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He is the founder of php language! Who are the founders of the world's popular programming languages?

2017-05-20 14:07:2215773browse

As a programmer, I develop using programming languages ​​that I am familiar with every day, but who developed these languages? PHP Chinese website (m.sbmmt.com) has collected and organized the most popular programming languages ​​​​in the world. How many do you know about the founder of the language and its detailed information without reading the following content? Let’s take a look at who are the founders of the world’s popular programming languages!

Founder of PHP language

He is the founder of php language! Who are the founders of the worlds popular programming languages?

PHP was created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994. At the beginning, Rasmus Lerdorf wanted to A simple program written in Perl language to maintain a personal web page. These tools are used to display Rasmus Lerdorf's resume and count web traffic. Later it was rewritten in C language, including access to the database. He integrated these programs with some form interpreters and called them PHP/FI. PHP/FI can be connected to the database to generate simple dynamic web programs.

The first version was released as Personal Home Page Tools (PHP Tools) in 1995. Lerdorf wrote some documents introducing the program. And PHP1.0 was released! In this version, simple functions such as guest book and visitor counter are provided. In the future, more and more websites use PHP, and there are strong requests to add some features. For example, loop statements, array variables, etc.; after new members joined the development team, Rasmus Lerdorf released PHP/FI to the public on June 8, 1995, hoping to speed up program development and find errors through the community. This released version, named PHP 2, already has some prototypes of PHP, such as Perl-like variable naming, form processing capabilities, and the ability to embed execution in HTML. The program syntax is also similar to Perl, with more restrictions, but it is simpler and more flexible. PHP/FI added support for MySQL, and has since established PHP's position in dynamic web development. By the end of 1996, there were 15,000 websites using PHP/FI.

In 1997, two Israeli programmers working at Technion IIT: Zeev Suraski and Andi Gutmans, rewrote the PHP parser and became the basis of PHP 3. At this time, PHP was also renamed PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. After several months of testing, the development team released PHP/FI 2 in November 1997. Then the open testing of PHP 3 began, and finally PHP 3 was officially released in June 1998. Zeev Suraski and Andi Gutmans began to rewrite the core of PHP after the release of PHP 3. The profiler released in 1999 was called Zend Engine. They also established Zend Technologies in Ramat Gan, Israel, to manage PHP development.

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C language founder

He is the founder of php language! Who are the founders of the worlds popular programming languages?

Dennis Ritchie, the father of C language and the father of UNIX. He once served as the director of the System Software Research Department of the Computer Science Research Center under Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies. In 1978, he published the famous book "The C Programming Language" (The C Programming Language) with Brian W. Kernighan. Now this book has been translated into many languages ​​and has become the most authoritative book on C language. One of the textbooks. On October 12, 2011 (October 13, Beijing time), Dennis Ritchie passed away at the age of 70. In technical discussions, he is often referred to as DMR, which is his email address at Bell Labs.

Dennis Ritchie is revered as the "Father of the Invisible King of C Language" by the world. He is the founder of computer and network technology. He once served as the system software research department of the Computer Science Research Center under Bell Labs of Lucent Technologies. Director position. It is a giant who provides shoulders for many IT giants such as Steve Jobs. He and Steve Jobs passed away in October 2011, but they were far from being as popular and mourned by the world as Steve Jobs.

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Java founder

He is the founder of php language! Who are the founders of the worlds popular programming languages?

James Gosling (English: James Gosling, May 19, 1955 -), born in Canada, is a software expert and one of the co-founders of the Java programming language. He is generally recognized as the "Father of Java".

When he was 12 years old, he was designing video game consoles and helping his neighbors repair harvesters. During college, he worked as a program development student in the Department of Astronomy. In 1977, he received a bachelor's degree in computer science from the University of Calgary, Canada. In 1981, Gosling Emacs, an Emacs class editor running on Unix (written in C language and using Mocklisp as an extension language), was developed. In 1983, he received a doctorate in computer science from Carnegie Mellon University in the United States. The title of his doctoral thesis was: "The Algebraic Manipulation of Constraints". After graduation, he went to work at IBM and designed IBM's first-generation workstation NeWS system, but was not taken seriously. Later transferred to Sun Company. In 1990, he collaborated with Patrick Naughton, Mike Sheridan and others on the "Green Project" and later developed a language called "Oak", which was later renamed Java. At the end of 1994, James Gosling demonstrated Java programs at the "Technology, Education and Design Conference" held in Silicon Valley. In 2000, Java became the most popular computer language in the world.

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C++ language founder

He is the founder of php language! Who are the founders of the worlds popular programming languages?

Dr. Benjani Straustrup was born in Denmark in 1950. He graduated from Arus University in Denmark and the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom. He once served as the head of AT&T's large-scale programming research department. , a member of AT&T, Bell Labs and ACM, chief professor of the Department of Computer Science at Texas A&M University, and "Distinguished Professor" at Texas A&M University. He is currently the Managing Director of Morgan Stanley's Information Technology Department, a visiting professor at the Department of Computer Science at Columbia University, a member of the National Society of Engineering, and a senior member of IEEE, ACM, and CHM. In 1979, B.S began to develop a language, which was called "C with Classes" at the time, and later evolved into C++. In 1998, the ANSI/ISO C++ standard was established. In the same year, B.S launched the third edition of his classic book The C++ Programming Language. The standardization of C++ marks the final realization of the great idea that Dr. B.S. has devoted 20 years of hard work to.

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C# language founder

He is the founder of php language! Who are the founders of the worlds popular programming languages?

Anders Hejlsberg (December 1960-), Danish, chief engineer of the Borland Turbo Pascal compiler author. After entering Microsoft, he successively hosted Visual J++, .Net and C#. Anders Helsberg was born in Copenhagen. Anders Helsberg studied engineering at the Technical University of Denmark, but did not graduate. During his college years, he wrote programs for the Nascom microcomputer. He wrote programs for the Nascom-2 computer. Blue Label (Blue Label) Pascal compiler. In the DOS era, he rewrote this compiler. At that time, he owned a company called Poly Data in Denmark, and he wrote the Compass Pascal compiler core, which was later called Poly Pascal. In 1986 he first met Philippe Kahn (the founder of Borland).

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Founder of JavaScript language

He is the founder of php language! Who are the founders of the worlds popular programming languages?

Brendan Eich (English: Brendan Eich, born in 1961, American programmer and entrepreneur, the main creator and architect of JavaScript, formerly the chief chief technology officer of Mozilla.

Brandon Ek was born in Sunnyvale, California, USA. When he was studying at Santa Clara University, he initially majored in physics. In his junior year, his interest changed and he devoted himself to computer science. field, and then received a bachelor's degree in mathematics and computer science. In 1986, he obtained a master's degree in computer science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. After graduating, he worked at SGI for seven years, mainly responsible for operating systems and network functions. After that, he worked at MicroUnity for three years. On April 4, 1995, while working at Netscape, he developed JavaScript for the Netscape browser, which later became one of the most widely used scripting languages ​​in the browser. In 1998, Brandon helped found Mozilla.org. After AOL decided to end Netscape's operations in 2003, Brandon helped establish the Mozilla Foundation

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Founder of the Python language

He is the founder of php language! Who are the founders of the worlds popular programming languages?

##The founder of Python was Guido van Rossum in Amsterdam during Christmas in 1989. In order to kill the boredom of Christmas, I decided to develop a new script interpreter as an inheritance of the ABC language. The reason why I chose Python (meaning python) as the name of the programming language was because he was a programmer named Monty Python. Lovers of comedy groups


Guido van Rossum (Guido van Rossum) received a master's degree in mathematics and computer science from the University of Amsterdam in 1982, and in the same year joined CWI, a multimedia organization, as a researcher. In 1989, he founded the Python language. At that time, he was still at CWI (Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, National Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science) in the Netherlands. In early 1991, Python released its first public release. Originally from the Netherlands, Guido immigrated to the United States in 1995 and met his current wife. In early 2003, Guido and his family, including his son Orlijn, born in 2001, were living in the suburbs of Northern Virginia, Washington. They then moved to Silicon Valley and started working at Google in 2005, spending half of their time on Python. Now Guido is working for Dropbox.

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Founder of Perl language

He is the founder of php language! Who are the founders of the worlds popular programming languages?

Perl was originally designed by Larry Wall, who was published on December 18, 1987. Perl borrowed features from C, sed, awk, the shell scripting language, and many other programming languages. The most important feature is its internal integration of regular expression functions and the huge third-party code library CPAN. Perl is called the "Practical Extraction and Report Language". It's a term, not just an abbreviation, and Perl's creator, Larry Wall, came up with the first but soon expanded to the second. That's why "Perl" doesn't have all capital letters. There's no need to argue which one is correct, Larry agrees with both.

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Ruby language founder

He is the founder of php language! Who are the founders of the worlds popular programming languages?

##Ruby, a simple and fast object-oriented (object-oriented programming) scripting language, was developed by the Japanese Yukihiro Matsumoto in the 1990s and complies with the GPL agreement and Ruby License. Yukihiro Matsumoto (everyone calls him Matz.) Matz is a professional programmer who works at the Japanese open source company Netlab. He is also one of Japan's most famous open source evangelists. He has released many open source products, including cmail, an Emacs-based mail client program written entirely in Lisp. Ruby was the first software for which he became famous outside of Japan.

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Founder of Go language

He is the founder of php language! Who are the founders of the worlds popular programming languages?

The Go language was officially announced in November 2009 and became an open source project. It was implemented on Linux and Mac OS X platforms, and was later added to the Windows system. Rob Pike, a senior software engineer at Google, said, "Go allows me to experience development efficiency that I have never experienced before." Pike said that, like today's C++ or C, Go is a system language. He explained, "It allows for rapid development, and at the same time it is a real compiled language, and the reason why we open source it now is because we think it is already very useful and powerful."

Robert is The pioneer of Unix, he was the first to develop Unix at Bell Labs with Ken Thompson and Dennis M. Ritche, and the designer of UTF-8. He also made a small appearance on the evening show of famous American speaker David Letterman, helping a fat man brag and make fun of himself with an honest look on his face. What makes me admire is that Robber was also the silver medalist in archery at the 1980 Olympic Games. He was also a pretty good amateur astronomer, and the gamma-ray telescope he designed was almost used by NASA on the space shuttle. Rob Pike is a former Member of Technical Staff at AT&T Bell Lab and is currently working on operating systems at Google.

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Delphi language founder

1He is the founder of php language! Who are the founders of the worlds popular programming languages?

##Delphi is a well-known rapid application development tool (Rapid Application Development, referred to as RAD) under the Windows platform. Its predecessor was the "Borland Turbo Pascal" that was popular in the DOS era. The earliest version was developed by the American Borland company in 1995. The main creator is Anders Hejlsberg. After several years of development, this product was also transferred to Embarcadero. Delphi is an integrated development environment (IDE). The core used is Object Pascal, which is developed from the traditional Pascal language. It uses the graphical user interface as the development environment, and uses the IDE, VCL tools and compilers to cooperate with the function of connecting to the database. An application development tool centered on object-oriented programming.

Anders Hejlsberg (December 1960~), a Danish native, is the main author of the Turbo Pascal compiler, the father of Delphi, C# and TypeScript, and the founder of ·NET. Born in Copenhagen, Anders Helsberg studied engineering at the Technical University of Denmark but did not graduate. During his college years, he wrote programs for the Nascom microcomputer. He wrote the Blue Label Pascal compiler for the Nascom-2 computer. , in the DOS era, he rewrote this compiler. At that time, he owned a company called Poly Data in Denmark, and he wrote the Compass Pascal compiler core, which was later called Poly Pascal. In 1986 he first met Philippe Kahn.

Founder of Lua language

1He is the founder of php language! Who are the founders of the worlds popular programming languages?

##Lua is a small scripting language. It is a research team at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, composed of Roberto Ierusalimschy, Waldemar Celes and Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo and developed in 1993. It is designed to be embedded in applications to provide them with flexible extensions and customization capabilities. Lua is written in standard C and can be compiled and run on almost all operating systems and platforms. Lua does not provide a powerful library, which is determined by its positioning. Therefore, Lua is not suitable as a language for developing stand-alone applications. Lua has a concurrent JIT project that provides just-in-time compilation capabilities on specific platforms.

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Objective-C language founder

1He is the founder of php language! Who are the founders of the worlds popular programming languages?

Brad Cox is a computer scientist and biomathematician PhD, known for his work in the following areas: software engineering, especially code reuse, software composition, Objective-C. Objective-C was invented by Brad Quess at his company Stepstone in the early 1980s, and is based on a language called SmallTalk-80. Objective-C is built on the C language, which means that it is a new programming language that can create and manipulate objects by adding extensions to the C language.

Yi Language is a language developed by the Chinese. The editor has also specially compiled relevant information for everyone!

Founder of Yi Language

1He is the founder of php language! Who are the founders of the worlds popular programming languages?

##Yi Language is a programming language that uses Chinese as the program code. Known for "easy". The founder is Wu Tao. The name of the early version was E language. The earliest version of Yi Language was released on September 11, 2000. The original intention of creating Yi Language was to practice writing programs in Chinese. From 2000 to the present, Yi Language has developed to a certain scale, with considerable functionality and number of users. In 1990, Wu Tao began to teach himself programming. As one of the earliest shareware authors in China, Wu Tao began the development of shareware in 1994. In 1998, at the invitation of Beijing Qianweitian Company, Wu Tao cooperated with the company to develop CCED2000. It took only half a year to develop a trial version, and later upgraded it to five or six versions in succession. In the long-term development process, although Wu Tao was very proficient in using development tools produced by foreign companies, he was still worried about it. He believes that one of the fundamental reasons hindering the development of the domestic software industry is that the Chinese do not have their own programming language. Although some foreign programming languages ​​have been Chineseized, it is incomplete unless they redevelop an all-Chinese kernel. There are many people who want to learn to write programs to make full use of computer resources flexibly, but they do not understand English, especially computer professional English, making it difficult for people to cross this threshold. In response, Wu Tao began the development of the first all-Chinese programming development system in China - "Easy Language" in early 2000. With rich experience in software development and project management, after a period of hard work, the first version of "Easy Language" was successfully developed. "Easy Language" is especially suitable for school students, who have a very strong thirst for knowledge. The flowchart function provided in the software is largely developed based on this user group.

We are grateful to these people for providing us with these excellent programming languages! pay tribute!

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