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How to install nodejs6 on CentOS

2023-04-26 09:10:13808browse

CentOS system is a widely used Linux distribution that supports multiple development languages ​​​​and frameworks, including Node.js. Node.js is an event-driven server-side JavaScript interpreter that has been widely recognized for its efficiency and scalability. However, for some users, they may need to install an older version of Node.js. This article will introduce how to install Node.js 6 on CentOS systems.

Step One: Install Node.js

Node.js can be installed in a number of different ways, such as source code installation, binary file installation, or installation using a third-party package management tool. But this article will introduce how to install Node.js using the NodeSource package management tool. This installation method is simple and reliable, and it also includes the latest versions of Node.js and NPM.

  1. First install the Node.js source on the CentOS system. Please enter the following command in the terminal:
curl --silent --location https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_6.x | sudo bash -
  1. The first step will download the installation source of Node.js and execute the relevant script to add it to the CentOS software repository. After the installation is complete, you can run the following command to install Node.js using the Yum package manager:
sudo yum install nodejs
  1. During the installation process, you may be asked if you agree to import Node.js GPG key. Please follow the on-screen instructions.
  2. After the installation is complete, you can check the version information of Node.js. Please enter the following command in the terminal:
node --version

If the version number is output, Node.js has been successfully installed.

Step 2: Update NPM

Although Node.js 6 comes with NPM 3, it is recommended that you update NPM to the latest version before using it. You can do this using the following command:

sudo npm install npm@latest -g

This command will automatically download and install the latest version of NPM.

Step 3: Verify Node.js installation

To ensure that Node.js is installed successfully and can run normally, you can try running simple JavaScript code. Please enter the following command in the terminal:

node -e 'console.log("Hello World")'

If you see "Hello World" output from the terminal, it means Node.js can run correctly.

Step 4: Install package dependencies

Some applications may require additional libraries or packages to function properly. If your application requires these additional libraries, please install them using the following command:

sudo yum install gcc-c++ make

Once the installation is complete, you can proceed to install the required packages or libraries.


This article introduces how to install Node.js 6 on CentOS system, and focuses on the installation method using the NodeSource package management tool. Additionally, it is demonstrated how to use NPM to update the package manager for Node.js installed on your operating system, and how to install additional libraries and dependencies. Hope this article can help you successfully install Node.js on CentOS system.

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