
Release: 2016-06-13 12:27:49
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php/** * 微信红包的类  *  */CLASS WXHongBao {        private $mch_id = "111111";//商户ID写死    private $wxappid = "22222222";//微信公众号,写死    private $client_ip = ""; //调用红包接口的主机的IP,服务端IP,写死,即脚本文件所在的IP    private $apikey = "33333333";//pay的秘钥值    private $total_num = 1;//发放人数。固定值1,不可修改        private $nick_name = "微信产品中心公众号"; //红包商户名称    private $send_name = "微信产品中心公众号";//红包派发者名称    private $wishing = "祝福语"; //        private $act_name = "红包活动"; //活动名称    private $remark = "活动备注";    private $nonce_str = "";    private $mch_billno = "";    private $re_openid = "";//接收方的openID        private $total_amount = 1 ;//红包金额,单位 分    private $min_value = 1;//最小金额    private $max_value = 1; //根据接口要求,上述3值必须一致                 private $sign = ""; //签名在send时生成        private $amt_type; //分裂红包参数,在sendgroup中进行定义,是常量 ALL_RAND         //证书,在构造函数中定义,注意!    private $apiclient_cert; //= getcwd()."/apiclient_cert.pem";    private $apiclient_key;// = getcwd()."/apiclient_key.pem";        //分享参数    private $isShare = false; //有用?似乎是无用参数,全部都不是必选和互相依赖的参数    private $share_content = "";     private $share_url ="";    private $share_imgurl = "";        private $wxhb_inited;        private $api_hb_group = "";//裂变红包    private $api_hb_single = "";        private $error = "ok"; //init        /**     * WXHongBao::__construct()     * 步骤     * new(openid,amount)     * setnickname     * setsend_name     * setwishing     * setact_name     * setremark     * send()     * @return void     */    function __construct(){        //好像没有什么需要构造函数做的        $this->wxhb_inited = false;         $this->apiclient_cert = getcwd()."/apiclient_cert.pem";        $this->apiclient_key = getcwd()."/apiclient_key.pem";    }        public function err(){        return $this->error;    }     public function error(){        return $this->err();    }    /**     * WXHongBao::newhb()     * 构造新红包      * @param mixed $toOpenId     * @param mixed $amount 金额分     * @return void     */    public function newhb($toOpenId,$amount){                 if(!is_numeric($amount)){            $this->error = "金额参数错误";            return;        }elseif($amount){            $this->error = "金额太小";            return;        }elseif($amount>20000){            $this->error = "金额太大";            return;        }               $this->gen_nonce_str();//构造随机字串        $this->gen_mch_billno();//构造订单号        $this->setOpenId($toOpenId);        $this->setAmount($amount);        $this->wxhb_inited = true; //标记微信红包已经初始化完毕可以发送                //每次new 都要将分享的内容给清空掉,否则会出现残余被引用        $this->share_content= "";        $this->share_imgurl = "";        $this->share_url = "";    }        /**     * WXHongBao::send()     * 发出红包     * 构造签名     * 注意第二参数,单发时不要改动!     * @return boolean $success     */                                public function send($url = "",$total_num = 1){            if(!$this->wxhb_inited){            $this->error .= "(红包未准备好)";            return false; //未初始化完成        }                $this->total_num = $total_num;                $this->gen_Sign(); //生成签名                //构造提交的数据                $xml = $this->genXMLParam();                        //debug        file_put_contents("hbxml.txt",$xml);                //提交xml,curl        //$url = "";        $ch = curl_init();                curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_TIMEOUT,10);        curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);                curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL,$url);        curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER,false);        curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST,false);                curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSLCERTTYPE,'PEM');        curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSLCERT,$this->apiclient_cert);                curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSLKEYTYPE,'PEM');        curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSLKEY,$this->apiclient_key);                /*         if( count($aHeader) >= 1 ){            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $aHeader);        }        */                curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POST, 1);        curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$xml);        $data = curl_exec($ch);        if($data){            curl_close($ch);                $rsxml = simplexml_load_string($data);            if($rsxml->return_code == 'SUCCESS' ){                return true;            }else{                $this->error = $rsxml->return_msg;                return false;                }                    }else{             $this->error = curl_errno($ch);                         curl_close($ch);            return false;        }    }        /**     * WXHongBao::sendGroup()     * 发送裂变红包,参数为裂变数量     * @param integer $num 3-20     * @return     */    public function sendGroup($num=3){        $this->amt_type = "ALL_RAND";//$amt; 固定值。发送裂变红包组文档指定参数,随机        return $this->send($this->api_hb_group,$num);    }        public function getApiSingle(){        return $this->api_hb_single;    }        public function getApiGroup(){        return $this->api_hb_group;    }        public function setNickName($nick){        $this->nick_name = $nick;    }        public function setSendName($name){        $this->send_name = $name;    }        public function setWishing($wishing){        $this->wishing = $wishing;    }        /**     * WXHongBao::setActName()     * 活动名称      * @param mixed $act     * @return void     */    public function setActName($act){        $this->act_name = $act;    }        public function setRemark($remark){        $this->remark = $remark;    }        public function setOpenId($openid){        $this->re_openid = $openid;    }        /**     * WXHongBao::setAmount()     * 设置红包金额     * 文档有两处冲突描述      * 一处指金额 >=1 (分钱)     * 另一处指金额 >=100 */    public function setAmount($price){        $this->total_amount = $price;        $this->min_value = $price;        $this->max_value = $price;    }    //以下方法,为设置分裂红包时使用    public function setHBminmax($min,$max){        $this->min_value = $min;        $this->max_value = $max;    }            public function setShare($img="",$url="",$content=""){                //        //        $this->share_content = $content;        $this->share_imgurl = $img;        $this->share_url = $url;    }        private function gen_nonce_str(){        $this->nonce_str = strtoupper(md5(mt_rand().time())); //确保不重复而已    }        private function gen_Sign(){        unset($param);         //其实应该用key重排一次 right?        $param["act_name"]=$this->act_name;//                if($this->total_num==1){ //这些是裂变红包用不上的参数,会导致签名错误            $param["client_ip"]=$this->client_ip;            $param["max_value"]=$this->max_value;            $param["min_value"]=$this->min_value;            $param["nick_name"]=$this->nick_name;        }                $param["mch_billno"] = $this->mch_billno;   //             $param["mch_id"]=$this->mch_id;//                $param["nonce_str"]=$this->nonce_str;    //            $param["re_openid"]=$this->re_openid;//        $param["remark"]=$this->remark;        //        $param["send_name"]=$this->send_name;//        $param["total_amount"]=$this->total_amount;//        $param["total_num"]=$this->total_num;        //        $param["wishing"]=$this->wishing;//        $param["wxappid"]=$this->wxappid;//                if($this->share_content) $param["share_content"] = $this->share_content;        if($this->share_imgurl) $param["share_imgurl"] = $this->share_imgurl;        if($this->share_url) $param["share_url"] = $this->share_url;                if($this->amt_type) $param["amt_type"] = $this->amt_type; //                ksort($param); //按照键名排序...艹,上面排了我好久                //$sign_raw = http_build_query($param)."&key=".$this->apikey;        $sign_raw = "";        foreach($param as $k => $v){            $sign_raw .= $k."=".$v."&";        }        $sign_raw .= "key=".$this->apikey;                //file_put_contents("sign.raw",$sign_raw);//debug        $this->sign = strtoupper(md5($sign_raw));    }        /**     * WXHongBao::genXMLParam()     * 生成post的参数xml数据包     * 注意生成之前各项值要生成,尤其是Sign     * @return $xml     */    public function genXMLParam(){                $xml = "            ".$this->sign."             ".$this->mch_billno."             ".$this->mch_id."             ".$this->wxappid."             ".$this->nick_name."]]>             ".$this->send_name."]]>             ".$this->re_openid."             ".$this->total_amount."             ".$this->min_value."             ".$this->max_value."             ".$this->total_num."             ".$this->wishing."]]>             ".$this->client_ip."]]>             ".$this->act_name."]]>             ".$this->remark."]]>                         ".$this->nonce_str."            ";                             if($this->share_content) $xml .= "$this->share_content."]]>        ";        if($this->share_imgurl) $xml .= "$this->share_imgurl."]]>        ";        if($this->share_url) $xml .= "$this->share_url."]]>        ";        if($this->amt_type) $xml .= "$this->amt_type."]]>        ";                $xml .="";                return $xml;    }        /**     * WXHongBao::gen_mch_billno()     *  商户订单号(每个订单号必须唯一)         组成: mch_id+yyyymmdd+10位一天内不能重复的数字。         接口根据商户订单号支持重入, 如出现超时可再调用。      * @return void     */    private function gen_mch_billno(){        //生成一个长度10,的阿拉伯数字随机字符串        $rnd_num = array('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9');        $rndstr = "";        while(strlen($rndstr)){            $rndstr .= $rnd_num[array_rand($rnd_num)];            }                $this->mch_billno = $this->"Ymd").$rndstr;    }}    ?>


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    $toOpenId = 'asdasdasd'; //接收红包的用户的微信OpenId        $hb = new WXHongBao();
$hb->newhb($toOpenId,1000); //新建一个10元的红包,第二参数单位是 分,注意取值范围 1-200元 //以下若干项可选操作,不指定则使用class脚本顶部的预设值 $hb->setNickName("土豪有限公司"); $hb->setSendName("土豪"); $hb->setWishing("恭喜发财"); $hb->setActName("发钱活动"); $hb->setRemark("任性一把"); //发送红包 if(!$hb->send()){ //发送错误 echo $hb->err(); }else{ echo "红包发送成功"; }
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