Assistree AI

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AI tool for freelancers on Upwork
Dec-12 2024

Maklumat Produk
What is Assistree AI ai chrome extension?
An AI-powered productivity tool designed to assist freelancers in saving time and increasing efficiency on Upwork.
How to use Assistree AI ai chrome extension?
1. Install the Assistree AI Chrome Extension from the Chrome Web Store. 2. Create an account and get free AI Credits. 3. Navigate to the desired Upwork job. 4. Click the Assistree AI icon in the Chrome extensions toolbar. 5. Click 'One-Click Proposal' and review the generated proposal before sending it.
Assistree AI ai chrome extension's Core Features
AI-Powered Messages & Replies
Time Saving
AI-Powered Proposal Writing
Job Matching
Assistree AI ai chrome extension's Use Cases
Generating personalized proposals quickly
Automating messaging tasks
Matching freelancers with suitable jobs
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Ditambah pada : Dec-12 2024

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