在上一篇博客中,我们了解了如何使用 2 个插件 APOC 和图形数据科学库 - GDS 在本地安装和设置 neo4j。在这篇博客中,我将获取一个玩具数据集(电子商务网站中的产品)并将其存储在 Neo4j 中。
在开始加载数据之前,如果您的用例中有大量数据,请确保为 Neo4j 分配了足够的内存。为此:
我正在使用的数据在这里 - data
import pandas as pd from neo4j import GraphDatabase from openai import OpenAI
client = OpenAI(api_key="") product_data_df = pd.read_csv('../data/product_data.csv')
def get_embedding(text): """ Used to generate embeddings using OpenAI embeddings model :param text: str - text that needs to be converted to embeddings :return: embedding """ model = "text-embedding-3-small" text = text.replace("\n", " ") return client.embeddings.create(input=[text], model=model).data[0].embedding
def create_category(product_data_df): """ Used to generate queries for creating category nodes in neo4j :param product_data_df: pandas dataframe - data :return: query_list: list - list containing all create node queries for category """ cat_query = """CREATE (a:Category {name: '%s', embedding: %s})""" distinct_category = product_data_df['Category'].unique() query_list = [] for category in distinct_category: embedding = get_embedding(category) query_list.append(cat_query % (category, embedding)) return query_list
def create_product(product_data_df): """ Used to generate queries for creating product nodes in neo4j :param product_data_df: pandas dataframe - data :return: query_list: list - list containing all create node queries for product """ product_query = """CREATE (a:Product {name: '%s', description: '%s', price: %d, warranty_period: %d, available_stock: %d, review_rating: %f, product_release_date: date('%s'), embedding: %s})""" query_list = [] for idx, row in product_data_df.iterrows(): embedding = get_embedding(row['Product Name'] + " - " + row['Description']) query_list.append(product_query % (row['Product Name'], row['Description'], int(row['Price (INR)']), int(row['Warranty Period (Years)']), int(row['Stock']), float(row['Review Rating']), str(row['Product Release Date']), embedding)) return query_list
def execute_bulk_query(query_list): """ Executes queries is a list one by one :param query_list: list - list of cypher queries :return: None """ url = "bolt://localhost:7687" auth = ("neo4j", "neo4j@123") with GraphDatabase.driver(url, auth=auth) as driver: with driver.session() as session: for query in query_list: try: session.run(query) except Exception as error: print(f"Error in executing query - {query}, Error - {error}")
import pandas as pd from neo4j import GraphDatabase from openai import OpenAI client = OpenAI(api_key="") product_data_df = pd.read_csv('../data/product_data.csv') def preprocessing(df, columns_to_replace): """ Used to preprocess certain column in dataframe :param df: pandas dataframe - data :param columns_to_replace: list - column name list :return: df: pandas dataframe - processed data """ df[columns_to_replace] = df[columns_to_replace].apply(lambda col: col.str.replace("'s", "s")) df[columns_to_replace] = df[columns_to_replace].apply(lambda col: col.str.replace("'", "")) return df def get_embedding(text): """ Used to generate embeddings using OpenAI embeddings model :param text: str - text that needs to be converted to embeddings :return: embedding """ model = "text-embedding-3-small" text = text.replace("\n", " ") return client.embeddings.create(input=[text], model=model).data[0].embedding def create_category(product_data_df): """ Used to generate queries for creating category nodes in neo4j :param product_data_df: pandas dataframe - data :return: query_list: list - list containing all create node queries for category """ cat_query = """CREATE (a:Category {name: '%s', embedding: %s})""" distinct_category = product_data_df['Category'].unique() query_list = [] for category in distinct_category: embedding = get_embedding(category) query_list.append(cat_query % (category, embedding)) return query_list def create_product(product_data_df): """ Used to generate queries for creating product nodes in neo4j :param product_data_df: pandas dataframe - data :return: query_list: list - list containing all create node queries for product """ product_query = """CREATE (a:Product {name: '%s', description: '%s', price: %d, warranty_period: %d, available_stock: %d, review_rating: %f, product_release_date: date('%s'), embedding: %s})""" query_list = [] for idx, row in product_data_df.iterrows(): embedding = get_embedding(row['Product Name'] + " - " + row['Description']) query_list.append(product_query % (row['Product Name'], row['Description'], int(row['Price (INR)']), int(row['Warranty Period (Years)']), int(row['Stock']), float(row['Review Rating']), str(row['Product Release Date']), embedding)) return query_list def execute_bulk_query(query_list): """ Executes queries is a list one by one :param query_list: list - list of cypher queries :return: None """ url = "bolt://localhost:7687" auth = ("neo4j", "neo4j@123") with GraphDatabase.driver(url, auth=auth) as driver: with driver.session() as session: for query in query_list: try: session.run(query) except Exception as error: print(f"Error in executing query - {query}, Error - {error}") # PREPROCESSING product_data_df = preprocessing(product_data_df, ['Product Name', 'Description']) # CREATE CATEGORY query_list = create_category(product_data_df) execute_bulk_query(query_list) # CREATE PRODUCT query_list = create_product(product_data_df) execute_bulk_query(query_list)
from neo4j import GraphDatabase import pandas as pd product_data_df = pd.read_csv('../data/product_data.csv') def preprocessing(df, columns_to_replace): """ Used to preprocess certain column in dataframe :param df: pandas dataframe - data :param columns_to_replace: list - column name list :return: df: pandas dataframe - processed data """ df[columns_to_replace] = df[columns_to_replace].apply(lambda col: col.str.replace("'s", "s")) df[columns_to_replace] = df[columns_to_replace].apply(lambda col: col.str.replace("'", "")) return df def create_category_food_relationship_query(product_data_df): """ Used to create relationship between category and products :param product_data_df: dataframe - data :return: query_list: list - cypher queries """ query = """MATCH (c:Category {name: '%s'}), (p:Product {name: '%s'}) CREATE (c)-[:CATEGORY_CONTAINS_PRODUCT]->(p)""" query_list = [] for idx, row in product_data_df.iterrows(): query_list.append(query % (row['Category'], row['Product Name'])) return query_list def execute_bulk_query(query_list): """ Executes queries is a list one by one :param query_list: list - list of cypher queries :return: None """ url = "bolt://localhost:7687" auth = ("neo4j", "neo4j@123") with GraphDatabase.driver(url, auth=auth) as driver: with driver.session() as session: for query in query_list: try: session.run(query) except Exception as error: print(f"Error in executing query - {query}, Error - {error}") # PREPROCESSING product_data_df = preprocessing(product_data_df, ['Product Name', 'Description']) # CATEGORY - FOOD RELATIONSHIP query_list = create_category_food_relationship_query(product_data_df) execute_bulk_query(query_list)
将鼠标悬停在 打开 图标上,然后单击 neo4j 浏览器 以可视化我们创建的节点。
我们的数据连同它们的嵌入一起加载到 Neo4j 中。
在接下来的博客中,我们将看到如何使用 python 构建图形查询引擎并使用获取的数据进行增强生成。
领英 - https://www.linkedin.com/in/praveenr2998/
Github - https://github.com/praveenr2998/Creating-Lightweight-RAG-Systems-With-Graphs/tree/main/push_data_to_db
以上是将数据加载到 Neo4j 中的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!