Youdao Writing Assistant

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Enhances English writing on webpages with intelligent suggestions.
Dec-12 2024

Maklumat Produk
What is Youdao Writing Assistant ai chrome extension?
A browser extension that analyzes and improves English writing on any webpage, offering spell check, grammar correction, style enhancement, and intelligent suggestions for flawless writing.
How to use Youdao Writing Assistant ai chrome extension?
Install the Youdao Writing Assistant browser extension and start using it on any webpage to enhance your English writing.
Youdao Writing Assistant ai chrome extension's Core Features
Identifies 100+ error types like spelling, word collocation, tense, redundancy, omission, confusion, singular/plural, and article errors.
Available on Web, mobile, Windows client, and Word for versatile usage.
Provides unique features like translation comparison, exam scoring, and supports image correction.
Leveraged by millions of students and professionals for refined writing.
Youdao Writing Assistant ai chrome extension's Use Cases
Correct spelling and grammar errors in online articles.
Improve writing style and accuracy in emails and reports.
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Ditambah pada : Dec-12 2024

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