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Why would you rather suffer the hardships of life than the hardships of study?

2018-07-14 17:23:413243browse

Do you want to be a happy person? I hope you learn to bear hardships first. A very good article, share it with the netizens of php Chinese website. Remember this sentence: Even if it is difficult, learning is still the best way to change.

Why would you rather suffer the hardships of life than the hardships of study?

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1. Why do most people Would you rather suffer the hardships of life than the hardships of study?

I remember going to school when I was a kid. Every time the school had a monthly holiday, my grandpa would go to the station to pick me up and take me home.

At that time, my home was far from the station, so I had to ride a bicycle back and forth.

We were speechless to each other along the way. When grandpa could no longer ride, we just pushed the cart one behind the other. I remember grandpa often said to me:

"Eat hard." Only through hardship can one become a master. You should study hard in the future."

I didn't understand its meaning at that time, but I just kept it in my heart silently, watching the villagers bending down to cut wheat in the rice fields not far away. Bowing down to plant the rice seedlings, I felt that they were working too hard.

A few years later, I was admitted to university in the provincial capital and studied the most popular and promising engineering cost major in the city.

Later, I walked into the internship unit. Needless to say, how bad the environment at the construction site was. On sunny days, the dust was flying and the sun was like fire. On rainy days, it was muddy and overflowing with sewage. The poverty of the material world is bearable, but the desolation of the spiritual world will slowly consume your dreams and innocence over time.

Later, I chose to go to Shenzhen, where I finally found the industry I loved. Everything unfamiliar in front of me made me feel excited and happy.

The terms artificial intelligence, autonomous driving, virtual reality, venture capital, and angel wheels allow me to see another side of the world.

The more I continue to broaden my knowledge, the more I feel that my knowledge reserve is barren and desolate.

Why would you rather suffer the hardships of life than the hardships of study?

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It is in this accumulation process over time that I discovered that people and The gap between people has widened rapidly. When I returned to the place where I once lived in the past few years, I found that many people's thinking patterns were still stuck a few years ago, and the information and images in their minds could no longer keep up with the changes of this era. .

They would rather choose to live on pocket money from their families every month than to find a job on their own; they would rather waste their time bargaining with small vendors than spend an extra dollar to go shopping. learn new knowledge.

I once saw a question on Zhihu, asking:

Why do most people prefer the hardships of life to the hardships of study?

One of the most upvoted answers on Zhihu answered this way:

"The suffering of life can be paralyzed by fatigue and diverted by entertainment. No matter what, as long as you are still alive , the walking dead can also muddle along, and eventually become accustomed to it, which can be called dulling. The pain of learning is that you always have to maintain a keen sense of touch, a clear cognition, and abundant emotions. This might as well be called sharpening."

The "bitterness" of life is mostly repeatable.

And people have very strong adaptability. If they continue to experience the same pain for a long time, the experience and effect of pain will gradually weaken, making people enter a state of habitual helplessness. Although this state is not particularly comfortable, it will not be particularly unbearable over time.

But the "pain" of learning is non-repetitive.

Learning is a process of constantly expanding cognitive boundaries, which requires you to actively think and absorb. The content of learning is often gradual and not as repetitive as the pain of life, so you cannot enter a state of numbness. , but need to constantly face new knowledge and learning goals.

The former can paralyze themselves through the entertainment in front of them, gradually losing their perception of pain. But the latter can only slowly feel the benefits and power brought by knowledge through long-term accumulation of learning.

One is the joy that is within reach, and the other is the process of improvement that delays gratification.

There is no doubt that most people will choose the former. After all, there are always a small number of people in this world who are willing to take the initiative to find fault for themselves.

2. Most of those who think study is hard have never been slapped by reality

I recently read an article about college students According to reports, Lao Yue, who is about to graduate from college, was a very standard Internet addicted boy in high school.

Before the college entrance examination, in order to prevent him from being distracted, his parents did not even touch mobile phones, computers, and even TVs.

After I went to college, I felt relaxed and wanted to play all the games I hadn’t played enough before. He established a group in the game, and in order to develop the group well, he spent more and more time in the game.

After I skipped a class in my freshman year, I found that the university was not strict with me. I got bold and skipped a class for the second time. He plays games in his unkempt dormitory every day, with takeout boxes piled up all over the floor, and failing exams at the end of the semester has become the norm.

When his roommate got a satisfactory offer, he had no hobbies except gaming, and even graduation became a problem.

Although games in the virtual world are exciting, there are higher requirements in real life.

The plot in the game can be designed in advance, but in reality it takes a lifetime to experience it.

There was once a candidate who handed in a blank paper during the college entrance examination. After the college entrance examination, she tried to go out to work. However, with her low academic qualifications and lack of professional skills, the road to finding a job was extremely difficult. She said, "It's very stressful. Old I feel sorry for my parents."

After many twists and turns, the candidate entered a technical school. Recalling the college entrance examination, she said frankly, "I feel a little ridiculous now."

Don't want to study, but do you think studying is hard? Real life will honestly tell them that life without reading will be more difficult.

If you are poor, you want to change. When suffering reaches a certain level, people will naturally struggle to change the status quo. For some people who are burdened with a heavy life, learning is an easy and useful way to escape the hardships of life. way.

No one is willing to suffer the "bitterness" of real life. In the final analysis, it is because most people's lives are not bad enough.

Sometimes the "hardship" of studying is really nothing compared with the heavy and rough life.

Some scholars said:

“Those poor people who have been in a state of scarcity for a long time have developed a scarcity mind model, and their judgment and cognitive abilities will be greatly reduced due to excessive focus on immediate problems. There is no extra bandwidth to consider investment and long-term development matters.” Think according to your life every day

(Long press the picture to save it and share it with your circle of friends)Why would you rather suffer the hardships of life than the hardships of study?

Most of the reason pain is disliked is because people never think about why they are in pain. However, there is another kind of pain in this world, which is to feel disappointed in the world, and then regard your disappointment in the world as what you should be like, and even mistakenly think that this is suffering. the benefits of.

I always feel that the meaning of suffering is that we can better think about why life is so painful, just like someone once said: An unexamined life is never worth living.

If there is no thought and introspection, suffering will be just suffering after all, without any meaning.

Some people always feel that it doesn't matter whether they study or not when they are young. Anyway, they have very good physical strength. As long as they are in good health, they can make a living.

They will eventually understand that the hardships they have to endure in order to make a living are the price of not suffering the hardships of study.

The pain of learning is boring and unrewarding in the short term. This kind of pain is visible and tangible, and no one wants to eat it.

The suffering of life is the suffering of despair, the suffering of having no way out for a long time. This kind of suffering is invisible and intangible, and no one wants to eat it.

I never like asking for trouble. If I can avoid these painful experiences through learning and self-improvement, what reason do I have not to learn? Life is not actually bitter. What is bitter is the life that does not know suffering and does not know how to avoid suffering.

Learning is actually not bitter. What is bitter is the curiosity that has long been eliminated by life and the courage to have expectations for the future.

4. Having to endure the hardships of life objectively limits the conditions for learning

We have to admit the existence of a more realistic problem: through It is getting harder and harder to learn to change your destiny, so many people choose not to take the pain of learning. Under the pressure of quality education, investment in extracurricular education has also become competitive capital. Families that are able to obtain better educational resources will experience less hardship in their lives in a good cycle.

In the same period of time, those who have the conditions can use their resources to improve themselves, while those who are relatively lacking in resources have already spent all their time coping with the hardships of life.

In order to explore the truth about poverty, American writer Barbara Ehrenreich went anonymous and experienced how low-income people lived.

She went to different cities and changed six jobs including retail, cleaning, and elderly services. Finally, she found herself in a dilemma:

Because she had no money, she had to live in a remote place → Spending a lot of time on the way to work → Less and less time to study and find better jobs → Want to do more part-time jobs to cope with the cost of life → Become a work machine, have a psychological breakdown, and choose to give up...

Eating the hardships of life consumes time, money, and energy, and leaves people without the opportunity to endure the hardships of study.

The more this situation deepens, the more people will look for problems from the environment instead of themselves.

The hardship of life also depends on its quality. Some sufferings force people to look for problems within themselves and choose to use introspective thinking; others force people to find reasons from the environment, trapped in possible threats, and unable to reflect from an escape perspective.

Why would you rather suffer the hardships of life than the hardships of study?

Different cognitive tendencies between high and low classes

/ Kraus et al., 2012

People who often blame the environment for the hardships of life The influence gradually makes people unable to understand that the meaning of learning is not only to improve life.

The instrumental value brought by reading is limited but intuitive, and most people who cannot bear the hardship of learning cannot see the improvement it brings to a higher level of the meaning of existence.

5. Even if it is difficult, learning is still the best way to change

Why would you rather suffer the hardships of life than the hardships of study?

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Failure to choose to suffer the hardships of study will, to a large extent, make people suffer more hardships in life.

Someone asked a question on Zhihu: Suppose there are 100 people in the room. They play the game with an initial capital of 100 yuan since they were 18 years old. In each round, everyone takes out one yuan and randomly gives it to If another person plays until he is 65, what will be the wealth distribution of the last 100 people?

After running the game 17,000 times, the distribution ratio of social wealth is: the top 10% of the rich control about 30% of the wealth, the top 20% of the rich control about 50% of the wealth, and 60% of the wealth. Shrunk to less than 100 yuan.

This result verifies the "80/20 rule" from the side: 80% of wealth is in the hands of 20% of people.

So, will a life of hard work be better?

Suppose 10 of these players work harder than others and gain a 1% competitive advantage, that is, the probability of winning is 1% higher than others.

The simulation result of the game is that out of 10 hard-working players, 9 have entered the top 20 of the rich.

When you have no background, no resources, and cannot compete with your father, you can only change your destiny through learning! Remember: Even when it’s hard, learning is the best way to change.

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