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  • Can a Weibo video be modified after it is published? How can one edit a Weibo video after it is published?
    Can a Weibo video be modified after it is published? How can one edit a Weibo video after it is published?
    Can a Weibo video be modified after it is published? Weibo is a social platform. You can post pictures and videos on Weibo, and you can also modify the published content after publishing. Many friends still don’t know whether Weibo videos can be modified after they are published. Here is a list of how to modify Weibo videos after they are published. Let’s take a look. Can Weibo videos be modified after they are published? 1. First open the Weibo software and enter the Weibo page, then click [Me] in the lower right corner to enter my page and click Weibo; 2. Then find it on the Weibo page you published. To re-edit the Weibo video, click the [drop-down arrow] icon; 3. Finally, click [Edit Weibo] in the pop-up options;
    Mobile Application 1023 2024-07-01 11:59:44
  • How to turn off the touch screen page turning in uc browser How to turn off and cancel the touch screen page turning in uc browser
    How to turn off the touch screen page turning in uc browser How to turn off and cancel the touch screen page turning in uc browser
    How to turn off touch screen page turning in UC Browser? UC Browser can use reading and other modes to facilitate your reading, and you can use the touch screen page turning function to turn pages. Many friends still don’t know how to turn off touch-screen page turning in UC Browser. Here is a summary of how to turn off touch-screen page turning in UC Browser. Let’s take a look. How to turn off touch screen page turning in UC Browser 1. First, after unlocking the screen, find the UC Browser icon and click on it. 2. After opening UC Browser, click the menu icon at the bottom of the page*. 3. In the pop-up window, click the "Settings" icon on the lower left. 4. After opening the more settings interface, find and click the "Web Browsing Settings" option. 5. In the pop-up interface, click the "Page Turn" method. 6. In the pop-up page
    Mobile Application 207 2024-07-01 11:59:39
  • How to create a DingTalk schedule How to create a DingTalk schedule
    How to create a DingTalk schedule How to create a DingTalk schedule
    How to create a DingTalk schedule? You can create your own schedule on DingTalk to effectively arrange your planned schedule. Many friends still don’t know how to create a DingTalk schedule. The following is a summary of how to create a DingTalk schedule. Let’s take a look. How to create a DingTalk schedule: 1 Click the calendar to open the DingTalk software, and then click the calendar option above on the homepage. 2Click the plus sign, click Calendar, and then click the plus sign in the lower right corner. 3. Click Finish, click the plus sign, then enter the relevant schedule information, and then click Finish.
    Mobile Application 308 2024-07-01 11:58:38
  • How to modify Kuaishou account on Kuaishou How to modify Kuaishou account on Kuaishou
    How to modify Kuaishou account on Kuaishou How to modify Kuaishou account on Kuaishou
    How to modify Kuaishou account in Kuaishou? The Kuaishou account on Kuaishou can be customized and modified. Users can modify it according to their own preferences. However, each Kuaishou account is unique, so you need to pay attention to the possibility of duplication. Many friends still don’t know how to modify the Kuaishou account on Kuaishou. Here is a guide on how to modify the Kuaishou account on Kuaishou. Let’s take a look. How to modify the Kuaishou account in Kuaishou? The first step is to open the Kuaishou software by clicking on the menu, then we click on My in the lower right corner, and then we click on the three small dots in the upper right corner. 2 In the second step, click Settings to enter the menu, and then click the Settings function inside, as shown in the figure. 3 The third step is to click on personal information management. After we enter the settings, we then click on the personal information management function inside, as shown in the figure.
    Mobile Application 979 2024-07-01 11:58:10
  • How to activate Huabei payment on Alipay How to activate Huabei payment on Alipay
    How to activate Huabei payment on Alipay How to activate Huabei payment on Alipay
    How to enable Huabei payment collection on Alipay? First, we open Alipay on the mobile phone, enter the homepage, click the "Search box" above, search for merchant services, click to enter "Alipay Merchant Services", then click to enter the "Huabei Collect Money" option, and then click "Huabei Collect Money" "Service", and finally open the slider at the back so that you can enable Huabei payment collection. How to activate Huabei payment collection on Alipay 1. Open Alipay on your mobile phone, enter the main interface of Alipay, and click the "Search box" above. 2. After entering the merchant services, click "Search" and click to enter "Alipay Merchant Services" in the search results. 3. Click to enter the "Huabei Collect Money" option and click "Huabei Collect Money Service". 4. Open the slider at the back to enable the Huabei payment collection function.
    Mobile Application 438 2024-07-01 11:57:41
  • What are the rules for collecting topics in Xiaohongshu? Where are the topics included?
    What are the rules for collecting topics in Xiaohongshu? Where are the topics included?
    As a popular social e-commerce platform, Xiaohongshu’s topic collection function allows users to better discover and participate in hot topics and increase content exposure. This article will give you a detailed introduction to the topic collection rules and the location of topic collection in Xiaohongshu to help you better interact and promote on Xiaohongshu. 1. What are the rules for collecting topics in Xiaohongshu? 1. Topic title: The topic title should be concise and clear, no more than 20 words. Avoid using special symbols, emoticons, etc. 2. Topic content: The topic content should be consistent with the title and centered around the topic. It is required to be original, valuable and discursive. 3. Hashtags: Hashtags should be related to the topic content and should not exceed 5. Labels should be concise, clear and avoid duplication. 4. Topic pictures: Topic pictures should be clear, beautiful, and relevant to the topic.
    Mobile Application 314 2024-07-01 11:57:01
  • How to sign in on DingTalk How to sign in on DingTalk
    How to sign in on DingTalk How to sign in on DingTalk
    How to sign in on DingTalk? First, we open the DingTalk software on the mobile phone, enter the homepage, then find and click on the group that needs to be signed in to enter the chat page; click the [Group Sign-in] option at the bottom of the page; after jumping to the page, click [Sign-in] Type] option, then click [Go to work] or [Get off work]; finally click [Sign in]. How to sign in on DingTalk 1. Open DingTalk and click on the group you want to sign in; 2. Click [Group Sign In]; 3. Click [Sign In Type], then click [Work] or [Off Work]; 4. Click [Sign In]. .
    Mobile Application 252 2024-07-01 11:56:16
  • How to set Xianyu inventory quantity How to increase Xianyu inventory quantity
    How to set Xianyu inventory quantity How to increase Xianyu inventory quantity
    How to increase Xianyu inventory quantity? You can modify the inventory quantity of the products you publish on Xianyu at any time, and users can set it to decrease or increase. Many friends still don’t know how to increase the inventory quantity of Xianyu. The following is a summary of how to increase the inventory quantity of Xianyu. Let’s take a look at it together. How to increase the inventory quantity of Xianyu 1. Log in to your Xianyu account, enter the personal center, and select [Buy Things-Publish Idle] to put products on the shelves. 2. Fill in the title, description, price, classification and other information of the item as required, and upload a picture of the item. You can find the [Inventory] button at the bottom, click it and enter the quantity of the item you want to sell, and then publish it. 3. If the inventory function is not found, it may be caused by the new user not completing the real-name authentication.
    Mobile Application 249 2024-07-01 11:56:08
  • How to view the text version of Himalaya How to view the text version of Himalaya
    How to view the text version of Himalaya How to view the text version of Himalaya
    How to view the text version of Himalaya? There are also text versions of novels available on Himalaya, and many audios and videos also have text versions. Many friends still don’t know how to view the text version of Ximalaya. Here is a guide on how to view the text version of Ximalaya. Let’s take a look at it together. How to view the text version of Himalaya 1. Open Himalaya and enter the audio playback page you want to listen to. 2. Click [Subtitles] above to see the text. Note: If the host has uploaded subtitles in the audio, you can use the Ximalaya APP on your mobile phone to display it on the audio playback page. Click [**Subtitles**] in the middle of the page to view it (as shown in the picture). The computer does not currently support viewing subtitles. If the host has not uploaded it, it cannot be viewed.
    Mobile Application 733 2024-07-01 11:55:47
  • Will the browsing history of two devices with one Zhihu account be synchronized? Can I see the browsing history if I log in with another mobile phone on Zhihu?
    Will the browsing history of two devices with one Zhihu account be synchronized? Can I see the browsing history if I log in with another mobile phone on Zhihu?
    Will the browsing history of two devices with one Zhihu account be synchronized? Browsing history and search history will not be synchronized, because browsing history and search history are saved on the device, not the data of the account itself. However, comment records and collection records will be uploaded to the cloud and can be seen by another device logged in to the account. Will the browsing records of two devices with one Zhihu account be synchronized? If two mobile phones log in to one Zhihu at the same time, they can see the collection records. Two people using the same Zhihu account are equivalent to logging in to one account on multiple devices. If multiple devices log into the same Zhihu account, search records and browsing records will not be synchronized with each other. Zhihu's favorites are divided into private and public. You can modify the status by editing your favorites. If you have never modified your favorites, your default favorites will be private and will not be
    Mobile Application 484 2024-07-01 11:55:39
  • How to cancel the automatic playback of Baidu videos on mobile phones How to cancel the automatic playback of Baidu videos on mobile phones
    How to cancel the automatic playback of Baidu videos on mobile phones How to cancel the automatic playback of Baidu videos on mobile phones
    How to cancel the automatic playback of Baidu videos on mobile phones? When browsing articles or videos on mobile Baidu, the video will automatically play by default, which may consume data. You can set the video not to play automatically. Many friends still don’t know how to cancel the automatic playback of Baidu videos on mobile phones. Here is a summary of how to cancel the automatic playback of Baidu videos on mobile phones. Let’s take a look. How to cancel the automatic playback of Baidu videos on your mobile phone? Click to open and log in to [Baidu APP] on your mobile phone. After entering the homepage, click [My] in the lower right corner. After jumping to the new page, click [Settings] in the upper right corner. After jumping to the new page, find and click [Playback Settings]. After jumping to the new page, find and click [Video Autoplay]. , after jumping to the new page, click [WIF
    Mobile Application 548 2024-07-01 11:55:05
  • How to set up the automatic continuous playback of Xigua videos. How to turn off the automatic continuous playback of Xigua videos.
    How to set up the automatic continuous playback of Xigua videos. How to turn off the automatic continuous playback of Xigua videos.
    How to set up the automatic continuous playback of Xigua videos? Xigua video automatic continuous play is a setting option that can play videos continuously. After it is turned on, it will automatically play the next video. Many friends still don’t know how to set up the automatic continuous playback of Xigua videos. Here is a summary of how to set up the automatic continuous playback of Xigua videos. Let’s take a look. How to set up the automatic continuous playback of Xigua Video? Click My on the homepage of Xigua Video to switch to my page. Click Settings to enter my page and click to open the Settings function. Turn on continuous playback. Turn on the switch for continuous playback after the video is finished in the settings list to set the continuous playback of Xigua videos.
    Mobile Application 210 2024-07-01 11:54:39
  • How to turn off the reading mode of Quark Browser How to exit the reading mode of Quark Browser
    How to turn off the reading mode of Quark Browser How to exit the reading mode of Quark Browser
    How to turn off the reading mode of Quark browser? The reading mode of Quark Browser will be automatically turned on when entering the novel website, but in this mode some parts of the original page may be lost. Many friends still don’t know how to turn off the reading mode of Quark Browser. Here is a summary of how to turn off the reading mode of Quark Browser. Let’s take a look. How to turn off the reading mode of Quark Browser 1. In the reading mode of Quark Browser, the user needs to click on the **center** of the screen, and the relevant **settings** for novel reading will be called up, and then in** You can see [Exit] at the bottom right**. Click the exit button to exit the reading mode; 2. After clicking exit, a pop-up window will appear. The user can choose one at will and select
    Mobile Application 306 2024-07-01 11:54:24
  • How to set a fixed conference room number for Tencent Conference How to set a fixed conference room number for Tencent Conference
    How to set a fixed conference room number for Tencent Conference How to set a fixed conference room number for Tencent Conference
    How to set a fixed conference room number for Tencent Conference? The fixed conference room number of Tencent Conference needs to be fixed in the personal conference room. If it is a reservation type meeting, you can only use a random conference number. Many friends still don’t know how to set the fixed conference room number of Tencent Conference. The following is a summary of how to set the fixed conference room number of Tencent Conference. Let’s take a look. How to set a fixed conference room number for Tencent Conference 1. The Tencent conference room number cannot be fixed. Every time a conference is created, a conference number will be generated, and then shared with others for use. 2. Users can fix the room number for personal meetings. After opening "Quick Meeting", check "Use Personal Meeting Number" on the page. 3. Then open the meeting room and select "Modify Personal Meeting".
    Mobile Application 739 2024-07-01 11:54:15
  • How to plan a self-driving route on Baidu Maps How to plan a self-driving route on Baidu Maps
    How to plan a self-driving route on Baidu Maps How to plan a self-driving route on Baidu Maps
    How to plan a self-driving route on Baidu Maps? The first step is to open Baidu Maps on the mobile phone, click the [Driving] icon on the page, then click the [Self-Driving Planning] option in the lower left corner, then select the location and number of travel days for the self-driving trip on the page, and finally click [Intelligent Planning] 】That’s it. Please see the detailed graphic introduction below. How to plan a self-driving route on Baidu Maps 1. First open the Baidu Maps App and click the [Driving] icon in the [Route] interface. 2. Then click the [Self-driving Planning] icon on the lower left. 3. Then on the page, select the location and travel days of the self-driving trip. 4. Then click [Smart Planning].
    Mobile Application 132 2024-07-01 11:53:57

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