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After vue is packaged, how many lines of source code are displayed and an error is reported?

2023-04-12 09:15:05533browse

Recently, in the process of using Vue for project development, I found that the problem of "showing how many lines of source code is reported" often occurs when packaging. This situation often does not occur in the local development stage, but once the package is released and online , will cause dissatisfaction among many users, and may even affect the normal operation of the project. Therefore, we need to conduct in-depth research on this issue in order to better solve this problem.

First of all, we need to understand the reason for the error in how many lines of the source code. This problem is actually due to Vue compressing our JavaScript code during the packaging process, causing the error message to be unable to accurately indicate the location of the error. Therefore, when dealing with this problem, we need to modify the packaged configuration file to make the packaged code easier to debug.

Next, we will start to introduce in detail how to modify the configuration file to solve this problem. In Vue, we can control packaging by modifying the webpack configuration file. Specifically, we need to add the following code to the webpack.prod.conf.js file:

devtool: 'source-map',

The function of this code is to enable the source map function, so that the packaged code can be compared with the original code Mapping allows us to accurately locate the location of the error when an error occurs. At the same time, in this file, we also need to turn off the compression optimization of UglifyJsPlugin to make debugging more convenient. The specific code is as follows:

new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({
  compress: {
    warnings: false
  sourceMap: true,
  parallel: true

After the modification is completed, we can re-run the packaging command and we will find that After the packaging is completed, a new file appears: my-project.min.js.map. This file is the source map file, which contains the mapping relationship between our compressed code and the original code, which can help us quickly locate the location of the error when an error occurs.

In this way, we can effectively solve the problem of "displaying how many lines of source code an error is reported", locate the error more accurately, and thereby improve our debugging efficiency. At the same time, before the project goes online, we need to cancel the above modifications and re-execute the packaging command to ensure that the code we publish is optimized and compressed, which can reduce the browser's request time and improve the user experience.

Finally, we need to note that for large projects, multiple error messages may appear during the debugging process. At this time, we need to proceed one by one through the positioning information in the source map file. Troubleshoot so that all problems can be solved so that the project can run more stably.

The above is the detailed content of After vue is packaged, how many lines of source code are displayed and an error is reported?. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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