Mencipta dan Memanggil Prosedur Tersimpan dalam phpMyAdmin menggunakan Seni Bina MVC
Dalam phpMyAdmin, anda boleh membuat prosedur tersimpan dengan mudah dalam tab "Rutin" pangkalan data . Berikut ialah panduan langkah demi langkah untuk menulis dan memanggil prosedur tersimpan:
Buat Prosedur Tersimpan:
Panggil Prosedur Tersimpan menggunakan MVC:
Dalam seni bina MVC anda, anda boleh memanggil prosedur tersimpan daripada kelas Model:
<code class="php">// Model class (e.g., ProcedureModel.php) class ProcedureModel extends Model { public function callStoredProcedure($procedureName, $parameters = array()) { // Prepare the stored procedure call $stmt = $this->db->prepare("CALL $procedureName(?)"); // Bind the parameters, if any foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) { $stmt->bindParam($key + 1, $value); } // Execute the stored procedure $stmt->execute(); // Retrieve the results, if any $result = $stmt->fetchAll(); // Return the results return $result; } }</code>
Dalam kelas Pengawal anda (cth., ProcedureController.php), anda boleh mengakses kaedah prosedur tersimpan:
<code class="php">// Controller class (e.g., ProcedureController.php) class ProcedureController extends Controller { public function index() { // Get the parameters from the view $parameters = array(1, 'John Doe'); // Load the Model class $procedureModel = new ProcedureModel(); // Call the stored procedure $result = $procedureModel->callStoredProcedure('GetCustomerInfo', $parameters); // Pass the results to the view $this->view('procedure', array('result' => $result)); } }</code>
Dalam kelas View anda (cth., procedure.php), anda boleh memaparkan keputusan:
<code class="php">// View class (e.g., procedure.php) <?php foreach ($result as $row): ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $row['customer_id']; ?></td> <td><?php echo $row['customer_name']; ?></td> </tr> <?php endforeach; ?></code>
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