Saya menghadapi masalah pelik ini dan ini adalah kali pertama saya menghadapinya. Saya mencipta butang yang menggunakan kit alat Redux untuk mengendalikan penciptaan aplikasi. Mengikut reka bentuk UI, butang harus muncul dua kali pada halaman seperti yang ditunjukkan di bawah. Butang yang diserlahkan adalah komponen yang sama.
Jika saya cuba mencipta apl, ia memaparkan dua mesej roti bakar:
Saya perasan bahawa jika saya mengalih keluar salah satu butang "Buat Apl" dan menyimpannya, maka saya cuba mencipta apl ia hanya memaparkan mesej Toast, seperti yang dijangkakan.
Adakah amalan terbaik yang ideal untuk mencipta 2 butang berasingan untuk mengendalikan satu fungsi?
Ini ialah butang CreateAnApp:
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react"; import { Box, Button, Checkbox, FormControl, FormLabel, Flex, Input, useDisclosure, Modal, ModalOverlay, ModalContent, ModalHeader, Spinner, Text, ModalBody, ModalCloseButton, Wrap, Select, Textarea } from "@chakra-ui/react"; import { Select as Select1 } from "chakra-react-select"; import { useToast } from "@chakra-ui/react"; import { useDropzone } from "react-dropzone"; import "./style.css"; import { AiOutlineCloudUpload } from "react-icons/ai"; import { useDispatch, useSelector } from "react-redux"; import { createApp, reset } from "../../features/apps/appSlice"; export const CreateAnApp = (props) => { const { isOpen, onOpen, onClose } = useDisclosure(); const { variant, bg, textColor, fontSize, fontWeight, leftIcon, hover, children, } = props; const { isAppLoading, isError, isAppSuccess, message } = useSelector( (state) => ); const toast = useToast(); const [formData, setFormData] = useState({ name: "", displayName: "", reason: "", product: "", environment: "", }); const { name, displayName, reason, product, environment } = formData; const [icon, setIcon] = useState([]); const { getRootProps, getInputProps } = useDropzone({ accept: "image/*", onDrop: (acceptedFiles) => { setIcon( => Object.assign(file, { preview: URL.createObjectURL(file), }) ) ); }, }); // const [product, setProduct] = useState([]); const [scopes, setScopes] = useState([]); const [institutionScope, setInstitutionScope] = useState([]); // const [environment, setEnvironment] = useState([]); const images = => ( <img key={} src={file.preview} alt="image" style={{ width: "50%", height: "50%" }} /> )); const onChange = (e) => { setFormData((prevState) => ({ ...prevState, []:, })); }; const onCheckBoxChange = (event) => { if ( { setFormData((prevState) => ({ ...prevState, displayName:, })); } } // handle onChange event of the dropdown const handleScopes = (e) => { setScopes(Array.isArray(e) ? => x.value) : []); }; const handleInstitutionScope = (e) => { setInstitutionScope(Array.isArray(e) ? => x.value) : []); }; // const handleEnvironment = (e) => { // setEnvironment(Array.isArray(e) ? => x.value) : []); // }; const scopesOptions = [ { label: "Transactions", value: "Transactions", }, { label: "Accounts", value: "Accounts", }, ]; const institutionScopeOptions = [ { label: "Neobanks", value: "Neobanks", }, { label: "DeFi/CeFi", value: "DeFi/CeFi", }, { label: "Personal finance", value: "Personal finance", }, { label: "Investments", value: "Investments", }, { label: "Wallets", value: "Wallets", }, ]; const dispatch = useDispatch(); useEffect(() => { if (isError) { toast({ title: "Error", description: message, status: "error", position: "top-right", duration: 5000, isClosable: true, }); dispatch(reset()); } if (isAppSuccess) { toast({ title: "App created", description: "Refreshing page", status: "success", position: "top-right", duration: 5000, isClosable: true, }); dispatch(reset()); onClose(); } }, [isAppSuccess, reset]); const onSubmit = async (e) => { e.preventDefault(); const appData = { name, displayName, product, // icon, scopes, reason, institutionScope, environment, }; dispatch(createApp(appData)); }; function SubmitButton() { if ( name?.length && displayName?.length && scopes?.length && environment?.length && reason?.length > 8 && institutionScope?.length > 0 ) { return ( <Button fontSize={{ sm: "12px", md: "14px" }} type="submit" borderRadius="md" color="white" bg="#002C8A" _hover={{ bg: "#002C6A" }} width={{ sm: "300px", md: "400px" }} > {isAppLoading ? <Spinner /> : "Create app"} </Button> ); } else { return ( <Button fontSize={{ sm: "12px", md: "14px" }} type="submit" borderRadius="md" color="white" bg="#002C8A" _hover={{ bg: "#002C6A" }} width={{ sm: "300px", md: "400px" }} isDisabled > {isAppLoading ? <Spinner /> : "Create app"} </Button> ); } } return ( <div> <Button {} leftIcon={leftIcon} onClick={onOpen} bg={bg} textColor={textColor} borderRadius="lg" variant="solid" fontSize={fontSize} _hover={_hover} fontWeight={fontWeight} > Create an app </Button> <Modal size="lg" closeOnOverlayClick={false} isOpen={isOpen} onClose={onClose} > <ModalOverlay /> <ModalContent mt={1}> <ModalHeader textAlign="center" fontSize="md" color="#002c8a"> Create an app </ModalHeader> <ModalCloseButton /> <form onSubmit={onSubmit}> <ModalBody pb={6}> <Flex flexDirection={{ sm: "column", md: "row" }}> <Box> <Box mb={6}> <FormControl> <FormLabel fontSize="sm" fontWeight="semibold"> Add a logo to personalize your app </FormLabel> <Box width={{ sm: "340px", md: "450px" }} className="dropArea" {...getRootProps()} > <input {...getInputProps()} /> <Flex className="text" width={{ sm: "340px", md: "450px" }} > {images?.length > 0 && ( <> <div>{images}</div> </> )} {images?.length === 0 && ( <> <Box> <AiOutlineCloudUpload size={30} /> </Box> <Box> <Text fontSize="sm"> Drop app icon here or{" "} <Button variant="link" fontSize="sm" color="#002c8a" > browse </Button> </Text> </Box> </> )} </Flex> </Box> </FormControl> </Box> <Flex mt={6}> <Box> <FormControl> <FormLabel fontSize="sm" fontWeight="semibold"> App Name </FormLabel> <Input fontSize="14" width={{ sm: "165px", md: "225px" }} name="name" type="name" value={name} onChange={onChange} /> </FormControl> <Checkbox mt={1} onChange={onCheckBoxChange} size='sm' css={` > span:first-of-type { box-shadow: unset; } `}><Text fontSize="10.9px">Use as display name</Text></Checkbox> </Box> <Box ml={2}> <FormControl> <FormLabel fontSize="sm" fontWeight="semibold"> Display Name </FormLabel> <Input fontSize="14" width={{ sm: "165px", md: "225px" }} name="displayName" type="name" value={displayName} onChange={onChange} /> </FormControl> </Box> </Flex> <Box mt={3}> <FormLabel fontSize="sm" fontWeight="semibold"> Product </FormLabel> <Select name="product" placeholder=" " fontSize="14" value={product} onChange={onChange} > <option value="Connect">Connect</option> <option value="Directpay">Directpay</option> </Select> </Box> <Box w="100%" mt={3}> <FormLabel fontSize="sm" fontWeight="semibold"> Account </FormLabel> <Select1 useBasicStyles isMulti name="scopes" colorScheme="blue" placeholder=" " options={scopesOptions} closeMenuOnSelect={false} value={scopesOptions?.filter((obj) => scopes?.includes(obj.value) )} // set selected values onChange={handleScopes} /> </Box> <Box w="100%" mt={3}> <FormLabel fontSize="sm" fontWeight="semibold"> Institution </FormLabel> <Select1 useBasicStyles isMulti name="institution" colorScheme="blue" placeholder=" " _placeholder={{ color: "red" }} options={institutionScopeOptions} closeMenuOnSelect={false} value={institutionScopeOptions?.filter((obj) => institutionScope?.includes(obj.value) )} // set selected values onChange={handleInstitutionScope} /> </Box> <Box w="100%" mt={3}> <FormLabel fontSize="sm" fontWeight="semibold"> Environment </FormLabel> <Select name="environment" placeholder=" " fontSize="14" color="black" value={environment} onChange={onChange} > <option value="Sandbox">Sandbox</option> <option value="Production">Production</option></Select> {/*<FormLabel fontSize="sm" fontWeight="semibold"> Environment </FormLabel> <Select1 useBasicStyles name="environment" isMulti placeholder=" " options={environmentOptions} closeMenuOnSelect={true} color="black" value={environmentOptions?.filter((obj) => environment?.includes(obj.value) )} // set selected values onChange={handleEnvironment} />*/} </Box> <Box w="100%" mt={4}> <Textarea placeholder="Reason for data access" fontSize="sm" value={reason} name="reason" type="string" onChange={onChange} colorScheme="blue" /> </Box> </Box> </Flex> </ModalBody> <Wrap mb={6} justify="center"> <SubmitButton /> </Wrap> </form> </ModalContent> </Modal> </div> ); };
Ini adalah halaman permohonan:
import { Box, Button, Flex, Spacer, Center, Skeleton, SkeletonCircle, SkeletonText, Text, VStack, Image, Spinner, SimpleGrid, HStack, Avatar, Stack, Select, Hide, Tag, } from "@chakra-ui/react"; import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react"; import { MdFilterList } from "react-icons/md"; import { IoIosApps } from "react-icons/io"; import { ArrowLeftIcon, ArrowRightIcon, SpinnerIcon } from "@chakra-ui/icons"; import { CreateAnApp } from "../../../../components/Buttons/CreateAnApp"; import { useDispatch, useSelector } from "react-redux"; import { getAllApps } from "../../../../features/apps/appSlice"; import moment from "moment"; import { Link, useNavigate } from "react-router-dom"; import Card from "#components/Card/Card"; import CardBody from "#components/Card/CardBody"; import transaction_blue from "#assets/svg/transaction_blue.svg"; import { BsPlusCircleFill } from "react-icons/bs"; import useLocalStorage from "use-local-storage"; const Apps = () => { const dispatch = useDispatch(); const { apps, isLoading, isAppSuccess, meta } = useSelector( (state) => ); const [mode] = useLocalStorage("apiEnv", false); const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true); useEffect(() => { setTimeout(() => { setLoading(false); }, 2000); }, [loading]); const fetchApps = () => { dispatch(getAllApps()); }; useEffect(() => { fetchApps(); }, [isAppSuccess]); return ( <> <Flex alignItems="center" mt={-3} ml={-4} p="5px" mb="10px"> <Spacer /> <Flex> <Box> <Skeleton borderRadius="lg" isLoaded={!loading}> <Button leftIcon={<MdFilterList size={20} />} variant="outline" textColor="black" borderRadius="lg" fontSize={{ sm: "xs", md: "sm" }} fontWeight="normal" > Filter </Button> </Skeleton> </Box> <Box ml={4}> <Skeleton borderRadius="lg" isLoaded={!loading}> <CreateAnApp bg="#002C8A" textColor="white" fontSize={{ sm: "xs", md: "sm" }} _hover={{ bg: "#002C6A" }} leftIcon={<BsPlusCircleFill size={16} />} fontWeight="normal" /> </Skeleton> </Box> </Flex> </Flex> {isLoading ? ( <Center> <Spinner mt={20} /> </Center> ) : ( <SimpleGrid mt={10} minChildWidth="360px" spacing="40px"> {isLoading ? ( <Center> <Spinner mt={20} /> </Center> ) : apps && apps?.length > 0 ? ( apps && apps?.map((app) => { return ( <Skeleton borderRadius="lg" isLoaded={!loading}> <Box _hover={{ bg: "white" }} h="150px" as="button" shadow="lg" p={2} w={{ sm: "85%", md: "350px" }} bg="#f5f5f5" borderRadius="lg" > <Link to={`/admin/viewapp/${app.uid}`}> <Box> {app.environment === "Sandbox" && ( <Box align="right" mt={-4}> <Tag variant="solid" borderRadius="10px" size="sm" colorScheme="orange" fontSize="xs" textTransform="uppercase" > Sandbox </Tag> </Box> )} {app.environment === "Production" && ( <Box align="right" mt={-4}> <Tag variant="solid" borderRadius="10px" colorScheme="green" size="sm" fontSize="xs" textTransform="uppercase" > Production </Tag> </Box> )} <HStack> <Box mt={3} ml={6}> <Avatar bg="black" color="white" name={} /> </Box> <Box> <Stack ml={2}> <Box mt={-1}> <Text color="orange" textTransform="uppercase" fontSize="12px" > {app.product} </Text> </Box> <Box> <Text fontSize={{ sm: "sm", md: "lg" }} fontWeight="bold" > <SkeletonText isLoaded={!loading}> {app.displayName} </SkeletonText> </Text> </Box> </Stack> </Box> </HStack> <Text fontSize="sm"> Created on {moment(app.createdAt).format("LL")} </Text> </Box> </Link> </Box> </Skeleton> ); }) ) : ( <Center ml={{ sm: "0", md: -32 }}> <VStack spacing={4} align="stretch"> <Box> <Center> <SkeletonCircle isLoaded={!loading}> <IoIosApps size={45} /> </SkeletonCircle> </Center> </Box> <Box> <Text fontSize="30px" fontWeight={700}> <SkeletonText isLoaded={!loading}> No apps yet </SkeletonText> </Text> <Text mb={4}> <SkeletonText noOfLines={1} mt={2} isLoaded={!loading}> Create an app to get started </SkeletonText> </Text> <Skeleton borderRadius="lg" isLoaded={!loading}> <CreateAnApp w="200px" h="50px" leftIcon={ <BsPlusCircleFill className="bg-[#002C8A] hover: none text-white" size={30} /> } bg="#002C8A" _hover={{ bg: "#002C6A" }} color="white" /> </Skeleton> </Box> <Box></Box> </VStack> </Center> )} {apps && apps?.length > 1 && ( <Skeleton borderRadius="lg" isLoaded={!loading}> <CreateAnApp h="150px" ml={{ sm: 0, md: -20 }} shadow="lg" leftIcon={ <BsPlusCircleFill className="bg-[#f5f5f5] text-blue-800" size={30} /> } bg="#f5f5f5" textColor="black" border="2px" borderColor="gray.400" borderStyle="dashed" fontSize={{ sm: "sm", md: "2xl" }} fontWeight="bold" p={2} w={{ sm: "85%", md: "350px" }} /> </Skeleton> )} </SimpleGrid> )} </Box> </> ); }; export default Apps;
Dan appSlice saya:
import { createAsyncThunk, createSlice } from "@reduxjs/toolkit"; import appService from "./appService"; const initialState = { apps: [], app: [], isLoading: false, isAppLoading: false, isError: false, isAppSuccess: false, isSuccess: false, message: "", }; // Create new app export const createApp = createAsyncThunk( "app/createApp", async (appData, thunkAPI) => { try { const token = sessionStorage.getItem("token"); return await appService.createApp(appData, token); } catch (error) { const message = (error.response && && || error.message || error.toString(); return thunkAPI.rejectWithValue(message); } } ); // Get all apps export const getAllApps = createAsyncThunk( "app/getAllApps", async (_, thunkAPI) => { try { const token = sessionStorage.getItem("token"); return await appService.getAllApps(token); } catch (error) { const message = (error.response && && || error.message || error.toString(); return thunkAPI.rejectWithValue(message); } } ); export const appSlice = createSlice({ name: "app", initialState, reducers: { reset: (state) => { (state.isLoading = false), (state.isAppSuccess= false), (state.isAppLoading = false), (state.isSuccess = false), (state.isError = false), (state.message = ""); }, }, extraReducers: (builder) => { builder .addCase(createApp.pending, (state) => { state.isAppLoading = true; state.isError = false; }) .addCase(createApp.fulfilled, (state, action) => { state.isAppLoading = false; state.isAppSuccess = true; = action.payload; }) .addCase(createApp.rejected, (state, action) => { state.isAppLoading = false; state.isError = true; state.message = action.payload; }) .addCase(getAllApps.pending, (state) => { state.isLoading = true; state.isError = false; }) .addCase(getAllApps.fulfilled, (state, action) => { state.isLoading = false; state.apps =; }) .addCase(getAllApps.rejected, (state, action) => { state.isLoading = false; state.isError = true; state.message = action.payload; }) }, }); export const { reset } = appSlice.actions; export default appSlice.reducer;
Saya membetulkannya dengan mengalihkan fungsi mesej roti bakar daripada cangkuk useEffect dalam Cipta Apl ke halaman Apl. Saya baru tahu di bilik air haha. Saya tidak boleh menghuraikan lebih lanjut mengenai perkara ini kerana saya belum faham sepenuhnya. Kami belajar setiap hari
Terkemas kini cangkuk useEffect dalam butang "Buat Apl":
Halaman apl yang dikemas kini: