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From the PHP recruitment requirements, what should PHP programmers know?

2018-05-19 14:29:4424496browse

About 70% of the top 1 million sites in the world are developed with PHP. It forms a golden partner with Linux/Mysql/Apache/Nginx, etc. Regardless of cost investment and development cycle considerations, PHP is a good choice. s Choice.

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PHP can be used in website development, API interface development, server-side development, advertising system development, internal OA system development, mobile backend development, game development, etc. Especially today with the rapid development of mobile Internet, PHP Get on the machine and return to the ranks of front-line development languages.

At present, many well-known companies in China use PHP as the main development language for Web development. The more representative first-line companies include Digital Factory (360), Wolf Factory (Baidu), Goose Factory (Tencent), Representatives from Cat Factory (Alibaba), Mi Factory (Xiaomi), Dog Factory (Sogou), etc.

The editor of php Chinese website selected the php recruitment requirements of two factories from the professional IT recruitment website Lagou.com.

Alibaba Big Youku Data Strategy Center recruits PHP engineersJob requirements:

1. Have more than 5 years of PHP development experience, Applicants with experience in developing large websites or data centers are preferred;

2. Familiar with at least one non-front-end language (such as Java/C/C++/Python/Ruby), familiar with commonly used development frameworks, and have good programming skills Ability;

3. Have cross-terminal front-end development capabilities, and be proficient in at least one of the three directions of Web (PC+Mobile)/Node.js/Native App. It is better to have more than one. We are encouraged to Exploration on the integration of Native and Web technologies;

4. Proficient in using HTML/CSS/JS, etc.

5. Proficient in basic and commonly used data structure algorithms, and familiar with Mysql database and NoSQL technology;

6. Have good learning ability, strong awareness of time and process, good communication skills and teamwork awareness, strong sense of responsibility, proactive work attitude, and the ability to quickly integrate into the team.

Salary: 15k-25k/Beijing/Five insurances and one fund, supplementary medical care, regular physical examination

##360 Company PHP engineer job requirements:

1 . Proficient in PHP/MySQL development

2. Familiar with JavaScript and some web front-end frameworks, such as Vue.js, AngularJS, etc.

3. Familiar with mainstream PHP frameworks, such as YII, ThinkPHP, etc., and Have at least one development experience

4. Familiar with the management and maintenance of apache/Nginx, redis, and memcached

5. Priority will be given to those interested in JS front-end

6. Have a certain understanding of the distributed field, and have relevant experience in development, debugging or maintenance

7. Have good teamwork spirit, high sense of responsibility, good at communication, down-to-earth, strong ability to withstand pressure, and have rigorous Work attitude

8. Salary: 15k-30k/Beijing/Highly competitive benefits and benefits for the core department

Are the salaries and benefits very attractive? But can you meet their job requirements? You may say that it is difficult for me to get into these big companies.

What are the PHP requirements for general company recruitment? PHP Chinese website believes that the following knowledge and skills must be mastered :

1. HTML+DIV+CSS, if you don’t know these, don’t learn PHP. It means you are not interested in the Internet at all. Unless your PHP code is very good, then you can become a pure post-processor. end developer.
2. PHP basics, needless to say, you must know the basic grammar
3. MySQL, although it was acquired by Oracle, is still very popular up to now; in fact, it doesn’t matter whether you learn mysql or not, the important thing is It depends on whether the SQL you use can be converted or not. The SQL of Oracle, MySQL, DB2 and other databases are basically the same and universal.
4. PDO, people who don’t know this are like they don’t understand Mandarin
5. js, although it is not the job scope of PHP programmers, but many artists don’t know it, so you must know it
6. jQuery , there is nothing to say. It is very simple for people who know js to learn to use jQUERY. The key is that there are many things to remember
7. MVC model, standardized document management will make you feel happy
8. OOP, object-oriented, is said to be comparable to SOA and component-oriented, and it will not mean seeking death. 9. Small modules commonly used in development, such as file download, security processing, calendar control, login registration, shopping cart, User management, generating PDF, exporting excel, etc.
10. Ajax, if you don’t know this, learn it quickly. QQ Space and Sina Weibo are using it. From the application level, there is no technical content, just a few lines of js
11. Smarty, if you study this carefully, you will gradually find that the template mechanism of many open source programs is very similar to this one. You probably copy other people’s codes.
12. Basic code testing, needless to say, Firebug, Google browser, cross-platform testing, code auditing, etc. are necessary
13. You only need to know one of the two version management software, svn and git, but the main one is SVN. You can go to github frequently and composer depends on it. Management is now available in your project.
14. Editors, vi, eclipse, JetBrains PhpStorm, zend studio, editplus, sublime, etc., sublime is relatively lightweight.
15. Familiar with Linux, Linux is the root of PHP. People who put PHP on Windows are just idiots to show off their wealth.
16. Familiar with the source code of three domestic open source series: discuz series (mainly the forum program discuz x and UC modules), cms series (dede and phpcms), shop series (ecshop)
17. I know the frameworks of CI, TP, YII and ZF. The more popular framework laravel now uses a lot of new Technology can be used to practice your skills.
18. Be able to learn, use search engines such as Baidu, and use the resources around you
19. Exclusive folder, commonly used resources, code modules, notes... installed in this can greatly improve work efficiency
20. Keep learning, including PHP and other knowledge. If you are bound by a company or an industry, you will die; don’t think that a technology or a company can support you for a lifetime. The best thing for any person is The important part is still the short section from the neck up
As long as you master the above points, although top companies may not be able to get in, in today's market where talent is king, some development companies with good financing are also good. choose! For example, a certain group, a certain episode, a certain drip, etc., including the now popular Internet financial companies, have also offered very competitive salaries and various generous benefits. Of course, there are also a few wealthy companies. As long as the people are good, they will work even after dark. Don't be afraid! So if you want to learn PHP, learn it now!

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