Prompt Timekeeper

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Timeline-based GPT prompt manager
Dec-12 2024

Browser Extension

Maklumat Produk
What is Prompt Timekeeper ai chrome extension?
Prompt Timekeeper is a tool created to streamline the use of GPT prompts by managing input information in a timeline based on titles. It eliminates the hassle of copying and pasting the same prompt repeatedly for different tasks, making it ideal for daily memos and organization.
How to use Prompt Timekeeper ai chrome extension?
Using Prompt Timekeeper is straightforward. Simply input your title and corresponding information, then easily access and manage your content in a structured timeline format.
Prompt Timekeeper ai chrome extension's Core Features
Timeline-based input management
Efficient organization of GPT prompts
Prompt Timekeeper ai chrome extension's Use Cases
Organize daily prompts for various tasks
Simplify GPT prompt usage for improved workflow
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