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interface calc{
    public function getResult();
class Operation{
    protected $num1=0;
    protected $num2=0;
    protected $result=0;
    public function setNum($num1,$num2){
        $this->num1 = $num1;
        $this->num2 = $num2;

class OperAdd extends Operation implements calc{
    public function getResult(){
        return $this->result=$this->num1+$this->num2;
class OperSub extends Operation implements calc{
    public function getResult(){
        return $this->result=$this->num1-$this->num2;
class OperMul extends Operation implements calc{
    public function getResult(){
        return $this->result=$this->num1*$this->num2;
class OperDiv extends Operation implements calc{
    public function getResult(){
            return $this->result="被除数不能为‘0’!";
            return $this->result=$this->num1/$this->num2;     
class OperFactory{
    private static $obj;
    public static function createrOper($type){
        try {
            switch ($type){
                    self::$obj = new OperAdd();
                    self::$obj = new OperSub();
                    self::$obj = new OperMul();
                case '/':
                    self::$obj = new OperDiv();
                        throw new Exception('unknow type');
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                echo $e->getMessage();
$obj = OperFactory::createrOper('+');
echo $obj->getResult();

问题在  $obj->setNum(2,2);总是找不到对象,实在是找不出来问题,求解。

phpcn_u737phpcn_u7372710 days ago709

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  • 数据分析师

    数据分析师2017-10-01 00:19:36

    Exception in a simple factory, I don’t know how to modify it-PHP Chinese website Q&A-Exception in a simple factory, I don’t know how to modify it-PHP Chinese website Q&A

    Look around and learn.

  • phpcn_u737

    phpcn_u7372017-02-14 16:09:31

    好了···我发现了问题  原来是没有返回值  搞定了

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