源代码编译MYSQL5.6 环境下的MHA+KEEPALIVED的安装和维护_MySQL

Lepaskan: 2016-06-01 13:06:14
1012 orang telah melayarinya

前    言

摘   要

MHA 是当 master 出现故障,挑选一个 slave 作为新的 master 并构建成新的

主从架构的管理工具。从 master 出现故障到构建成新的主从架构时间是 10-30

秒。在 master 出现故障时可能会出现 slave 同步的数据不一致的现象,此工具

可以自动应用差异的中继日志到其他 slave 上保证数据的一致性。

一.Mha 优点

1.M aster crash 时可以快速的进行故障切换。

9-12 秒内可以检测到 master 故障, 7-10 秒内可以关闭 master 机器避免脑

裂,在几秒内可以应用差异日志,并构建新的主从架构,整个过程大约在 10-30


2.M aster crash 时可以最大化的减少数据丢失

当 master crash 时 MHA 自动检测选择数据同步最全的 slave,并把差异日

志应用到其他 slave 上, 以保障数据的一致性。结合使用 mysql 

3.Semi-Synchronous Replication 可以最大化的减少数据的丢失。

MHA 的更改升级配置等不影响线上正在运行的数据库

使用 mha 不需要增加太多的服务器

MHA 由 MHA Manager 和 MHA Node 组成。 MHA Node 运行在 MYSQL 服务器上,

所以不会因为 MHA node 增加新的服务器。MHA Manager 通常需要独立运行在一

台服务器上,所以你需要增加一台服务器用于监控管理运行 MHA Manager,但

是一台服务器上的 MHA Manager 可以同时监控管理多达百台 master,所以总的

来说服务器增加不会太多。MHA Manger 也可以运行在一台 slave 上,这样总的



MHA 工作在异步或半同步的主从架构上。当监控 master 时,MHA 会每隔几

Mha 部署测试文档


秒 (默认 3 秒) 向 master 发出 ping 包并且不需要大的 sql 语句用于监控 master

的健康状况。Slave 需要开启 binlog,整体性能不会有太大的降低。

5.MHA 适合任何存储引擎

只要能主从复制的存储引擎它都支持,不限于支持事物的 innodb 引擎。

Mha 部署测试文档

二.安  装

共有 4 台服务器: 一个管理服务器,一个 master 服务器,两个 slave 服务器。




关闭selinux iptables 服务以便后期主从同步不出错

[root@MYSQL ~]# cd /usr/local/src/[root@MYSQL src]# lsinstallmysql5.shmysql-5.6.10mysql-5.6.10.tar.gz[root@MYSQL src]# sh installmysql5.sh please enter you mysql version (eg:/mysql-5.5.34):mysql-5.6.10please enter you mysql datadir (eg:/data/mysql/data):/date/mysql/data
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[root@MANAGER ~]# vi /etc/hosts [root@MYSQL etc]# vi /etc/hosts localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6192.168.186.141 MYSQL.COM192.168.186.142 SLAVE1.COM192.168.186.146 SLAVE2.COM192.168.186.144 MANAGER.COM [root@MYSQL etc]# for i in142 146 144;do scp /etc/hosts 192.168.186.$i:/etc/;doneroot@'s password: Permission denied, please try again.root@'s password: Permission denied, please try again.root@'s password: hosts 100%266 0.3KB/s 00:00root@'s password: hosts 100%266 0.3KB/s 00:00root@'s password:
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3.安装MYSQL 主从半同步

# 所有mysql数据库服务器,安装半同步插件(semisync_master.so,semisync_slave.so)mysql> install plugin rpl_semi_sync_master soname 'semisync_master.so';mysql> install plugin rpl_semi_sync_slave soname 'semisync_slave.so'; [root@MYSQL etc]vi /etc/my.cnf[mysqld]rpl_semi_sync_master_enabled=1rpl_semi_sync_master_timeout=1000rpl_semi_sync_slave_enabled=1relay_log_purge=0skip-name-resolve#socket=/usr/mysql.sock#auto_increment_offset = 2#auto_increment_increment = 2server-id = 1log-bin=mysql-binread_only=1slave-skip-errors=1396
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三台机器可以全部开启 仅仅server-id不同

mysql> show variables like '%sync%';  

# 查看半同步状态:  

mysql> show status like '%sync%';  

# 有几个状态参数值得关注的:  







[root@MYSQL src]# service mysqld restart 每台机器重启
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[root@MYSQL src]# cat /etc/hosts127.0.0.1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6192.168.186.141 MYSQL.COM192.168.186.142 SLAVE1.COM192.168.186.146 SLAVE2.COM192.168.186.144 MANAGER.COM [root@MYSQL src]# ssh-keygen [root@MYSQL src]# ssh-copy-id[root@MYSQL src]# ssh-copy-id[root@MYSQL src]# ssh-copy-id 其他台配置方法与以上一致 保证每台互相无交互配置完成后每一个都登录一次[root@MYSQL ~]# ssh MANAGER.COM[root@MYSQL ~]# ssh SLAVE1.COM[root@MYSQL ~]# ssh SALVE2.COM作用首次连接需要输入一次YES 在know-hosts问价记录,达成无交互
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建议自己做 用这个脚本要是后期带来各种不便 不要怪我


[root@MYSQL src]# sh mslave.sh please enter you mysql SLAVEIP(eg: enter you master mysql password(eg:yunwei123):123please enter you slave mysql password(eg:yunwei123):123please enter you master mysql binlog(eg:mysql-bin.000001):mysql-bin.000001 [root@MYSQL src]# sh mslave.sh please enter you mysql SLAVEIP(eg: enter you master mysql password(eg:yunwei123):123这个是你的主MYSQL 登录密码please enter you slave mysql password(eg:yunwei123):123这个是你的从的MYSQL登录密码please enter you master mysql binlog(eg:mysql-bin.000001):mysql-bin.000001 至此MYSQL 安装主从半同步配置完成
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[root@SLAVE2 data]#rpm -ivh http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm [root@MANAGER src]# yum clean allLoaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit, securityCleaning repos: epel nameCleaning up EverythingCleaning up list of fastest mirrors [root@MANAGER src]# yum makecache [root@MANAGER src]# rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/* [root@SLAVE2 data]# yum-y install perl-DBD-MySQL perl-Config-Tiny perl-Log-Dispatch perl-Parallel-ForkManager perl-Config-IniFilesncftp perl-Params-Validateperl-CPAN perl-Test-Mock-LWP.noarch perl-LWP-Authen-Negotiate.noarch perl-devel [root@SLAVE2 data]#yum install perl-ExtUtils-CBuilder perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker这个百度文档没有但是显然是要装的
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1 # 如果安装下面包,报依赖关系错,请先安装mysql-share-compat包  

2 # 先安装下面的 perl-dbd-mysql包  

3 # 在下面执行perl时,如果出现报错,需要安装如下这几个perl包: perl-devel perl-CPAN  

[root@MANAGER src]# tar -xf mha4mysql-node-0.53.tar.gz [root@MANAGER src]# cd mha4mysql-node-0.53[root@MANAGER mha4mysql-node-0.53]# perl Makefile.PL[root@MANAGER mha4mysql-node-0.53]# make && make install***字体这部分是每一台节点都要做的 [root@MANAGER src]# tar -xfmha4mysql-manager-0.53.tar.gz[root@MANAGER src]# cd mha4mysql-manager-0.53[root@MANAGER mha4mysql-manager-0.53]# perl Makefile.PL [root@MANAGER mha4mysql-manager-0.53]# make && make install根据提示输入 如果中间有卡顿现象 直接crtl+c 然后继续会出现下载的进度条,说明是正常的[root@MANAGER src]# mkdir /etc/masterha[root@MANAGER mha]# mkdir -p /master/app1[root@MANAGERmha]# mkdir -p /scripts[root@MANAGER mha]# cp samples/conf/* /etc/masterha/[root@MANAGERmha]# cp samples/scripts/*/scripts[root@MANAGER mha4mysql-manager-0.53]#cp samples/conf/* /etc/masterha/
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[root@MANAGER masterha]# vi app1.cnf 内容如下;[server default]manager_workdir=/masterha/app1manager_log=/masterha/app1/manager.loguser=mha_monpassword=123ssh_user=rootrepl_user=slave 做主从的用户这个也是每一台都要授权的repl_password=yunwei123做主从的密码ping_interval=1shutdown_script=""master_ip_online_change_script=""report_script="" [server1]hostname= [server2]hostname= [server3]hostname= 保存退出![root@MANAGER masterha]# >masterha_default.cnf
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[root@MANAGER masterha]# masterha_check_ssh --global_conf=/etc/masterha/masterha_default.cnf--conf=/etc/masterha/app1.cnfWed Jul9 02:26:57 2014 - [info] Reading default configuratoins from /etc/masterha/masterha_default.cnf..Wed Jul9 02:26:57 2014 - [info] Reading application default configurations from /etc/masterha/app1.cnf..Wed Jul9 02:26:57 2014 - [info] Reading server configurations from /etc/masterha/app1.cnf..Wed Jul9 02:26:57 2014 - [info] Starting SSH connection tests..Wed Jul9 02:26:58 2014 - [debug] Wed Jul9 02:26:57 2014 - [debug]Connecting via SSH from root@ to root@ Jul9 02:26:57 2014 - [debug] ok.Wed Jul9 02:26:57 2014 - [debug]Connecting via SSH from root@ to root@ Jul9 02:26:57 2014 - [debug] ok.Wed Jul9 02:26:58 2014 - [debug] Wed Jul9 02:26:57 2014 - [debug]Connecting via SSH from root@ to root@ Jul9 02:26:57 2014 - [debug] ok.Wed Jul9 02:26:57 2014 - [debug]Connecting via SSH from root@ to root@ Jul9 02:26:58 2014 - [debug] ok.Wed Jul9 02:26:58 2014 - [debug] Wed Jul9 02:26:58 2014 - [debug]Connecting via SSH from root@ to root@ Jul9 02:26:58 2014 - [debug] ok.Wed Jul9 02:26:58 2014 - [debug]Connecting via SSH from root@ to root@ Jul9 02:26:58 2014 - [debug] ok.Wed Jul9 02:26:58 2014 - [info] All SSH connection tests passed successfully.登入每台数据库mysql> grant all privileges on *.* to mha_mon@'%' identified by '123';Query OK, 0 rows affected (1.00 sec) mysql> flush privileges;Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
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[root@SLAVE1 ~]# ln -s /usr/local/mysql/bin/* /usr/bin
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在每台MYSQL 服务器上做这件事情 极度重要哦

mysql>set global read_only=1;setglobalrelay_log_purge=0;
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  在从上执行 或者干脆写到my.cnf文件里面最好

[root@SLAVE1 ~]# vi /etc/my.cnfread_only=1slave-skip-errors=1396
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为什么要跳过这个错误呢 因为啊在主里面删除用户的时候 从会报错说没有这个用户所以跳过这个错误吧

如果数据库存在空的用户 域名的用户 一定要删除否则MHA  连接MYSQL 会报错连不上 一般只要在从上面删除 如果直接没删除也OK 那就OK 吧如果报错登录不了就删除掉吧 或者跳过域名解析,或者你授权的时候记得也授权域名等等方法多种 我的方式是跳过域名解析的 skip-name-resolve

mysql> select user,host from mysql.user;+---------+---------------+| user| host|+---------+---------------+| root| || mha_mon | 192.168.186.% || repl| 192.168.186.% || slave | 192.168.186.% || root| ::1 || | SLAVE2.COM|| root| SLAVE2.COM|| root| localhost |+---------+---------------+8 rows in set (0.00 sec)mysql> drop user 'root'@SLAVE2.COM;Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
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[root@MANAGER masterha]#masterha_check_repl --conf=/etc/masterha/app1.cnfWed Jul9 04:23:16 2014 - [warning] Global configuration file /etc/masterha_default.cnf not found. Skipping.Wed Jul9 04:23:16 2014 - [info] Reading application default configurations from /etc/masterha/app1.cnf..Wed Jul9 04:23:16 2014 - [info] Reading server configurations from /etc/masterha/app1.cnf..Wed Jul9 04:23:16 2014 - [info] MHA::MasterMonitor version 0.53.Wed Jul9 04:23:17 2014 - [info] Dead Servers:Wed Jul9 04:23:17 2014 - [info] Alive Servers:Wed Jul9 04:23:17 2014 - [info] Jul9 04:23:17 2014 - [info] Jul9 04:23:17 2014 - [info] SLAVE2.COM( Jul9 04:23:17 2014 - [info] Alive Slaves:Wed Jul9 04:23:17 2014 - [info] (oldest major version between slaves) log-bin:enabledWed Jul9 04:23:17 2014 - [info] Replicating from Jul9 04:23:17 2014 - [info] Primary candidate for the new Master (candidate_master is set)Wed Jul9 04:23:17 2014 - [info] SLAVE2.COM( (oldest major version between slaves) log-bin:enabledWed Jul9 04:23:17 2014 - [info] Replicating from Jul9 04:23:17 2014 - [info] Not candidate for the new Master (no_master is set)Wed Jul9 04:23:17 2014 - [info] Current Alive Master: Jul9 04:23:17 2014 - [info] Checking slave configurations..Wed Jul9 04:23:17 2014 - [info] Checking replication filtering settings..Wed Jul9 04:23:17 2014 - [info]binlog_do_db= , binlog_ignore_db= Wed Jul9 04:23:17 2014 - [info]Replication filtering check ok.Wed Jul9 04:23:17 2014 - [info] Starting SSH connection tests..Wed Jul9 04:23:18 2014 - [info] All SSH connection tests passed successfully.Wed Jul9 04:23:18 2014 - [info] Checking MHA Node version..Wed Jul9 04:23:19 2014 - [info]Version check ok.Wed Jul9 04:23:19 2014 - [info] Checking SSH publickey authentication settings on the current master..Wed Jul9 04:23:19 2014 - [info] HealthCheck: SSH to is reachable.Wed Jul9 04:23:19 2014 - [info] Master MHA Node version is 0.53.Wed Jul9 04:23:19 2014 - [info] Checking recovery script configurations on the current master..Wed Jul9 04:23:19 2014 - [info] Executing command: save_binary_logs --command=test --start_pos=4 --binlog_dir=/data/mysql/data --output_file=/var/tmp/save_binary_logs_test --manager_version=0.53 --start_file=mysql-bin.000001 Wed Jul9 04:23:19 2014 - [info] Connecting to root@ Creating /var/tmp if not exists..ok.Checking output directory is accessible or not.. ok.Binlog found at /data/mysql/data, up to mysql-bin.000001Wed Jul9 04:23:20 2014 - [info] Master setting check done.Wed Jul9 04:23:20 2014 - [info] Checking SSH publickey authentication and checking recovery script configurations on all alive slave servers..Wed Jul9 04:23:20 2014 - [info] Executing command : apply_diff_relay_logs --command=test --slave_user=mha_mon --slave_host= --slave_ip= --slave_port=3306 --workdir=/var/tmp --target_version=5.6.10-log --manager_version=0.53 --relay_log_info=/data/mysql/data/relay-log.info--relay_dir=/data/mysql/data/--slave_pass=xxxWed Jul9 04:23:20 2014 - [info] Connecting to root@ Checking slave recovery environment settings..Opening /data/mysql/data/relay-log.info ... ok.Relay log found at /data/mysql/data, up to SLAVE1-relay-bin.000002Temporary relay log file is /data/mysql/data/SLAVE1-relay-bin.000002Testing mysql connection and privileges..Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. done.Testing mysqlbinlog output.. done.Cleaning up test file(s).. done.Wed Jul9 04:23:20 2014 - [info] Executing command : apply_diff_relay_logs --command=test --slave_user=mha_mon --slave_host=SLAVE2.COM --slave_ip= --slave_port=3306 --workdir=/var/tmp --target_version=5.6.10-log --manager_version=0.53 --relay_log_info=/data/mysql/data/relay-log.info--relay_dir=/data/mysql/data/--slave_pass=xxxWed Jul9 04:23:20 2014 - [info] Connecting to root@ Checking slave recovery environment settings..Opening /data/mysql/data/relay-log.info ... ok.Relay log found at /data/mysql/data, up to slave2-relay-bin.000002Temporary relay log file is /data/mysql/data/slave2-relay-bin.000002Testing mysql connection and privileges..Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. done.Testing mysqlbinlog output.. done.Cleaning up test file(s).. done.Wed Jul9 04:23:21 2014 - [info] Slaves settings check done.Wed Jul9 04:23:21 2014 - [info] (current master) +-- +--SLAVE2.COM Wed Jul9 04:23:21 2014 - [info] Checking replication health on Jul9 04:23:21 2014 - [info]ok.Wed Jul9 04:23:21 2014 - [info] Checking replication health on SLAVE2.COM..Wed Jul9 04:23:21 2014 - [info]ok.Wed Jul9 04:23:21 2014 - [warning] master_ip_failover_script is not defined.Wed Jul9 04:23:21 2014 - [warning] shutdown_script is not defined.Wed Jul9 04:23:21 2014 - [info] Got exit code 0 (Not master dead). MySQL Replication Health is OK. 至此说明你的MHA 已经配置好了
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[root@MANAGER ~]# nohup masterha_manager --conf=/etc/mastermha/app1.cnf > /tmp/mha_manager.log/null 2>&1 &
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测试 将MYSQL.COM机器上的MYSQL服务关闭 ,注意观察 manager.log  日志会发现 切换到了SLAVE1.COM 并且SLAVE1.COM变成了主  而SLAVE2.COM 则变成了SLAVE1.COM 的从

root@MANAGER app1]# tail -f manager.log 这是启动后还没关闭主数据库的日志内容192.168.186.141 (current master) +-- +--SLAVE2.COM Wed Jul9 18:52:32 2014 - [warning] master_ip_failover_script is not defined.Wed Jul9 18:52:32 2014 - [warning] shutdown_script is not defined.Wed Jul9 18:52:32 2014 - [info] Set master ping interval 1 seconds.Wed Jul9 18:52:32 2014 - [warning] secondary_check_script is not defined. It is highly recommended setting it to check master reachability from two or more routes.Wed Jul9 18:52:32 2014 - [info] Starting ping health check on Jul9 18:52:32 2014 - [info] Ping(SELECT) succeeded, waiting until MySQL doesn't respond.. [root@MYSQL ~]# service mysqld stopShutting down MySQL..... SUCCESS! [root@MANAGER app1]# tail -f manager.log 最要看最后几行 就知道有没有切换成功192.168.186.141 (current master) +-- +--SLAVE2.COMWed Jul9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Dead Servers:Wed Jul9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Jul9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Alive Servers:Wed Jul9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Jul9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] SLAVE2.COM( Jul9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Alive Slaves:Wed Jul9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] (oldest major version between slaves) log-bin:enabledWed Jul9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Replicating from Jul9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Primary candidate for the new Master (candidate_master is set)Wed Jul9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] SLAVE2.COM( (oldest major version between slaves) log-bin:enabledWed Jul9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Replicating from Jul9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Not candidate for the new Master (no_master is set)Wed Jul9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Checking slave configurations..Wed Jul9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Checking replication filtering settings..Wed Jul9 18:56:47 2014 - [info]Replication filtering check ok.Wed Jul9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Master is down!Wed Jul9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Terminating monitoring script.Wed Jul9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Got exit code 20 (Master dead).Wed Jul9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] MHA::MasterFailover version 0.53.Wed Jul9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Starting master failover.Wed Jul9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] * Phase 2: Dead Master Shutdown Phase completed.Wed Jul9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] (oldest major version between slaves) log-bin:enabledWed Jul9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Replicating from Jul9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Primary candidate for the new Master (candidate_master is set)Wed Jul9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] SLAVE2.COM( (oldest major version between slaves) log-bin:enabledWed Jul9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Replicating from Jul9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Not candidate for the new Master (no_master is set)Wed Jul9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] The oldest binary log file/position on all slaves is mysql-bin.000001:214Wed Jul9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Oldest slaves:Wed Jul9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] (oldest major version between slaves) log-bin:enabledWed Jul9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Replicating from Jul9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Primary candidate for the new Master (candidate_master is set)Wed Jul9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] SLAVE2.COM( (oldest major version between slaves) log-bin:enabledWed Jul9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Replicating from Jul9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Not candidate for the new Master (no_master is set)Wed Jul9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Wed Jul9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] * Phase 3.2: Saving Dead Master's Binlog Phase..Wed Jul9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Wed Jul9 18:56:48 2014 - [info] Fetching dead master's binary logs..Wed Jul9 18:56:48 2014 - [info] Executing command on the dead master save_binary_logs --command=save --start_file=mysql-bin.000001--start_pos=214 --binlog_dir=/data/mysql/data --output_file=/var/tmp/saved_master_binlog_from_192.168.186.141_3306_20140709185647.binlog --handle_raw_binlog=1 --disable_log_bin=0 --manager_version=0.53Creating /var/tmp if not exists..ok. Concat binary/relay logs from mysql-bin.000001 pos 214 to mysql-bin.000001 EOF into /var/tmp/saved_master_binlog_from_192.168.186.141_3306_20140709185647.binlog ..Dumping binlog format description event, from position 0 to 120.. ok.Dumping effective binlog data from /data/mysql/data/mysql-bin.000001 position 214 to tail(237).. ok. Concat succeeded.Wed Jul9 18:56:48 2014 - [info] scp from root@ to local:/masterha/app1/saved_master_binlog_from_192.168.186.141_3306_20140709185647.binlog succeeded.Wed Jul9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] HealthCheck: SSH to is reachable.Wed Jul9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] HealthCheck: SSH to SLAVE2.COM is reachable.Wed Jul9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] Wed Jul9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] * Phase 3.3: Determining New Master Phase..Wed Jul9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] Wed Jul9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] Finding the latest slave that has all relay logs for recovering other slaves..Wed Jul9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] All slaves received relay logs to the same position. No need to resync each other.Wed Jul9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] Searching new master from slaves..Wed Jul9 18:56:49 2014 - [info]Candidate masters from the configuration file:Wed Jul9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] (oldest major version between slaves) log-bin:enabledWed Jul9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] Replicating from Jul9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] Primary candidate for the new Master (candidate_master is set)Wed Jul9 18:56:49 2014 - [info]Non-candidate masters:Wed Jul9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] SLAVE2.COM( (oldest major version between slaves) log-bin:enabledWed Jul9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] Replicating from Jul9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] Not candidate for the new Master (no_master is set)Wed Jul9 18:56:49 2014 - [info]Searching from candidate_master slaves which have received the latest relay log events..Wed Jul9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] New master is Jul9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] Starting master failover..Wed Jul9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] From: (current master) +-- +--SLAVE2.COM To: (new master) +--SLAVE2.COMWed Jul9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] Wed Jul9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] * Phase 3.3: New Master Diff Log Generation Phase..Wed Jul9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] Wed Jul9 18:56:49 2014 - [info]This server has all relay logs. No need to generate diff files from the latest slave.Wed Jul9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] Sending binlog..Wed Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] scp from local:/masterha/app1/saved_master_binlog_from_192.168.186.141_3306_20140709185647.binlog to root@ succeeded.Wed Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] Wed Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] * Phase 3.4: Master Log Apply Phase..Wed Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] Wed Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] *NOTICE: If any error happens from this phase, manual recovery is needed.Wed Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] Starting recovery on Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info]Generating diffs succeeded.Wed Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] Waiting until all relay logs are applied.Wed Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info]done.Wed Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] Getting slave status..Wed Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] This slave('s Exec_Master_Log_Pos equals to Read_Master_Log_Pos(mysql-bin.000001:214). No need to recover from Exec_Master_Log_Pos.Wed Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] Connecting to the target slave host, running recover script..Wed Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] Executing command: apply_diff_relay_logs --command=apply --slave_user=mha_mon --slave_host= --slave_ip= --apply_files=/var/tmp/saved_master_binlog_from_192.168.186.141_3306_20140709185647.binlog --workdir=/var/tmp --target_version=5.6.10-log --timestamp=20140709185647 --handle_raw_binlog=1 --disable_log_bin=0 --manager_version=0.53 --slave_pass=xxxWed Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] MySQL client version is 5.6.10. Using --binary-mode.Applying differential binary/relay log files /var/tmp/saved_master_binlog_from_192.168.186.141_3306_20140709185647.binlog on This may take long time...Applying log files succeeded.Wed Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info]All relay logs were successfully applied.Wed Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] Getting new master's binlog name and position..Wed Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info]mysql-bin.000007:504Wed Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info]All other slaves should start replication from here. Statement should be: CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST='', MASTER_PORT=3306, MASTER_LOG_FILE='mysql-bin.000007', MASTER_LOG_POS=504, MASTER_USER='repl', MASTER_PASSWORD='xxx';Wed Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [warning] master_ip_failover_script is not set. Skipping taking over new master ip address.Wed Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] Setting read_only=0 on Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info]ok.Wed Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] ** Finished master recovery successfully.Wed Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] * Phase 3: Master Recovery Phase completed.Wed Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] Wed Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] * Phase 4: Slaves Recovery Phase..Wed Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] Wed Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] * Phase 4.1: Starting Parallel Slave Diff Log Generation Phase..Wed Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] Wed Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] -- Slave diff file generation on host SLAVE2.COM( started, pid: 3135. Check tmp log /masterha/app1/SLAVE2.COM_3306_20140709185647.log if it takes time..Wed Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] Wed Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] Log messages from SLAVE2.COM ...Wed Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] Wed Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info]This server has all relay logs. No need to generate diff files from the latest slave.Wed Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] End of log messages from SLAVE2.COM.Wed Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] -- SLAVE2.COM( has the latest relay log events.Wed Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] Generating relay diff files from the latest slave succeeded.Wed Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] Wed Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] * Phase 4.2: Starting Parallel Slave Log Apply Phase..Wed Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] Wed Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] -- Slave recovery on host SLAVE2.COM( started, pid: 3137. Check tmp log /masterha/app1/SLAVE2.COM_3306_20140709185647.log if it takes time..Wed Jul9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] Wed Jul9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] Log messages from SLAVE2.COM ...Wed Jul9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] Wed Jul9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] Sending binlog..Wed Jul9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] scp from local:/masterha/app1/saved_master_binlog_from_192.168.186.141_3306_20140709185647.binlog to root@SLAVE2.COM:/var/tmp/saved_master_binlog_from_192.168.186.141_3306_20140709185647.binlog succeeded.Wed Jul9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] Starting recovery on SLAVE2.COM( Jul9 18:56:51 2014 - [info]Generating diffs succeeded.Wed Jul9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] Waiting until all relay logs are applied.Wed Jul9 18:56:51 2014 - [info]done.Wed Jul9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] Getting slave status..Wed Jul9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] This slave(SLAVE2.COM)'s Exec_Master_Log_Pos equals to Read_Master_Log_Pos(mysql-bin.000001:214). No need to recover from Exec_Master_Log_Pos.Wed Jul9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] Connecting to the target slave host SLAVE2.COM, running recover script..Wed Jul9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] Executing command: apply_diff_relay_logs --command=apply --slave_user=mha_mon --slave_host=SLAVE2.COM --slave_ip= --apply_files=/var/tmp/saved_master_binlog_from_192.168.186.141_3306_20140709185647.binlog --workdir=/var/tmp --target_version=5.6.10-log --timestamp=20140709185647 --handle_raw_binlog=1 --disable_log_bin=0 --manager_version=0.53 --slave_pass=xxxWed Jul9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] MySQL client version is 5.6.10. Using --binary-mode.Applying differential binary/relay log files /var/tmp/saved_master_binlog_from_192.168.186.141_3306_20140709185647.binlog on SLAVE2.COM:3306. This may take long time...Applying log files succeeded.Wed Jul9 18:56:51 2014 - [info]All relay logs were successfully applied.Wed Jul9 18:56:51 2014 - [info]Resetting slave SLAVE2.COM( and starting replication from the new master Jul9 18:56:51 2014 - [info]Executed CHANGE MASTER.Wed Jul9 18:56:51 2014 - [info]Slave started.Wed Jul9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] End of log messages from SLAVE2.COM.Wed Jul9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] -- Slave recovery on host SLAVE2.COM( succeeded.Wed Jul9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] All new slave servers recovered successfully.Wed Jul9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] Wed Jul9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] * Phase 5: New master cleanup phease..Wed Jul9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] Wed Jul9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] Resetting slave info on the new master..Wed Jul9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] Resetting slave info succeeded.Wed Jul9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] Master failover to completed successfully.Wed Jul9 18:56:51 2014 - [info]----- Failover Report ----- app1: MySQL Master failover to succeeded Master is down! Check MHA Manager logs at MANAGER.COM:/masterha/app1/manager.log for details. Started automated(non-interactive) failover.The latest slave has all relay logs for recovery.Selected as a new master. OK: Applying all logs succeeded.SLAVE2.COM: This host has the latest relay log events.Generating relay diff files from the latest slave succeeded.SLAVE2.COM: OK: Applying all logs succeeded. Slave started, replicating from Resetting slave info succeeded. Resetting slave info succeeded.
Salin selepas log masuk

看到192.168.186.142: Resetting slave info succeeded.

Master failover to completed successfully.  说明切换成功了

[root@slave2 ~]# mysql -e "show slave status/G"*************************** 1. row ***************************					Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event						Master_Host:						Master_User: repl						Master_Port: 3306					 Connect_Retry: 60				Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000007			 Read_Master_Log_Pos: 504					Relay_Log_File: slave2-relay-bin.000002					 Relay_Log_Pos: 283		Relay_Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000007				 Slave_IO_Running: Yes				Slave_SQL_Running: Yes看到已经切换到和142同步了 本来是和141同步的 此时的SALVE1.COM已经变成主了 说明已然生效
Salin selepas log masuk


重构我想就不要我做了吧,就是这时候等于你的主挂了 切换在SLAVE1.COM 上变成了主 因此重构我提供一种方案(方案多种),拿出一台新的服务器重新加入以142为主做成从 再app1.conf配置文件中加入 

[root@MANAGER app1]# rm -rf app1.failover.complete
Salin selepas log masuk

删除该文件后 再次启动manager端即可



[root@MYSQL src]# wget http://www.keepalived.org/software/keepalived-1.2.12.tar.gz[root@MYSQL src]# tar -xf keepalived-1.2.12.tar.gz [root@MYSQL src]# cd keepalived-1.2.12[root@MYSQL src]# yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ gcc-g77 ncurses-devel bison libaio-devel cmake libnl* libpopt* popt-static openssl-devel[root@MYSQL keepalived-1.2.12]# ./configure[root@MYSQL keepalived-1.2.12]# make && make install[root@MYSQL src]#mkdir /etc/keepalived/ [root@MYSQL src]# cp /usr/local/etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf /etc/keepalived/[root@MYSQL src]#cp /usr/local/etc/rc.d/init.d/keepalived /etc/init.d/[root@MYSQL src]# cp /usr/local/etc/sysconfig/keepalived /etc/sysconfig/[root@MYSQL src]#cp /usr/local/sbin/keepalived /usr/sbin/
Salin selepas log masuk


[root@MYSQL keepalived]# vi keepalived.conf ! Configuration File for keepalived global_defs { notification_email { acassen@firewall.loc failover@firewall.loc sysadmin@firewall.loc } notification_email_from Alexandre.Cassen@firewall.loc smtp_server smtp_connect_timeout 30 router_id LVS_DEVEL ##配置是为了标识当前节点,两个节点的此项设置可相同,也可不相同} vrrp_instance VI_1 {state MASTER#指定A节点为主节点 备用节点上设置为BACKUP即可interface eth0virtual_router_id 51 #VRRP组名,两个节点的设置必须一样,以指明各个节点属于同一VRRPpriority 100#主节点的优先级(1-254之间),备用节点必须比主节点优先级低 advert_int 1authentication {#设置验证信息,两个节点必须一致auth_type PASS auth_pass 1111}virtual_ipaddress {}}
Salin selepas log masuk


[root@MYSQL keepalived]# vi /root/check_mysql.sh #!/bin/bashMYSQL=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqlMYSQL_HOST= working MYSQL_OK is 1 , mysql down MYSQL_OK is 0MYSQL_OK=1function check_mysql_helth (){$MYSQL -h $MYSQL_HOST -u $MYSQL_USER -e "show status;" >/dev/null 2>&1if [ $? = 0 ] ;then	MYSQL_OK=1else	MYSQL_OK=0fi	return $MYSQL_OK}while [ $CHECK_TIME -ne 0 ]do	let "CHECK_TIME -= 1"	check_mysql_helthif [ $MYSQL_OK = 1 ] ; then	CHECK_TIME=0	exit 0fiif [ $MYSQL_OK -eq 0 ] &&[ $CHECK_TIME -eq 0 ]then	pkill keepalivedexit 1fisleep 1Done
Salin selepas log masuk

该脚本做一个计划任务每分钟做一次检查MYSQL 服务如果挂掉了的话 VIP 就会在SALVE1.COM 上生效 这样的话 client 端连接的VIP 就会从MYSQL.COM 上变到了SLAVE1.COM 上  此时SLAVE1.COM 由于MHA的生效 已经变为主对外提供服务了 VIP 也在SALVE1.COM上 所以从头到尾 客户端只需要连接VIP 就可以了

[root@MYSQL keepalived]# yum -y install cronie[root@MYSQL ~]# crontab-l*/1 * * * * bash /root/checkmysql.sh
Salin selepas log masuk

以上步骤再在下一次切换的SLAVE上做一次也就是SLAVE1.COM上做一次 keepalived.conf配置文件不同的地方已做注释



[root@MYSQL keepalived]# keepalived -f /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf[root@MYSQL keepalived]# ps -ef |grep keeproot	3230	 10 23:27 ?		00:00:00 keepalived -f /etc/keepalived/keepalived.confroot	323132300 23:27 ?		00:00:00 keepalived -f /etc/keepalived/keepalived.confroot	323232300 23:27 ?		00:00:00 keepalived -f /etc/keepalived/keepalived.confroot	323425380 23:27 pts/0	00:00:00 grep keep [root@MYSQL keepalived]# ip a1: lo: <loopback> mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN 	link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00	inet scope host lo	inet6 ::1/128 scope host 	 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever2: eth0: <broadcast> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP qlen 1000	link/ether 00:0c:29:c9:85:ba brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff	inet brd scope global eth0	inet scope global eth0	inet6 fe80::20c:29ff:fec9:85ba/64 scope link 	 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever</broadcast></loopback>
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测试关闭该主机的MYSQL 服务看看VIP 是否飘到配好keepalive的SLAVE1.COM上 MHA中的MYSQL 主是不是也变成了SLAVE1.COM

如是 至此全部完成。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。谢谢!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1.查看ssh登陆是否成功masterha_check_ssh --conf=/etc/masterha/app1.cnf2.查看复制是否建立好masterha_check_repl --conf=/etc/masterha/app1.cnf3.启动mhanohup masterha_manager --conf=/etc/masterha/app1.cnf > /tmp/mha_manager.log&1 & 当有slave节点宕掉的情况是启动不了的,加上--ignore_fail_on_start即使有节点宕掉也能启动mhanohup masterha_manager --conf=/etc/masterha/app1.cnf--ignore_fail_on_start > /tmp/mha_manager.log&1 & 4.检查启动的状态masterha_check_status --conf=/etc/masterha/app1.cnf5.停止mhamasterha_stop--conf=/etc/masterha/app1.cnf6.failover后下次重启每次failover切换后会在管理目录生成文件app1.failover.complete ,下次在切换的时候会发现有这个文件导致切换不成功,需要手动清理掉。rm -rf /masterha/app1/app1.failover.complete也可以加上参数--ignore_last_failover7.手工failover手工failover场景,master死掉,但是masterha_manager没有开启,可以通过手工failover:masterha_master_switch --conf=/etc/masterha/app1.cnf --dead_master_host= --master_state=dead --new_master_host= --ignore_last_failover8.masterha_manager是一种监视和故障转移的程序。另一方面,masterha_master_switch程序不监控主库。 masterha_master_switch可以用于主库故障转移,也可用于在线总开关。9.手动在线切换masterha_master_switch --conf=/etc/app1.cnf --master_state=alive --new_master_host= --orig_master_is_new_slave或者masterha_master_switch --conf=/etc/app1.cnf --master_state=alive --new_master_host= --orig_master_is_new_slave --running_updates_limit=10000--orig_master_is_new_slave切换时加上此参数是将原master变为slave节点,如果不加此参数,原来的master将不启动--running_updates_limit=10000 切换时候选master如果有延迟的话,mha切换不能成功,加上此参数表示延迟在此时间范围内都可切换(单位为s),但是切换的时间长短是由recover时relay日志的大小决定手动在线切换mha,切换时需要将在运行的mha停掉后才能切换。在备库先执行DDL,一般先stop slave,一般不记录mysql日志,可以通过set SQL_LOG_BIN = 0实现。然后进行一次主备切换操作,再在原来的主库上执行DDL。这种方法适用于增减索引,如果是增加字段就需要额外注意。可以通过如下命令停止mhamasterha_stop --conf=/etc/app1.cnf
Salin selepas log masuk
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