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What are web front-end technologies?

2022-08-24 17:00:5830193browse

Web front-end technologies include: 1. HTML, which is a standard language for making World Wide Web pages. It eliminates barriers to information exchange between different computers; 2. CSS, which can help make the appearance of web pages more beautiful. ; 3. JavaScript is a lightweight interpreted programming language; 4. jQuery allows users to more easily process HTML documents and events, achieve animation effects, and easily provide AJAX interaction for websites; 5. AJAX, Web development techniques for creating interactive web applications.

What are web front-end technologies?

The operating environment of this tutorial: Windows 7 system, Dell G3 computer.

As an important component of front-end technology, Web front-end development has always occupied an important position. There are a large number of front-end development practitioners in the entire IT industry. With the development of mobile Internet, big data and artificial intelligence, the current front-end The knowledge system is also gradually enriched.

Friends who are familiar with Web front-end work know that there are many technologies in the Web. If you want to become a qualified Web front-end engineer, you must master the technologies one by one, such as Html, css, ajax, jquery, extjs, JavaScript.

Core Technology


Mastering HTML is the core of a web page. A standard language for making World Wide Web pages, a language used by World Wide Web browsers that eliminates barriers to the exchange of information between different computers. Therefore, it is currently the most widely used language on the Internet and the main language that forms web documents. Learning HTML well is a basic condition for becoming a Web front-end developer.

HTML is a markup language that can implement Web pages and display them in a browser. As the latest version of HTML, HTML5 introduces a number of new technologies, greatly enhancing its support for applications, making Web technology no longer limited to rendering web content.

With the development of CSS, JavaScript, Flash and other technologies, the Web's processing capabilities for applications have gradually increased, and users' experience of browsing the web has been greatly improved. However, several new technologies in HTML5 have achieved qualitative breakthroughs, making Web technology considered to be close to local native application technology for the first time, and developing Web applications has truly become a choice for developers.

HTML5 can greatly simplify the work of developers. In theory, a single development can be run on different platforms with the help of browsers, reducing the cost of development. This is also generally considered by the industry to be one of the main advantages of HTML5 technology. AppMobi, Motorola, Sencha, Appcelerator and other companies have launched relatively mature development tools to support the development of HTML5 applications.

2. CSS

Learning CSS well is an important point in the appearance of a web page. CSS can help make the appearance of a web page more beautiful.

3. JavaScript

Learning the basic syntax of JavaScript and how to program with JavaScript will improve the personal skills of developers.

JavaScript is a lightweight interpreted programming language designed to create web-centric applications. JavaScript is very easy to implement because it is integrated with HTML; it is open and cross-platform.

The role of javascript:

  • 1) Make the web page interactive, such as responding to user clicks and providing users with a better experience

  • 2), can process forms, verify user input, and provide timely feedback to save users time. For example, if the form asks you to enter your email address but you enter a mobile phone number, you should be given a reminder.

  • 3), you can also dynamically create pages based on user operations. For example, when sending an email, add an attachment.

  • 4), set cookies, cookies are some temporary information stored on the browser, such as the website address you have visited and the user name you have used

  • 5), JavaScript simplifies regularly repeated HTML paragraphs and reduces download time.

  • 6), the browser and the server perform data communication, such as the most popular Ajax asynchronous transmission;

  • 7), richer The interface can use JavaScript to include items such as drag-and-drop components and sliders to provide a rich interface to your site visitors.

4. jQuery

jQuery is another excellent Javascript framework after prototype. jQuery is a fast and concise javascript library. It enables users to process HTML documents and events more conveniently, implement animation effects, and provide AJAX interaction for websites conveniently.

5, PHP

PHP, a nested abbreviation name, is the abbreviation of English Hypertext Preprocessing Language (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor). PHP is an HTML embedded language.


AJAX stands for "Asynchronous Java and XML" and refers to a web development technology for creating interactive web applications. . The common pronunciation in China is "Ajax", which is the same as the pronunciation of Ajax football team.

Ajax is a technology used to create fast dynamic web pages. By exchanging a small amount of data with the server in the background, Ajax can update part of the web page without reloading the entire web page.


API (Application Programming Interface, Application Programming Interface) is a set of predefined functions that are designed to provide applications and developers with the ability to access a set of routines based on certain software or hardware without accessing the source code. Or understand the details of the inner workings.

8, ASP

ASP is the abbreviation of Active Server Page, which means "dynamic server page". ASP is an application developed by Microsoft to replace CGI script programs. It can interact with databases and other programs and is a simple and convenient programming tool. The format of ASP web page files is. asp, now commonly used in various dynamic websites.

9. Google Web Toolkit

Google Web Toolkit (GWT for short) is an Ajax application development kit launched by Google. GWT supports developers to develop Ajax applications using Java language.

10. Operating system

Understanding the basic knowledge of Unix and Linux is beneficial to developers.

11. Network server

Understand the Web server, including basic configuration of Apache, mastering htaccess configuration skills, etc.

Front-end framework

After you are familiar with HTML, server-side scripting language, CSS and JavaScript, learning Web frameworks can speed up Web development and save money. time. Optional frameworks for PHP programmers include CakePHP, CodeIgniter, Zend, etc. Python programmers like to use Django and webpy, and Ruby programmers often use RoR.

As the Web becomes more standardized and standardized, Web componentization technology continues to innovate, and mobile terminal development continues to sublimate. The following are some common open source front-end frameworks:

  • Bootstrap

One of the mainstream frameworks, Bootstrap is based on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It is simple and flexible, making Web development faster.


This framework can quickly build a robust and adaptable web app or website.

  • Meteor

Meteor is a new generation of open source framework for developing real-time web applications, which can be used in a short time Development completed within.

  • Semantic UI

A UI component framework based on the effective principles of natural language

  • Foundation

Excellent responsive front-end framework

  • Materialize

A modern responsive front-end framework based on material design. Default styles and custom components can be provided. Additionally, Materialize improves animations and transitions to provide developers with a smooth experience.

  • Pure

A small and responsive set of CSS that can be used in almost every web project module.

  • Vue

Vue.js is a library for building interactive web interfaces. It provides MVVM data binding and a composable component system with a simple, flexible API.

  • Angular

AngularJS was created by Misko Hevery and others in 2009, and was later acquired by Google. It is an excellent front-end JS framework that is used in many products. It is not only a front-end development framework with advanced concepts, but also an end-to-end solution. It follows the MVC pattern in architectural design and advocates loose coupling of data and logical processing components. AngularJS realizes the natural extension of HTML through instruction technology, and realizes two-way automatic synchronization of data model and display view through compilation technology, alleviating complex DOM operations. In addition, it also provides good support for front-end automated testing technology.

Angular is a front-end framework for creating a single application interface. It has many core features such as data binding, services, directives, dependency injection, etc. It has powerful module functions and has the advantages of custom commands.

  • React

React, produced by facebook, official version It was launched in 2013, 4 years later than angular, but thanks to its innovative VirtualDOM, it surpassed angularJS in terms of performance. Once it was launched, it became very popular. It has many features, including VirtualDOM, JSX, Diff algorithm, etc., supports ES6 syntax, and uses functional programming. The threshold is slightly higher, but it is also more flexible, allowing more development possibilities.

React is mainly used to build UI. You can pass various types of parameters in React, such as declaration codes to help you render the UI, static HTML DOM elements, and dynamic variables. Even interactive application components.

  • Skeleton

Skeleton is a collection of small JS and CSS files that can quickly develop beautiful websites. Suitable for various screen devices including mobile phones. Skeleton is developed based on 960 grid. It is a UI framework.

  • Amaze UI

The first domestic open source HTML5 cross-screen front-end framework product series, with better Chinese typesetting support and rich localized components. This product series includes Amaze UI Touch, an HTML5 hybrid application development framework specifically for mobile terminals, and Amaze UI Web, which is designed for cross-screen HTML5 web page development. Among them, Amaze UI Touch can help developers quickly build exclusive mobile HTML5 applications that are comparable to native APPs through rich components.

  • UIkit

A lightweight and modular front-end framework for rapid development and powerful functionality web interface.

  • Yui

Yahoo! UI Library (YUI) is an open source JavaScript function library, designed to Create a highly interactive web page using coding technologies such as AJAX, DHTML and DOM. It also contains many CSS resources. Licensed for use is the BSD license.

  • kissy

A cross-terminal, modular, high-performance, easy-to-use JavaScript framework.

  • MUI

The framework that is closest to the front-end framework of native App experience.

  • Arale

An open, simple and easy-to-use front-end basic class library.

  • JX

JX is a modular, non-intrusive web front-end framework, especially suitable for building and organizing large-scale , industrial-grade Web App.

  • GMU

GMU is a mobile UI component library based on zepto, providing simple and easy-to-use webapp and pad terminals. UI Components! Web App.

  • ##ZUI

Open source HTML5 front-end framework

  • Clouda Touch.js

Touch.js is a gesture recognition and event library for mobile devices, and is also widely used within Baidu.

(Learning video sharing:

Getting started with web front-end)

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