Media component video (video)
The video tag has a width of 300px and a height of 225px. To set the width and height, you need to set the width and height through wxss.
Sample code:
<view class="section tc"> <video src="{{src}}" controls ></video> <view class="btn-area"> <button bindtap="bindButtonTap">获取视频</button> </view> </view> <view class="section tc"> <video id="myVideo" src="" danmu-list="{{danmuList}}" enable-danmu danmu-btn controls></video> <view class="btn-area"> <button bindtap="bindButtonTap">获取视频</button> <input bindblur="bindInputBlur"/> <button bindtap="bindSendDanmu">发送弹幕</button> </view> </view>
function getRandomColor () { let rgb = [] for (let i = 0 ; i < 3; ++i){ let color = Math.floor(Math.random() * 256).toString(16) color = color.length == 1 ? '0' + color : color rgb.push(color) } return '#' + rgb.join('') } Page({ onReady: function (res) { this.videoContext = wx.createVideoContext('myVideo') }, inputValue: '', data: { src: '', danmuList: [ { text: '第 1s 出现的弹幕', color: '#ff0000', time: 1 }, { text: '第 3s 出现的弹幕', color: '#ff00ff', time: 3 }] }, bindInputBlur: function(e) { this.inputValue = e.detail.value }, bindButtonTap: function() { var that = this wx.chooseVideo({ sourceType: ['album', 'camera'], maxDuration: 60, camera: ['front','back'], success: function(res) { that.setData({ src: res.tempFilePath }) } }) }, bindSendDanmu: function () { this.videoContext.sendDanmu({ text: this.inputValue, color: getRandomColor() }) } })
Related API: wx.createVideoContext
Bug & Tip
: Do not use thevideo