public void openFileChooser(ValueCallback
{ mUploadMessage = uploadMsg; Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT); intent.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_OPENABLE); intent.setType("image/*"); startActivityForResult(Intent.createChooser(intent, "选择图片"), FILECHOOSER_RESULTCODE); }
Call the camera directly
Call camera pictures or albums