Alternatif sumber terbuka kepada penawaran firebase
Tetapi tunggu, jika mereka sudah mempunyai fungsi mengapa mereka memerlukan fungsi tepi?
Fungsi Supabase: Kotak Alat PostgreSQL Anda
Fungsi supabase, juga dikenali sebagai fungsi pangkalan data, pada asasnya adalah prosedur tersimpan PostgreSQL. Ia adalah blok boleh laku kod SQL yang boleh dipanggil dari dalam pertanyaan SQL.
Fungsi Tepi: Di Luar Pangkalan Data
Sebaliknya, fungsi Edge ialah fungsi TypeScript sebelah pelayan yang dijalankan pada masa jalan Deno. Ia serupa dengan Firebase Cloud Functions tetapi menawarkan alternatif yang lebih fleksibel dan sumber terbuka.
Supabase: Platform PostgreSQL
Di luar peranannya sebagai alternatif sumber terbuka kepada Firebase, Supabase telah berkembang menjadi platform PostgreSQL yang komprehensif. Ia menyediakan sokongan kelas pertama untuk fungsi PostgreSQL, menyepadukannya dengan lancar ke dalam utiliti terbina dalamnya dan membolehkan anda mencipta dan mengurus fungsi tersuai terus dari papan pemuka Supabase.
Struktur fungsi postgres asas
Fungsi ini mentakrifkan fungsi SQL ringkas bernama my_function yang mengembalikan nilai integer 42. Ini adalah contoh asas untuk menunjukkan struktur dan sintaks definisi fungsi dalam PostgreSQL.
Perkara penting yang perlu diingat:
Pembatas $$ digunakan untuk melampirkan badan fungsi dalam cara yang bebas bahasa.
Fungsi postgres juga boleh dipanggil oleh PENCETUS postgres yang seperti fungsi tetapi bertindak balas kepada peristiwa tertentu seperti memasukkan, mengemas kini atau memadam pada jadual
untuk melaksanakan fungsi ini
SELECT my_function();
SELECT proname AS function_name, prokind AS function_type FROM pg_proc WHERE proname = 'my_function';
DROP FUNCTION my_function();
Fungsi terbina dalam
Supabase menggunakan fungsi postgres untuk melaksanakan tugas tertentu dalam pangkalan data anda.
senarai ringkas contoh termasuk
-- list all the supabase functions SELECT proname AS function_name, prokind AS function_type FROM pg_proc; -- filter for the session supabase functions function SELECT proname AS function_name, prokind AS function_type FROM pg_proc WHERE proname ILIKE '%session%'; -- selects the curremt jwt select auth.jwt() -- select what role is callig the function (anon or authenticated) select auth.role(); -- select the session user select session_use;
Pandangan fungsi Supabase pada papan pemuka
Untuk melihat beberapa fungsi ini dalam Supabase, anda boleh menyemak di bawah pangkalan data > fungsi
Membuat Jadual profil_pengguna pada Pendaftaran Pengguna
Supabase menyimpan data pengguna dalam jadual auth.users, yang bersifat peribadi dan tidak boleh diakses atau diubah suai secara langsung. Pendekatan yang disyorkan ialah membuat pengguna awam atau jadual profil_pengguna dan memautkannya ke jadual auth.users.
Walaupun ini boleh dilakukan menggunakan SDK sebelah pelanggan dengan merantai permintaan pengguna cipta dengan permintaan pendaftaran yang berjaya, ia lebih dipercayai dan cekap untuk mengendalikannya di pihak Supabase. Ini boleh dicapai menggunakan gabungan PENCETUS dan FUNGSI.
-- create the user_profiles table CREATE TABLE user_profiles ( id uuid PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY (id) REFERENCES auth.users(id), name text, email text ); -- create a function that returns a trigger on auth.users CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.create_public_user_profile_table() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN INSERT INTO public.user_profiles (id,name,email) VALUES (, NEW.raw_user_meta_data ->> 'name', NEW.raw_user_meta_data ->> 'email' -- other fields accessible here -- NEW.raw_user_meta_data ->> 'name', -- NEW.raw_user_meta_data ->> 'picture', ); RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER; -- create the trigger that executes the function on every new user rowcteation(signup) CREATE TRIGGER create_public_user_profiles_trigger AFTER INSERT ON auth.users FOR EACH ROW WHEN ( NEW.raw_user_meta_data IS NOT NULL ) EXECUTE FUNCTION public.create_public_user_profile_table ();
let { data: user_profiles, error } = await supabase .from('user_profiles') .select('*')
kami memerlukan 2 meja
-- Custom types create type public.app_permission as enum ('channels.delete', 'channels.update', 'messages.update', 'messages.delete'); create type public.app_role as enum ('admin', 'moderator'); -- USER ROLES create table public.user_roles ( id bigint generated by default as identity primary key, user_id uuid references public.users on delete cascade not null, role app_role not null, unique (user_id, role) ); comment on table public.user_roles is 'Application roles for each user.'; -- ROLE PERMISSIONS create table public.role_permissions ( id bigint generated by default as identity primary key, role app_role not null, permission app_permission not null, unique (role, permission) ); comment on table public.role_permissions is 'Application permissions for each role.';
contoh peranan pengguna
id | user_id | role |
1 | user-1 | admin |
2 | user-2 | moderator |
example of a role permission table
id | role | permission |
1 | admin | channels.update |
2 | admin | messages.update |
3 | admin | messages.delete |
4 | admin | messages.delete |
5 | moderator | channels.update |
6 | moderator | messages.update |
user with user_id = user-1 will have admin and moderator roles and can delete channels and messages
users with user_id = user-2 can only update channels and messages with the moderator role
-- Create the auth hook function create or replace function public.custom_access_token_hook(event jsonb) returns jsonb language plpgsql stable as $$ declare claims jsonb; user_role public.app_role; begin -- Fetch the user role in the user_roles table select role into user_role from public.user_roles where user_id = (event->>'user_id')::uuid; claims := event->'claims'; if user_role is not null then -- Set the claim claims := jsonb_set(claims, '{user_role}', to_jsonb(user_role)); else claims := jsonb_set(claims, '{user_role}', 'null'); end if; -- Update the 'claims' object in the original event event := jsonb_set(event, '{claims}', claims); -- Return the modified or original event return event; end; $$; grant usage on schema public to supabase_auth_admin; grant execute on function public.custom_access_token_hook to supabase_auth_admin; revoke execute on function public.custom_access_token_hook from authenticated, anon, public; grant all on table public.user_roles to supabase_auth_admin; revoke all on table public.user_roles from authenticated, anon, public; create policy "Allow auth admin to read user roles" ON public.user_roles as permissive for select to supabase_auth_admin using (true)
then create a function that will be called to authorize on RLS policies
create or replace function public.authorize( requested_permission app_permission ) returns boolean as $$ declare bind_permissions int; user_role public.app_role; begin -- Fetch user role once and store it to reduce number of calls select (auth.jwt() ->> 'user_role')::public.app_role into user_role; select count(*) into bind_permissions from public.role_permissions where role_permissions.permission = requested_permission and role_permissions.role = user_role; return bind_permissions > 0; end; $$ language plpgsql stable security definer set search_path = ''; -- example RLS policies create policy "Allow authorized delete access" on public.channels for delete using ( (SELECT authorize('channels.delete')) ); create policy "Allow authorized delete access" on public.messages for delete using ( (SELECT authorize('messages.delete')) );
Improved Text:
Creating RPC Endpoints
Supabase functions can be invoked using the rpc function. This is especially useful for writing custom SQL queries when the built-in PostgreSQL APIs are insufficient, such as calculating vector cosine similarity using pg_vector.
create or replace function match_documents ( query_embedding vector(384), match_threshold float, match_count int ) returns table ( id bigint, title text, body text, similarity float ) language sql stable as $$ select, documents.title, documents.body, 1 - (documents.embedding <=> query_embedding) as similarity from documents where 1 - (documents.embedding <=> query_embedding) > match_threshold order by (documents.embedding <=> query_embedding) asc limit match_count; $$;
and call it client side
const { data: documents } = await supabaseClient.rpc('match_documents', { query_embedding: embedding, // Pass the embedding you want to compare match_threshold: 0.78, // Choose an appropriate threshold for your data match_count: 10, // Choose the number of matches })
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Filtering Out Columns
To prevent certain columns from being modified on the client, create a simple function that triggers on every insert. This function can omit any extra fields the user might send in the request.
-- check if user with roles authenticated or anon submitted an updatedat column and replace it with the current time , if not (thta is an admin) allow it CREATE or REPLACE function public.omit_updated__at () returns trigger as $$ BEGIN IF auth.role() IS NOT NULL AND auth.role() IN ('anon', 'authenticated') THEN NEW.updated_at = now(); END IF; RETURN NEW; END; $$ language plpgsql;
With a little experimentation, you can unlock the power of Supabase functions and their AI-powered SQL editor. This lowers the barrier to entry for the niche knowledge required to get this working.
Why choose Supabase functions?
Atas ialah kandungan terperinci fungsi supabase (bukan tepi). Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila ikut artikel berkaitan lain di laman web China PHP!