WeChat applet slider view container
WeChat applet view container: swiper sliding panel (also known as slider view container, common carousel image)
Note: Only swiper-item can be placed in it component, other nodes will be automatically deleted
can only be placed in the swiper component, and the width and height are automatically set to 100%
Sample code:
<swpier indicator-dots="{{indicatorDots}}" autoplay="{{autoplay}}" interval="{{interval}}" duration="{{duration}}"> <block wx:for-items="{{imgUrls}}"> <swpier-item> <image src="{{item}}" class="slide-image" width="355" height="150"/> <text class="textindex">{{index}}</text> </swpier-item> </block> </swpier> <button bindtap="changeIndicatorDots"> indicator-dots </button> <button bindtap="changeAutoplay"> autoplay </button> <slider bindchange="intervalChange" show-value min="500" max="2000"/> interval <slider bindchange="durationChange" show-value min="1000" max="10000"/> durationrrree