php memcached方法有:1、set();1、add();3、replace();4、get();5、delete();6、increment();7、decrement();8、flush();9、connect()等等。
本教程操作环境:windows7系统、PHP7.1版,DELL G3电脑
1、boolMemcache::set( string$key
, mixed$var
[, int$flag
[, int$expire
]] )
2、boolMemcache::add( string$key
, mixed$var
[, int$flag
[, int$expire
]] )
3、boolMemcache::replace( string$key
, mixed$var
[, int$flag
[, int$expire
]] )
4、stringMemcache::get( string$key
[, int&$flags
] )
arrayMemcache::get( array$keys
[, array&$flags
] )
5、boolMemcache::delete( string$key
[, int$timeout
= 0 ] )
6、intMemcache::increment( string$key
[, int$value
= 1 ] )
7、intMemcache::decrement( string$key
[, int$value
= 1 ] )
8、boolMemcache::flush( void )
9、boolMemcache::connect( string$host
[, int$port
[, int$timeout=1
]] )
10、boolMemcache::close( void )
11、mixedMemcache::pconnect( string$host
[, int$port
[, int$timeout
]] )
12、boolMemcache::addServer( string$host
[, int$port
= 11211 [, bool$persistent
[, int$weight
[, int$timeout
[, int$retry_interval
[, bool$status
[, int$timeoutms
]]]]]]]] )
$status 控制此服务器是否被标记为在线状态(假若连接失败,连接池少了一个服务器,会影响原有的分配算法)
13、arrayMemcache::getExtendedStats([ string$type
[, int$slabid
[, int$limit
= 100 ]]] )
#getExtendedStats('cachedump', $slabid, $limit)获取每个slab里面缓存的项
#type 期望抓取的统计信息类型,可以使用的值有{reset, malloc, maps, cachedump, slabs, items, sizes}
#slabid 用于与参数type
联合从指定slab分块拷贝数据,cachedump命令会完全占用服务器通常用于 比较严格的调试。
#limit 用于和参数type
14、intMemcache::getServerStatus( string$host
[, int$port
= 11211 ] )
15、arrayMemcache::getStats([ string$type
[, int$slabid
[, int$limit
= 100 ]]] )
16、stringMemcache::getVersion( void )
17、boolMemcache::setCompressThreshold( int$threshold
[, float$min_savings
] )
#threshold 控制多大值进行自动压缩的阈值。
#min_saving 指定经过压缩实际存储的值的压缩率,支持的值必须在0和1之间。默认值是0.2表示20%压缩率
18、boolMemcache::setServerParams( string$host
[, int$port
= 11211 [, int$timeout
[, int$retry_interval
= false [, bool$status
[, callback$failure_callback
]]]]] )
1、Memcached::__construct([ string$persistent_id
] )
2、public boolMemcached::addServer( string$host
, int$port
[, int$weight
= 0 ] )
3、public boolMemcached::addServers( array$servers
4、public boolMemcached::cas( float$cas_token
, string$key
, mixed$value
[, int$expiration
] )
#执行一个"检查并设置"的操作,它仅在当前客户端最后一次取值后,该key 对应的值没有被其他客户端修改的情况下, 才能够将值写入。通过cas_token
5、public boolMemcached::casByKey( float$cas_token
, string$server_key
, string$key
, mixed$value
[, int$expiration
] )
#【$server_key也是一个普通的key, *ByKey系列接口的工作过程是: 首先, 对$server_key进行hash, 得到$server_key应该存储的服务器, 然后将相应的操作在 $server_key所在的服务器上进行】
6、public boolMemcached::set( string$key
, mixed$value
[, int$expiration
] )
7、public boolMemcached::setByKey( string$server_key
, string$key
, mixed$value
[, int$expiration
] )
8、public boolMemcached::setMulti( array$items
[, int$expiration
] )
#$items array(‘key’=>’value’)
9、public boolMemcached::setMultiByKey( string$server_key
, array$items
[, int$expiration
] )
10、public boolMemcached::add( string$key
, mixed$value
[, int$expiration
] )
11、public boolMemcached::addByKey( string$server_key
, string$key
, mixed$value
[, int$expiration
] )
12、public boolMemcached::touch( string$key
, int$expiration
13、public boolMemcached::touchByKey( string$server_key
, string$key
, int$expiration
14、public boolMemcached::append( string$key
, string$value
addServer('', 11211); #$a->addServer('', 11210); #$a->setOption(Memcached::OPT_COMPRESSION, false); $b=$a->append('e','popop'); echo ""; print_r($b); echo "";die; ?>Salin selepas log masuk
15、public boolMemcached::appendByKey( string$server_key
, string$key
, string$value
16、public boolMemcached::prepend( string$key
, string$value
17、public boolMemcached::prependByKey( string$server_key
, string$key
, string$value
18、public boolMemcached::replace( string$key
, mixed$value
[, int$expiration
] )
19、public boolMemcached::replaceByKey( string$server_key
, string$key
, mixed$value
[, int$expiration
] )
20、public intMemcached::decrement( string$key
[, int$offset
= 1 ] )
21、public intMemcached::decrementByKey( string$server_key
, string$key
[, int$offset
= 1 [, int$initial_value
= 0 [, int$expiry
= 0 ]]] )
22、public intMemcached::increment( string$key
[, int$offset
= 1 ] )
23、public intMemcached::incrementByKey( string$server_key
, string$key
[, int$offset
= 1 [, int$initial_value
= 0 [, int$expiry
= 0 ]]] )
24、public boolMemcached::delete( string$key
[, int$time
= 0 ] )
25、public boolMemcached::deleteByKey( string$server_key
, string$key
[, int$time
= 0 ] )
26、public boolMemcached::deleteMulti( array$keys
[, int$time
= 0 ] )
27、public boolMemcached::deleteMultiByKey( string$server_key
, array$keys
[, int$time
= 0 ] )
28、public boolMemcached::flush([ int$delay
= 0 ] )
29、public mixedMemcached::get( string$key
[, callback$cache_cb
[, float&$cas_token
]] )
#$callback 回调函数,没有$key之值时,将会调用这个函数,会传入三个参数memcache对象、key、引用传递变量的返回值(true时返回)
#$cas_token 配合cas使用。同一个客户端最后一个get将会生成一个64位唯一标识符存储,然后使用cas来查看更改,假若在此过程中被其他客户端修改则,返回false
30、public mixedMemcached::getByKey( string$server_key
, string$key
[, callback$cache_cb
[, float&$cas_token
]] )
31、public mixedMemcached::getMulti( array$keys
[, array&$cas_tokens
[, int$flags
]] )
#$flags 只能为Memcached::GET_PRESERVE_ORDER,保证返回的key的顺序和请求时一致。
32、public arrayMemcached::getMultiByKey( string$server_key
, array$keys
[, string&$cas_tokens
[, int$flags
]] )
33、public arrayMemcached::getAllKeys( void )
# Gets the keys stored on all the servers
34、public boolMemcached::getDelayed( array$keys
[, bool$with_cas
[, callback$value_cb
]] )
#$with_cas true时,则表示同时记录cas值
35、public boolMemcached::getDelayedByKey( string$server_key
, array$keys
[, bool$with_cas
[, callback$value_cb
]] )
36、public arrayMemcached::fetch( void )
37、public arrayMemcached::fetchAll( void )
38、public mixedMemcached::getOption( int$option
# OPT_*系列常量中的一个。
39、public boolMemcached::setOption( int$option
, mixed$value
40、public boolMemcached::setOptions( array$options
41、public intMemcached::getResultCode( void )
42、public stringMemcached::getResultMessage( void )
43、public arrayMemcached::getServerByKey( string$server_key
44、public arrayMemcached::getServerList( void )
45、public arrayMemcached::getStats( void )
46、public arrayMemcached::getVersion( void )
47、public boolMemcached::isPersistent( void )
48、public boolMemcached::isPristine( void )
49、public boolMemcached::quit( void )
50、public boolMemcached::resetServerList( void )
51、public voidMemcached::setSaslAuthData( string$username
, string$password
#Set the credentials to use for authentication
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