1,php下载函数 借助header()函数与readfile()函数实现文件下载功能。 <?php function DownloadFile($filename) { // Check filename if (empty($filename) || !file_exists($filename)) { return FALSE; } // Create download file name to be displayed to user $saveasname = basename($filename); // Send binary filetype HTTP header header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); // Send content-length HTTP header header('Content-Length: '.filesize($filename)); // Send content-disposition with save file name HTTP header header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$saveasname.'"'); // Output file readfile($filename); // Done return TRUE; } ?> Salin selepas log masuk 2,php文件下载脚本 更完善的php下载的自定义函数。 <?php ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DOWNLOAD.PHP -- Download Utility // Get download file id (assume it's passed as a form or URL parameter) $id = getGlobalVar('id', 1); // Check download file id parameter, get download file name, download file // (assuming (global) variable $id specifies download file id) if (empty($id) || !DownloadFile(getDownloadFileName($id))) { die("No Download!"); } // Only functions beyond this point function getDownloadFilename($fileid) // Get download file pathname // Returns: download file pathname // Parameters: // $fileid : File identifier { // Download file list $DLFILES = array( 'TOOL1' => 'download/tool1_v30.exe', 'PROG2' => 'download/prog2setup.exe', ); // Get/check download file name if (empty($fileid) || empty($DLFILES[$fileid])) { return ''; } // Set base directory to document root directory // (could also be set to a directory outside document root!) $basedir = getGlobalVar('DOCUMENT_ROOT'); // Build and return download file name return $basedir.'/'.$DLFILES[$fileid]; } function DownloadFile($filename) // Download file // Returns: TRUE if download successfully started, FALSE if download failed // Parameters: // $filename : Download file pathname { // Verify filename if (empty($filename) || !file_exists($filename)) { return FALSE; } // Create download file name to be displayed to user $saveasname = basename($filename); // Send binary filetype HTTP header header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); // Send content-length HTTP header header('Content-Length: '.filesize($filename)); // Send content-disposition with save file name HTTP header header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$saveasname.'"'); // Output file readfile($filename); // Download successfully started return TRUE; } function getGlobalVar($g, $formflag = 0) // Get global PHP variable value // Returns: global variable value or empty string if not available // Parameters: // $g : Global PHP variable name // $formflag : Flag - global var from GET/POST input { if (empty($g)) { return 0; } // Try superglobal access (PHP 4.1.0+) if ($formflag) { if (isset($_POST[$g])) { return $_POST[$g]; } if (isset($_GET[$g])) { return $_GET[$g]; } if (isset($_REQUEST[$g])) { return $_REQUEST[$g]; } } else { if (isset($_SERVER[$g])) { return $_SERVER[$g]; } if (isset($_ENV[$g])) { return $_ENV[$g]; } } // Try superglobal access (PHP 3.0.0+) if (isset($GLOBALS[$g])) { return $GLOBALS[$g]; } // Try global variable access (PHP 3+) global $$g; if (!empty($$g)) { return $$g; } // Assume global variable empty/not set return ''; } ?> Salin selepas log masuk 将以上脚本保存为dl.php,在应用时传入id参数即可。 例如: Download Program 2 也可以通过php的重定向语句Location来实现,例如: <?php header("Location: http://www.YourDomain.com/dl.php?id=PROG2"); exit; ?> Salin selepas log masuk 以上的代码,可以防止用户直接访问下载文件,起到了一定的文件保护,甚至是防盗链的功能。 以下的代码,可以依据http头信息,作些介绍,从而提供更安全的文件下载。 代码: <?php function DownloadFile($filename) { // Check filename if (empty($filename) || !file_exists($filename)) { return FALSE; } // Create download file name to be displayed to user $saveasname = basename($filename); // Send binary filetype HTTP header header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); // Send content-length HTTP header header('Content-Length: '.filesize($filename)); // Send content-disposition with save file name HTTP header // (using workaround for MSIE 5.5 SP1 / MSIE 6.01 bugs/problems) $browser = getGlobalVar('HTTP_USER_AGENT'); if (strstr('MSIE 5.5', $browser) || strstr('MSIE 6.01', $browser)) { header('Content-Disposition: filename="'.$saveasname.'"'); } else { header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$saveasname.'"'); } // Send Content-Transfer-Encoding HTTP header // (use binary to prevent files from being encoded/messed up during transfer) header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); // Output file readfile($filename); // Done return TRUE; } function getGlobalVar($g, $formflag = 0) // Get global PHP variable value // Returns: global variable value or empty string if not available // Parameters: // $g : Global PHP variable name // $formflag : Flag - global var from GET/POST input { if (empty($g)) { return 0; } // Try superglobal access (PHP 4.1.0+) if ($formflag) { if (isset($_GET[$g])) { return $_GET[$g]; } if (isset($_POST[$g])) { return $_POST[$g]; } if (isset($_REQUEST[$g])) { return $_REQUEST[$g]; } } else { if (isset($_SERVER[$g])) { return $_SERVER[$g]; } if (isset($_ENV[$g])) { return $_ENV[$g]; } } // Try superglobal access (PHP 3.0.0+) if (isset($GLOBALS[$g])) { return $GLOBALS[$g]; } // Try global variable access (PHP 3+) global $$g; if (!empty($$g)) { return $$g; } // Assume global variable empty/not set return ''; } ?> <?php function DownloadFile($filename) { // Check filename if (empty($filename) || !file_exists($filename)) { return FALSE; } // Create download file name to be displayed to user $saveasname = basename($filename); // Send binary filetype HTTP header header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); // Send content-length HTTP header header('Content-Length: '.filesize($filename)); // Send content-disposition with save file name HTTP header // (using workaround for MSIE 5.5 SP1 / MSIE 6.01 bugs/problems) $browser = getGlobalVar('HTTP_USER_AGENT'); if (strstr('MSIE 5.5', $browser) || strstr('MSIE 6.01', $browser)) { header('Content-Disposition: filename="'.$saveasname.'"'); } else { header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$saveasname.'"'); } // Send Content-Transfer-Encoding HTTP header // (use binary to prevent files from being encoded/messed up during transfer) header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); // Output file readfile($filename); // Done return TRUE; } function getGlobalVar($g, $formflag = 0) // Get global PHP variable value // Returns: global variable value or empty string if not available // Parameters: // $g : Global PHP variable name // $formflag : Flag - global var from GET/POST input { if (empty($g)) { return 0; } // Try superglobal access (PHP 4.1.0+) if ($formflag) { if (isset($_GET[$g])) { return $_GET[$g]; } if (isset($_POST[$g])) { return $_POST[$g]; } if (isset($_REQUEST[$g])) { return $_REQUEST[$g]; } } else { if (isset($_SERVER[$g])) { return $_SERVER[$g]; } if (isset($_ENV[$g])) { return $_ENV[$g]; } } // Try superglobal access (PHP 3.0.0+) if (isset($GLOBALS[$g])) { return $GLOBALS[$g]; } // Try global variable access (PHP 3+) global $$g; if (!empty($$g)) { return $$g; } // Assume global variable empty/not set return ''; } ?> Salin selepas log masuk |