Let’s take a look at the code first
function deldir($dir) { //先删除目录下的文件: $dh=opendir($dir); while ($file=readdir($dh)) { if($file!="." && $file!="..") { $fullpath=$dir."/".$file; if(!is_dir($fullpath)) { unlink($fullpath); } else { deldir($fullpath); } } } closedir($dh); //删除当前文件夹: if(rmdir($dir)) { return true; } else { return false; } } ?>
The unlink() function is used to delete files. Returns true if successful, false if failed. The rmdir() function is used to delete empty directories. It attempts to delete the directory specified by dir. The directory must be empty and must have appropriate permissions.
An example: Delete all ".svn" folders under a certain folder (including their contents must also be deleted).
For more PHP file and folder deletion operations and related articles on the use of the two functions unlink() and rmdir(), please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!