PlantIdentify - Plant Detector App

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AI plant identification app
Dec-12 2024

Maklumat Produk
What is PlantIdentify - Plant Detector App?
PlantIdentify - Plant Detector is a free app that uses AI technology to quickly identify plants. Users can take a photo or upload an image for instant plant recognition.
How to use PlantIdentify - Plant Detector App?
Simply open the app, use the camera or upload an image, and let the AI technology identify the plant for you. Save identification history for future reference.
PlantIdentify - Plant Detector App's Core Features
Instant plant identification with AI
Free to use with no hidden fees
Multi-language support for global users
Save plant identification history for easy reference
PlantIdentify - Plant Detector App's Use Cases
Gardeners can identify plants for gardening purposes
Nature lovers can learn about the plants around them
Curious individuals can explore the plant kingdom effortlessly
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